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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. 11 people and a classic Hunter lost. Just to comment on this. While Strela's are very prevalent, more advanced shoulder launched systems like the SA-18 and 24 are finding their way into these areas. Syria has some of these sophisticated systems and a few have fallen into the hands of ISIS reportedly. The Ukrainian Air Force certainly has had a rude introduction to Igla's. During the Iraq War I think it was reported that the SA-16 (an early Igla) were responsible for a number of downings of US choppers.
  2. I like the idea of the B-1R. I'm not sure still how it would fair in a threat environment where you have S-300s and 400s protecting valued targets. It's seems it's stuck in permanent limbo however or has been shelved in favor of the next-generation B-3.
  3. The NVA air defenses weren't effectively put down due to a number of reasons. Poor visibility due to jungle terrain, the White House putting heavy restrictions on bombing targets to name some. Early in the war, the Ukrainians used Su-25s and Mi-24s quite readily. Now it seems most are grounded from operating in the East due to the high chance of getting mangled by the sea of MANPADS the separatists have now along with some other systems that include Tor's and Buk's. I'm still very curious as to what if anything will fill the gap that the F-15E will leave once it's retired. The F-35 doesn't have the legs for it and the F-22 lacks the storage capacity to be worth it. It's why I thought the YF-23, with some modifications, could be a contender for that role. Northrop apparently pitched this back in 2004 but was shot down.
  4. Depends how far the PRC would go if it carried out a military expansion. We would be obligated militarily to protect Japan and ROK. I don't see the PRC doing this anytime in the near future. China and Russia are still significant threats, especially on the cyber front with state-sponsored hacker groups like APT28 or China's Unit 61398. While I'm not worried about Putin going after NATO border countries, I think he'll continue to poke and prod the West and sew instability among his neighbors who seek to align more with Western powers. I agree with Schizo that radicalized ideology is a threat and will continue to be for a long time. I still think that at some point however, we will be faced with a technology sophisticated adversary. I want us to be prepared for that. Alittle more on topic regarding an upgraded F-20. I mentioned this before, throw in the latest avionics, an F414 powerplant and AIM-9X capability; you have the best QRF aircraft in existence.
  5. Make it happen Capcom. Also, as a DCS player. I'm incredibly stoked to see this in the works. Especially from the people that did the MiG-21bis. http://www.leatherneck-sim.com/f14/
  6. More bad luck for the Russian air force. http://www.defensenews.com/story/defense/2015/07/14/russia-tu-95-crash/30130517/ Considering the age and supposedly poor safety standards (I'm not an expert on Russian standards), flying these aircraft is just inviting increased incidents like this. I was alittle surprised to read of an Su-34 crash recently aswell.
  7. I imagine it's sensors and weapons like the AIM-9X and AIM-120D will off-set the F-35s lack of agility. And yes, I agree the F designation is deceiving although it's not as apparent as with the F-117. It was too ambitious imo but too much has been invested into this aircraft to ease off. I'd also like to add advances in Infra-Red detection to the list of threats that can compromise it.
  8. Interesting article. http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/the-f-35-cant-beat-the-plane-its-replacing-in-a-dogfigh-1714712248
  9. Always loved the ocean paint scheme of the F-2 and it looks awesome on a Raptor. What is that on the wing hardpoint, a Meteor?
  10. That AIM-9X launch.
  11. Metal Gear is set in 1995, not '87. Liked the playable demo but I'm still curious. Did Konami remove weapon licenses from its budget? I was surprised to see them not even use AK for the Kalashnikov's the Soviet troops are using or SVD for that matter. I hope this is changed in the final product.
  12. I'm looking forward to seeing where this fits into the Ico/SoTC world and if there will be any references in-game to those events. It was known that Shadow of the Colossus was a prequel to Ico and that Ico was a decedent of Wander. It'll be interesting unraveling the story in this.
  13. Which Lockheed aircraft are you? http://www.lockheedmartin.com/us/news/features/2015/aircraft-quiz.html?utm_content=sf10018342&utm_medium=spredfast&utm_source=linkedin&utm_campaign=Lockheed+Martin&sf10018342=1 I got the P-3.
  14. Was the white PS4 a limited edition? Been looking around for one and can't find them new anywhere, atleast not for a reasonable price.
  15. I'm looking forward to seeing what Cosmo Canyon, and Wutai are going to be like. FF7 wasn't my first introduction to Final Fantasy although it did get me hooked back into the series after briefly playing 6. Not one of those fans that thinks VII is the end all be all of the series. I keep hoping to see Syphon Filter make a return as I thought the games (1 and 2) were pretty good but sort of fell into the shadow of MGS.
  16. Lol at the Shenmue 3 reaction. I can only imagine what the reaction will be if Half-Life 3 is ever finally confirmed.
  17. Yep, I need to get a PS4. This along with Battlefront I think finally are going to make budge on joining the current consoles.
  18. I too remember drooling over screenshots of the Sega CD in gaming mags, and how badly I wanted to play Sonic CD from the screenshots revealed then. I saw the shots of Sonic and Metal Sonic in the animated highway chase sequence. Something I wouldn't be able to do till many years later.
  19. Does anyone have experience with AEM dryflow air filters? Looking to get something higher quality than the FRAM paper filters and not oiled. I'm not expecting to get more power or better MPG, just something that will last longer.
  20. Had a Genesis as a kid so I ended up being a bigger Sega fan at the time. I played the absolute hell out of Sonic 2, Jurassic Park, Road Rash 2 and 3, and Ecco the Dolphin. My opinion on the SNES changed alittle when I went to my cousins and got to experience FF3 (VI) Secret of Mana and Super Mario World.
  21. Nice video. It's one of those designs I've been iffy about but could see growing on me. The GT86 is back, now a properly light Miata again. Now come on Toyota, bring back the MR2 Turbo.
  22. Mazda's current platforms are hit or miss with me. I like the overall designs of the Mazda 3 and 6 but with cars like the 3, I thought they overdid it on the front-section. I don't know why they designed the hood to be so long and it's one piece that bothers me about the 3rd Gen Mazda 3 as opposed to the 1st and 2nd Gen. The 1st gen Mazda 3 in my opinion is still probably the best looking compact car Mazda has made yet. I agree on the Miata. I'm mixed on the looks but like the direction they took technically. Just need them revive the RX-7.
  23. Yeah, interest for this movie is dropping. Wonder why the Triceratops are so chill with a weird glass ball rolling through their nest.
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