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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Wouldn't be surprised if the next-gen fighter gets F-44. (Let's go Wing Commander on it.) As for the DoDs new and very expensive boomerang. I like Wraith as mentioned above, or bring back the Blackbird name.
  2. Good enough. Also. Never seen a Raptor engine start up.
  3. Are there any advantages or disadvantages between the P&W F100 -229 and the GE F110 GE-129? They seem to both output around 29,000. I was curious as to why the Block 40 and 50 F-16s use the GE plant while the Block 52 uses the Pratt.
  4. Wasn't sold on the initial trailer for Doom but this has me very interested now. Love the old school monster redesigns, especially the Cacodemon.
  5. The FR-S is supposed to be the successor to the Corolla GT86. I'd like to see a cheap sporty coupe like the Celica return though. Maybe a turbo'd 4WD GT-Four make a return aswell.
  6. A nice look inside an A-10C.
  7. I was meh with the AC7 trailer. I've been hoping they'd go back to the AC3 timeline.
  8. I'm glad to see Hamill and Davies back working together in this game.
  9. Plus what crew would complain when you have a sleeping compartment behind you.
  10. Maybe for the Mig-41. I have to admit, for as strange as the Su-34 looks with its platypus nose, it's really grown on me as a decent looking fighter/bomber.
  11. Yeah. Not digging the new NSX at all. Seeing it as a heavy AWD hybrid just feels wrong.
  12. Still doubt the PAK FA produces an RCS near as small as the F-22s. The issue facing the F-22 right now is slow development. Not receiving the helmet-mounted display till 2020 or the AIM-120D for another 3 years.
  13. Good footage of a PAK FA demo from MAKS.
  14. Can agree that the FIA has been screwing things over for the past decade. Reading about how the FIA want to strike a balance between what fans want and what companies want in showcasing their technology is abit amusing. Group B came closest to meeting that goal when you had what was then state-of-the-art material and tech going into the cars while getting ridiculously large crowds.
  15. Agreed. I've tried to follow it at times. The cars have no identity anymore and the sport is dominated essentially by one driver (once Loeb, now Ogier). Even current F1 has had more interesting results during a season.
  16. Hmm, love the Lancia Delta. Makes me glad they're finally changing the WRC regulations in 2017. I stopped following the sport after they moved to the subcompact cars and away from the 2.0L engines.
  17. Closest out there is of the missile already cruising past folks with a camera. I always thought it would be very subtle with the missile descending to cruising altitude. The Tu-95s are dropping Kh-55s from what I've read. Can't tell what the Blackjack's are dropping. Russia has been using Syria as abit of a test arena for newer weapons (Su-30SM, Su-34, Kalibr missile)
  18. They did post better footage of the bombing operation. Interesting how the Bear and Tu-160 used standoff cruise missiles while the Tu-22Ms got to drop dumb bombs.
  19. No plans to swap in an SR20? Very nice 240 though. Used to gush about wanting own one during college. (thanks Initial D)
  20. The Tu-22 and Tu-160 are quite a sight during a night takeoff I'd imagine in person.
  21. Russia apparently brought out the big guns. I'm actually surprised the Tu-160 got used. The first 45 seconds put a smile on my face.
  22. So, does anyone have 425k to throw down on a jet? Updated avionics included. http://bringatrailer.com/2015/11/02/double-delta-airworthy-saab-j35-draken-fighter-jet/
  23. Hornet's at the ball.
  24. Now if it could be licensed the GE F100 132 engine, the V would be just beastly.
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