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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. This is a link to the online Q&A done with a Tomcat pilot and he does touch on the Tomcat 21 a few times. It's lengthy but an interesting read. The folks asking the questions are primarily flight simmers so excuse some of the stranger questions. https://www.reddit.com/r/hoggit/comments/4u84dc/im_a_former_f14bd_and_fa18f_pilot_ama/ The most interesting point I found made about the F-14, especially the D was that it didn't require support infrastructure. I can only imagine that the Tomcat 21 would have just amplified those capabilities. Also, on F-35 news. https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/usaf-declares-f-35a-ready-for-limited-combat-428138/
  2. Didn't know the F-14s underside could accommodate 4 AIM-7s. I always thought it was configured for the AIM-54 specifically or other heavy munitions.
  3. I like the navalized Typhoon but not so much the skijump idea. Britain needs to bring back the catapult carrier.
  4. Read an interview done with a Tomcat pilot recently who flew the F-14B and D along with the Super Bug. As stated, the Tomcat was tough to maintain, especially the older A models but even the newly built F-14Ds had their issues he confirmed. From a business perspective, he preferred the Super Hornet just because of its multirole capabilities but from a pure pilot's perspective, the F-14 won hands down as the better aircraft to fly.
  5. Hmm. Interesting engine note the F135 produces on the first flyby.
  6. I find the idea of a AI support system far more appealing than a pure AI controlled craft, particularly since no firewall or other cyberspace security measure is infallible. Plus with advances in missile capabilities (AIM-9X, Python 5 for example) and electronic countermeasures, having a hyper-maneuverable aircraft seems unnecessary.
  7. I used to think the number of F-16 designations with the number of export versions were confusing until I looked up all of the domestic and export variants of various Migs and Su's. The number of MiG-21 and MiG-23 (MiG-27 not included) variants is tough to remember. It's seems like the Su-30SM could become an intermediate replacement for the Soviet-era spec Su-27s still flying with how slow the upgrades are going to the SM.
  8. Always thought the Victor along with the Hawker Hunter were the best looking British aircraft of the jet age. Also, I'm always interested in seeing close up footage of the Raptor. Still using the AIM-9M so they must be Block 20 Raptors. (Is unsure of how quick the upgrade process is going to the Blk 30.)
  9. I recall reading a story about a former Soviet pilot stating these kind of flybys are even a step above what they did in the Cold War, atleast in the mid-to late 80s. As for the F-16E Block 60s. I realize it can't be contracted to any other country and not stating we should even try for it. I thought the specs of the F-16V however presented a more realistic upgrade for atleast a portion of our Viper fleet, if the budget is ever there.
  10. I like to think of the Gripen as what the Tigershark could have been with even more up-to-date avionics.
  11. I like the Gripen but I still think the Swedes would have been wiser to have designed a medium fighter as their Viggen successor.
  12. I know the idea of somehow acquiring the Block 60 F-16 is popular. There is also the F-16V which could be a more realistic upgrade for the current F-16C fleet. You don't get the uprated GE engine but that APG-83 and Sniper pod would give the Viper a nice capability boost.
  13. Saw the same report and I agree, it's a sad sight to see.
  14. Block 60s would be nice, especially to replace the remaining Block 30s and 40s still operating but not sure if it would be possible. As for the JSF, if lobbying really never factored in, I'd can both the F-35B and C and cutback on the As. Continue upgrading the Super Hornet while looking for a next generation platform solution for the Navy and USMC.
  15. Very cool animation of the J58.
  16. Some outstanding photos taken of the 493rd Grim Reapers. http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/this-photo-tour-of-the-usafs-grim-reapers-f-15-squadr-1739746754?utm_medium=sharefromsite&utm_source=Foxtrot_Alpha_facebook
  17. Or better yet, an F-14D with AIM-9X and AIM-120D capability. If you can configure the underside pylons to carry a pair AMRAAMs each, you have quite an arsenal then.
  18. Indeed although they were designed with two different roles in mind. The Rafale being a multirole aircraft while the 4000 was a dedicated air superiority fighter. The only thing I do wish had also carried over were the more powerful SNECMA M53 engines.
  19. Beautiful birds, especially the Mirage III and Kfir. It's a shame the Mirage 4000 was never given much of a chance given its capabilities from what I read.
  20. It's not as if they threw away the parts and moldings for building more Raptor's. Hopefully Congress can take its head out of its 'you know where' for once on this matter but that's the tricky part.
  21. Good video. I realize that it doesn't matter what kind of aircraft your flying, landing a pitching deck is very hard. I can't imagine what it was like in the 50s and early 60s with aircraft like the F3 Demon and F-8 Crusader.
  22. Just looked up the Ford and was happy to see "CVN-80 Enterprise".
  23. If Toyota introduces it to forced-induction, it might gain my interest. I'll take a new MX-5 over an FR-S/BRZ though. For some snap-oversteer goodness.
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