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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Watch Chapter 3 DLC get released for a $25 - $30 charge. And I'd probably buy it too.
  2. Honestly, if it meant getting a complete game that met Kojima's vision, I probably wouldn't have minded waiting another 6 months to a year as ridiculous as that sounds. I got a sinking feeling that something like this could happen after Silent Hills was canned. Maybe it would have been asking too much but I would have loved to have run into actual firefights in the Afghan map between Soviet forces and Mujhadeen.
  3. I thoroughly enjoyed the mission where you have to stop Soviet vehicles from reaching the end of the map after leveling up my Fulton. Using decoys to stop the vehicles, sneaking up and hoisting BTRs and tanks away was quite satisfying.
  4. That's what I like about V. The game doesn't really punish you for killing someone. There are obvious advantages to tranqing enemy soldiers but in rare instances, I like being able to freely go lethal without my rank being hurt as in previous games.
  5. Ofcourse, it's RT. I found Waldo in that picture but no Draken either. Also, I love the Su-47. Wish the Russians would have made it a production aircraft.
  6. When the Skulls appear, just go up to the truck. It'll start a reflex mode once the Skulls see you but they'll disappear for a moment, giving you time to Fulton the truck. I also would employ C4 in certain spots and lure the Skulls to that location to detonate.
  7. That didn't stop them in 4 with the high number of licensed weapons in it.
  8. I did it pretty much the same way but fulton'd the truck first, then the tanks. Called D-Horse and got the hell out of there. Something I didn't come to realize till I finished the game.
  9. The Su-24 has certainly seen better days from the recent pictures of it. Also, I'm surprised to see footage of the Su-25SM operating at night. I thought the TM could operate at night but thought the SM lacked the IR sight as part of Russia's budget saving. Also, a Herc crashed in Afghanistan due to unknown causes so far. Taliban claims they shot it down.
  10. From what's being reported, US air operations in Northern Syria will continue. Won't be surprised if F-22s have to be used regularly for escorting sorties very soon.
  11. Apparently 6 Su-34 Fullback's have arrived in Syria now. Combining the Su-25s, 24s and Su-30s, that's quite a strike force. http://www.businessinsider.com.au/the-russian-military-buildup-continues-as-6-fighter-jets-arrive-in-syria-after-taking-a-roundabout-path-2015-9
  12. Very interesting stuff. This is why I'd love to see Metal Gear and MG2 get remakes. As unlikely as those prospects are.
  13. And the F-22 is still stuck having to rely the 30 year old AIM-9M. Hopefully for not much longer. Regarding that pick. Looking close enough, those Flanker's are Su-30s with the canards. They've also apparently flown in a squadron of Hind's.
  14. Finally finished the main story. After thinking about it overall, I thought it wasn't as bad as alot have said. I loved the game through and through but it gave me a big Xenogears vibe in the end as far as finished product. As far as MGS plots, Snake Eater still takes the crown as the best story in the series IMO.
  15. ^This. Hearing Snoopy however brings out my inner kid alittle everytime.
  16. The skies over Syria could be getting crowded. http://www.voanews.com/content/russia-eyeing-payoff-military-buildup-syria/2968799.html
  17. I remember seeing shots of F-22s with externals next to a Tu-95. Look like F-22s have also just been deployed to Estonia as a reassurance factor to the Baltic states. Old promo video of the F-16. Interesting how much this fighter has evolved.
  18. To second the above post, definitely check the cassettes. Found myself devoting 15-20 minutes listening to the ones I missed. Only about 10% into the game so far enjoying quite abit. It's basically everything I wanted out of MGS3 and 4 in terms of scope and flexibility. Got abit of a chuckle from some of the weapon name changes, like Honey Bee in place of Stinger.
  19. Interesting how they went from this veritech like Metal Gear to the TX-55. This basically. I actually gave up trying to understand the technology with RAY and even how that thing could stand up on the stubs it called feet. REX actually seems technically feasible by comparison.
  20. So something like this but inside instead of out.
  21. How I would like to see Kojima form his own company and call it Outer Heaven. Then hire on as many from Team Silent and bring Silent Hills back under a different name.
  22. Staying away from any of the reviews. I want to go in with a clean slate.
  23. Less than a week to go. Awesome trailer and tribute to the series. I know it's Metal Gear Solid but still would have been nice to see MG and MG2 included.
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