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Everything posted by Falconkpd

  1. Anyone else hoping for an Arcadia reissue like I am?
  2. Figured this could help, too!
  3. Glad to help
  4. One more thing! Instead of making a fabric cover for the life preserver, you can use this to cover it and look even more legit! http://www.ebay.com/itm/LPU-9-P-Pilot-Life-Preserver-Cover-Container-NEW-Fighter-Pilot-USAF-US-NAVY-/171038529677?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27d2b0d88d
  5. Looking awesome! What you could do for the (for a lack of a better term) crotch harness...part (?), maybe wear a pistol belt over it to keep it more secured and add a a bit of a complex look to the harness system. I can't wait to see the final product. By the way, this is the ebay auction that sells the patches http://www.ebay.com/itm/Set-Robotech-Embroidered-Patches-Roy-Focker-Skull-Squadron-Valkyrie-Rick-Hunter-/171150739472?pt=Model_Kit_US&hash=item27d9610810
  6. Ejection harness came in.
  7. Are you planning on doing Aegis Focker or Leon Sakaki from the games?
  8. The Thunderbolt FTW! Oh yeah- I got the patches on my flightsuit
  9. You know, you could keep the TV helmet and say you are an F203 / F/A-20 pilot...
  10. A VF-5000 might be cool I'd even buy a VF-0 if they did a V2 version that fixed some of the V1's problems.
  11. Lol, I was referring to the Digital Mission VF-X paint scheme that the first issue of the VF-4 came with. People say it's rather plain, but I like it.
  12. Reissue the VF-4 at a lower price (maybe in a different paint scheme? I don't mind the VF-X scheme, myself)
  13. Oh nice! I reenact regular infantry, so I normally have to just stick with wools instead of fancy-shmancy cotton jump uniforms, but hey... I'm the shmuck on the left
  14. So, there's no chance of something like this happening on the East coast is there? If I had the money I would go but...Such is life as a college student
  15. Macross Zero Roy Focker cosplay REDUX (In Progress) NEEDED -flight suit (X) -G-suit (X) -Combat boots (X) -MA-2 Torso Harness (ordered) -football pads and craft foam -Flight gloves -Helmet (still trying to figure this one out) -UN and SVF-1 patches (X)
  16. Wait...M42 jump uniform? I'm a WWII reenactor myself!
  17. Well come on, let's see you wearing it I just scored a US navy ejection harness by the way. I'll be incorporating that into my design for sure.
  18. Well, I must say that in the X number of months that I posted this, I've found quite the awesome Macross roleplay where I've gotten a chance to develop my character and such. The thing is, I had to change a lot of his background because this RP takes place in the early 2050s, before Frontier. At least I get an excuse to draw Oisin in a VF-X style flight suit (known officially as the TSV-40 Mk.I) Name: Oisin "Mouse" Sealgaire Age: 19 Height: 6' Weight: 190 lbs Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Race: Human Ethnicity: Irish-American Rank: UN Ensign (January 2053-March 2054), UN LT. JG (March 2054), UN Lieutenant (June 2054, battlefield commission upon death of CO) Squadron: SVF-106 "Gladiators" (off of "Battle 16/Battle Horizon") Aircraft: VF-11C Thunderbolt, VF-19C Excalibur If anyone is interested in the RP, here's the website: http://macrossnewhorizon.org/
  19. Gladly, once I get home from college for a weekend, that is! XD I also plan on redoing the helmets. I'd like to do a full face mask design and I even managed to get my hands on some clear gas mask faceplates that are PERFECT for a "space helmet" design By the way, 505th, pilots normally wear regular black GI boots. These are jungle boots (which ironically are banned from pilot use for some reason), which as long as you keep the G-suit bloused over the anklets, should work. Not too expensive, either! http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mens-Boots-Jungle-GI-Type-Black-Tactical-Combat-Military-Work-Shoes-Sizes-6-13-/251334215999
  20. Sweet! I just got my mitts on a G-suit and I'm bidding on a US Navy MA-2 Torso harness. I'm also going to get a set of football pads to mod like you did. Hopefully this'll work out.
  21. Do we have any updates by any chance?
  22. You've done me a great service, my friend. OH! I just found an awesome pic of my Michel Blanc cosplay online today. Next time I'm getting a wig instead of gelling my hair. That was brutal and it made my normally bright hair darker Q~Q http://25.media.tumblr.com/ac39178093eafb87c6fa4d5f88b90263/tumblr_mshfs9xbWv1sn809zo2_1280.jpg
  23. What I would love to do is put together a TSV-40 flight suit, or as most might call it, the VF-X flight suit. http://www.macrossnewhorizon.org/mediawiki/images/thumb/6/62/TSV-40-Mk1.jpg/148px-TSV-40-Mk1.jpg The only thing is, there's not too much lineart of it that I could find, so I might end up substituting some parts with the Macross Plus flight suit designs.
  24. Ach- if only I lived out in California or this were closer. I'd be there in a heartbeat. This is probably the only con that would get the VF-X pilot cosplay I'm trying to put together
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