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Everything posted by blackthought

  1. Thanks for the wonderful pics as well..
  2. blackthought

    1/60 Gbp

    Picture Courtesy of MW member slaxed.
  3. HI gqhaha, For the pic of the valk with its arsenal laid out, may i trouble u to take another shot BUT with the nose cone on pls..I simply love the shot and it makes a great wall paper. Nice photo taking skills. Cheers
  4. Hi there, just wondering if there are any hidden easter eggs in the Australian set and if so, how do u access them? Any help is very much appreciated. Cheers!
  5. I luv the eye..
  6. Singapore too..residing at bukit panjang.
  7. Haha..nope..$285 Singapore dollars $285 SGD ~ $167 USD..
  8. Lolz..i just got splinter cell for ps2 yesterday... enjoying it immensely...got to finish this fast then
  9. 1/48 --> 3
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