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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. I'll leave this here.
  2. The A-10 and Su-25 also benefit from basically being flying tanks. Although I don't know if they intend to send the OA-X anywhere they could face anti-aircraft fire beyond small arms. The A-29 is being used by the Iraqi Air Force to much success I've been reading. The T-50A would be nice, cost-effective compliment to the F-16C and F-35, and replace some Viper ANG squadrons. The F404 provides ample thrust for such a light airframe, and there will always be the option to upgrade to the F414. Finding a replacement for the F-15C is another bear in itself as the only effective alternative had its production cut short and the chance of that being changed is almost zero now it seems. I imagine they'll try to fill the void with upgraded F-16s, F-35s or drones until the 6th generation fighter comes along.
  3. I know of the F/A-50. The T-50A is more in the F-5 Tiger II class of light fighter. It looks like what the F-20 Tigershark could have been. I agree, it would have been great for the ANG and even Reserves. There hasn't been much word on the OA-X program unfortunately. I actually like the A-29 Super Tucano but worry about lack of speed even if it's meant for pure COIN missions. In that regard, the Scorpion may be the best contender. Also, this is going to be interesting. http://www.defensenews.com/digital-show-dailies/air-force-association/2017/09/18/fate-of-a-10-f-15-to-be-decided-this-fall/?platform=hootsuite
  4. All the problems of cost make me glad we are working on finding a dedicated light attack aircraft (OA-X) to help support the A-10. I think we missed an opportunity shelving the T-50A for a Light fighter though.
  5. I really hope they're finding ways to keep the weight down on these new HMD helmets. Hate to start reading reports about pilots having neck problems. Also a good read on the Super Hornet pilots account who shot down a Syrian Su-22 back in June. Was hearing alot about the AIM-9X being decoyed by the Fitter but from the pilots account, it seems the Sidewinder simply malfunctioned. http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/14344/heres-the-definitive-account-of-the-syrian-su-22-shoot-down-from-the-pilots-themselves
  6. Now just bring the F-23 back redesigned as a fighter/bomber and you've got all your 5th generation angles covered. The F-35 has grown on me especially after learning more about its real capabilities. I still think a redesigned twin-engined version for the Navy would have been a better route for the F-35C. The F-35A is fine as a single engined. Also..
  7. A spinning whirlwind of Nope!
  8. From what I read, it was proposed but certainly seems like nothing came of it. Commented on it before but retiring the F-111 and dropping the FB-22 certainly revealed a gap in the Air Force's arsenal that the Mud Hen struggles to fill.
  9. China, Russia and to a growing extent, Iran have capabilities that may not be able to match the F-22 and F-35, they may not need to in order to hinder operational capacity. In a fluid RL situation, adversaries would be looking squarely at support aircraft like tankers and AWACS to take them out of the battle. Russia certainly possesses some real threatening weapons that can do that in the S-300/400 platforms along with newer AA missiles like the R-37 being touted by MiG-31s. In the event that an AWACS is knocked out, the F-35 might be able to help fill in. Unless I'm grossly overestimating it's sensor suite.
  10. I was making a quip about what helps a heavy class fighter like the Su-35 turn so well. I doubt either Flanker-E or the F-35 will ever meet in RL combat. Besides, the F-35 would have to have F-22s covering it anyway. To me, the F-35 is a data-link node that can also drop bombs and defend itself. It is in it's own class altogether. Also as I recall, they never intended the F-22 to fill-in for the F-15E as the proposed FB-22 never took off which is unfortunate in my view. The F-22 can carry x2 GBU-32s which sort of makes it a supercruising F-117.
  11. Comparing an apple to a watermelon there. Having two engines with thrust vector nozzles plus a large wing area make a noticeable difference. Weight does factor in when you have to consider how much the engine has to work to keep the plane at a good speed while remaining efficient.
  12. True but it's still a porker. In the same size class as the F-16 but weighing nearly as much as an F-15.
  13. Su-57 Flechette; Foil or Foxtail to add more. I have to admit, "Flintlock" is a good one. There are quite few design q's I see influenced from the YF-23 in the 57. The one area that hurts it's stealthiness are the conventional engine exhausts.
  14. I recall the Russian were also not particularly fond of "Firkin" for the defunct Su-47. Come on MiG. You're slacking. Where is that Mig-41? If "Flipper" is taken. I change my vote to Su-57 "Flaccid". Also looked up the Flipper and yeah, F-Zero, you're right. Ye-152.
  15. I'm voting for Flipper. That codename will piss the RuAF off.
  16. So the PAK FA now has a name. Been designated Su-57. I was expecting Su-50 or 51 but whatever. Looking forward to the NATO callsign.
  17. While also sporting an abysmal combat radius and poor weapons loadout. To be fair, I think it's amazing they've built their Su-34 fleet up to such a formidable size in such a short period of time.
  18. Picturing them building something akin to the Yak-41 with alot of modernizations.
  19. The Super Hornet landing and taking off the new Gerald Ford. Wow, that's alot of extra deck space.
  20. I wondered why he had to get so close to the bombers before firing as I thought the Spitfire carried the 20mm cannon then did research and realized it was the variant with 8x .303 guns only.
  21. Thought the movie was excellent. Yes I enjoyed the dogfight scene's the most but hearing the Ju 87s siren did have me gripping my armrest tighter with how loud they were.
  22. It's always interesting watching this heavy bird and the stunts it can pull.
  23. Nice. Since were now on the topic of engine exhaust.
  24. First WRC season I've actually been paying attention to in awhile. But it's also the first season in awhile that the champion may not have the name Sebastion. The sport still has room to improve but I like what I'm seeing. Hoping more manufacturer's enter the fray. I'm looking at you Subaru.
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