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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. The F-14A arrives on the 18th. Looking forward to the VF-1 and VF-84 skins.
  2. Yes and I'm enjoying it so far. Do I wish there was a single player mode for the Legends story? Yes but it's not taking away my enjoyment. I've leveling up my Assassin. Then going to move to Ronin class. Played alittle New Game+ as well which deeply welcomed. About to try Doom Eternal: Ancient Gods DLC. From what I'm hearing, it's the modern version of Thy Flesh Consumed and even Plutonium in term of difficulty. I'm sticking with my PC instead of buying a PS5 or Series X. Would like to upgrade my current PCs CPU and eventually considering upgrading the GPU to either a 3070Ti or Radeon 6800 (depending on what I hear about them).
  3. I would have been down with calling the F-32 the Crusader II.
  4. Remaining F-117s have been pretty active over at Tonopah for a few years now and are even participating in Red Flag. There were rumors as well that 4 Nighthawks were involved in missions over Syria a few years ago. Another good shot of one flying out of Nellis apparently.
  5. Well, well. Look who's come to play at Miramar. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/37171/f-117-nighthawks-make-surprise-visit-to-mcas-miramar-in-san-diego
  6. Nice documentary.
  7. Already planning to upgrade my rig to an AMD 4000 series CPU late this year or early next. Interesting stuff coming from Team Green but I'll wait for the inevitable Ti versions of the 3060/3070/3080 come out to think about upgrading from my 1070 Ti.
  8. This was way too good not to share.
  9. Looks like the modern Su-35 as I thought the Su-37 and old 35 had the canards.
  10. I good article on the still "retired" F-117. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/35748/f-117-nighthawks-now-appear-to-be-flying-as-adversaries-in-red-flag-aerial-war-games
  11. Good interview with a prior Tomcat pilot.
  12. Loved that low-pass footage of the Tomcat.
  13. Pretty sure it was. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/check-out-powerful-engine-upgrade-navys-fa-18-super-hornets-and-ea-18g-growlers-are
  14. I remember them back in their earliest incarnation of ZDtv and watching Gamespot TV.
  15. Here is the article on the conversion to the Super Hornet. I'm still hoping to catch one more show with the Blues in the Legacy Hornet but who knows with COVID now. I'm curious if the Blues new Super Bugs also will have the updated engines that the rest of the fleet are getting at the moment. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/35127/the-blue-angels-have-officially-received-their-first-f-a-18e-super-hornet
  16. That's one weird amalgamation of F-22, F-35 and the YF-23.
  17. Okay. Well done on this.
  18. You can buy Flaming Cliffs 3 which gives you multiple aircraft like what was listed already or buy those jets individually. They're not high-fidelity modules like the Tomcat, Hornet and Falcon. There are single player campaigns. Other carrier-based modules I know that are in the works are the F-14A, A-7E, F-8J and (for now) an AI version of the A-6E & KA-6D. You'll pretty much be able to recreate the launch scenes from The Final Countdown movie.
  19. I'm going to assume you rode on the C-130H. My dad flew the C-130H-2 along with the E model Herc for 30 years. Got very accustomed growing up to the noise of Allison turboprop. I'd be curious if the C-130J rides any smoother. Also, this just released.
  20. 6 AIM-120Ds certainly would give the F-35 more punch in A2A capabilities.
  21. I never heard the nickname "Viper" until sometime in the 2000s. The names I only knew it by was Falcon or my dad jokingly calling it, "Lawn Dart". The F-35 already has the nickname "Panther".
  22. So Eagle Dynamics is offering a full month free for all of their modules plus 50% off. The AJS-37 Viggen and F-14B are unfortunately the exception as Heatblur chose to opt-out. Still very much worth checking out.
  23. Doom Eternal badly needs a patch. Finally beat the campaign and went to Mission Select to unlock things I missed. This game randomly crashes to my desktop. I made sure my drivers were up-to-date and even lowered my graphical setting but no changes. It got particularly bad on Exultia when I couldn't even get to the Slayer gate without the game crashing.
  24. Agreed. I've never been a fan of Nomura and still think it's a shame they couldn't bring back Hironobu Sakaguchi to lead up on the story development. I don't know what to think about the big story changes. I'll hold my judgement until I actually get around to playing the Remake. Based on what I've heard, I think I'd of rather Square have focused on fixing the weaknesses in the original story while building it out in other areas. I also wonder if the team hadn't focused so much on artificially padding the game that we could have actually gotten beyond Midgar and seen areas like Kalm, Chocobo Farm and the Mythril Mine.
  25. The new Jill isn't a bad design but Julia Voth will always be my favorite Jill. Not surprised to be hearing many liberties are taken with the FF7R towards the end. They did stretch a section of the game that takes less than 10 hours in the original to 37 hours. Ideally, I hope Square can keep the entire story to no more than 3 games (chapters). Been holding off on a preorder to see what reviews but ofcourse I waited too long and I'll be having to wait an additional week or so before probably getting my hands on it.
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