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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. It would be interesting to convert the F-15 into what we saw in Patlabor 2. That said with the AIM-120D, the Eagle will have twice the reach by 2018. Doesn't F-15C use the older P&W F100 -220s where the Strike Eagle got the more powerful -229? I do like the idea of creating an F-15C+ with GE F110s or even P&W -229s.
  2. More upgrades for the F-15C. http://www.scout.com/military/warrior/story/1697094-air-force-revs-up-f-15-electronic-war-tech?s=10 Because we can't replace the Eagle fleet with Raptor's so we'll keep upgrading them till a 6th generation fighter comes along.
  3. Was cheering for the Indians but congrats to the Cubs on ending their century long drought. Maybe seeing a division rival win it will motivate the Pittsburgh Pirates' stingy ownership to open up the piggy bank to create World Series contender but I'm not holding my breath.
  4. To me, it comes off as more of an interceptor/anti-AWACS craft than a fighter. That's atleast what I'm wagering it was designed for. To aid in area-denial efforts, particularly to support aircraft. It's a Mig-31 with stealth features.
  5. The F-14 is used more as an AWACS in the IRIAF from what I've read in the past. It's also uncertain if the AIM-54As Iran has have been refurbished and are still functional as extended storage wasn't kind to US inventory Phoenix's.
  6. Doubt the A-7F would have been in direct competition with the A-10. It would have been competing with the F-16 and Legacy Hornet.
  7. I doubt the top speed of the A-7F was as important as the difference in acceleration it would have had over the A-7D and E. Back in the early 90s, I lived outside Rickenbacker Airbase and there was a Guard unit of A-7s there. I remember always seeing them fly over the house as a kid. Kind of miss those birds. And I agree, the A-6 was a good looking bird and carried a ridiculous bomb load to boot. Great in bad weather and night. Would have been interesting to see one with a modern loadout of SDBs and JDAMs.
  8. Yeah. I think the A-6F Intruder II would have also been great if it had become reality. Would have solved many of the A-6Es shortcomings.
  9. The A-6 was another bird that didn't age too well either.
  10. Cool podcast with a former Tomcat pilot.
  11. Was really saddened when I read one of the crew didn't make it. I wonder what their altitude was when they ejected.
  12. Hmm. I was hoping for Ghosthawk or Wraith.
  13. I think even uprated -129 engines would have been adequate. Don't think the F-14 needed to be Flanker or Raptor agile. I think further updates to the APG-71 (AESA capability) and IRST along with an actual replacement for the AIM-54 would have made the cat a nightmare adversary for any opposing air force into the 21st century.
  14. Great video. Remember watching a few months ago. The Evo 9 has been on my radar for awhile. The tough part is finding one stock and that's been treated well.
  15. Alot of the issues that plagued the AIM-54 when used in actual combat were due to extended periods in storage from I've read. In testing, the missile was quite successful. If the AIM-152 AAAM had become a reality, they would have had a missile with the same range but much less weight.
  16. Nice GTI. As for the RX-9. Will be interesting to see what direction they take the engine, whether naturally aspirated or they go the forced-induction route as with the FC and FD RX-7. I'd love to see Mazda solve the apex seal issue and as well as improve fuel economy. Also waiting to see what Honda has going for the S2000 successor.
  17. LOL. Very true. Looking at the Thunderchief shot. I thought that was a JASSM above the Thud's wing. Also, I was surprised that missile had such a turbulent development as the Navy is sticking with the SLAM-ER.
  18. I imagine the production F-23 would have used a single glass cockpit and probably had a revised nose to accommodate the APG-77. Apparently, Chuck Yeager doesn't like either the 35 or the 22. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-air-force-legend-general-142648567.html
  19. Perhaps we'll get in the 6th generation fighter as Northrop seems interested in using the YF-23 for inspiration on its next fighter, if it ever comes to fruition. I had no idea the AIM-120D could reach out that far. I thought it's effective range was around 60-65nm where as the AIM-120C-7's range was around 35. Also, I figure a long-range missile would need to be carried externally and if fitted to an F-22, would need a special pod that mounts to the wing to keep the Raptor's RCS down.
  20. Yep, the B and C use gunpods. The other good thing is the AIM-120D should be entering service around or alittle after the C enters active duty. I still hope they develop a true long-range interceptor missile, even if it has to be based on the current Standard Missile-3.
  21. Navy's pushing hard to get the F-35C carrier ready. https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/us-navy-makes-f-35c-carrier-qualification-push-428594/ The F-35C is still my favorite. It just looks better with the wing extensions.
  22. You'd think an advanced race would be wise enough culturally to know that just dropping in on a primitive species with no attempt at communication would spark a panic of some sort. Even communicating some basic math would be sufficient.
  23. Compared to the AIM-120C? Yes. Range with the AIM-120D is about the same though.
  24. I haven't seen an RE film in theater since the 2nd one. Doubt that's going to change from seeing this trailer.
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