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Everything posted by Falconkpd

  1. Hope you don't mind if I throw my doujinshi up here. It's a short start for a series, but I hope you all like it! It can be read at either deviantart or tumblr. tumblr- http://the-valkyrie-hangar.tumblr.com/post/100527054783/macross-elysium-chapter-one-read-western-style Deviantart- http://kylefalconkpd.deviantart.com/gallery/51587732/Macross-Elysium I hope to hear what you guys think! This is my first Macross fan comic.
  2. FalconKPD makes his long awaited retu- *Slapped* Really, though, I can't wait to hear the MWcon podcast.
  3. I see you snagged one of the Masei helmets! Very cool, man. I'm working right now to build my next flight suit; the one from Do You Remember Love? for Macrossworld con. Your flight suit looks GREAT!
  4. Thanks for the positive feedback, everyone! I've got a Regult I plan to use sometime soon!
  5. So I'm a fan of the recent Ace Combat's damage model system called "Steel carnage". I had a few Hasegawa models lying around and I thought, "why not blow them up in Photoshop?". So that's what I did. I'm going to do more of these in the future because it's fun making metal bleed! Follow me as I post more of these on my tumblr and Deviantart! http://the-valkyrie-hangar.tumblr.com/ http://kylefalconkpd.deviantart.com/
  6. I should be going this year. I'll either be in my Macross Zero flight suit or a DYRL flight suit if it's done by then.
  7. I'm still not over it.
  8. If you scroll through your target map in game, you can actually find the building Elvis is in and blow it up if I recall correctly.
  9. So applying the above logic to the DYRL? Kamjin situation, in some continuities, Kamjin died, while in say, the Macross 2036 continuity, he survived his wounds. EVERYONE WINS!
  10. Am I the only one who really wants the Digital Mission paint scheme? I mean, I love the FB2012 colors, but there's something unique about one based on a game.
  11. What about the packs used in Operation: "Stargazer"? http://www.macross2.net/m3/macross7/vf-11c-superatmosphere/vf-11c-superatmosphere-fighter.gif
  12. Didn't Kawamori recently just say that "everything is canon and nothing is canon" or something along those lines?
  13. I would love to see the film again if you are able to recover it.
  14. I've posted this in other places, but I figured I might as well add it here for others to see. I recently finished my Macross Zero flightsuit. Lemme know what you think!
  15. Thank you for the kind words! 505th and I seem to be going about this in a few different ways, I've noticed. I've taken a few canonical liberties in the flight suit, having gotten an actual MA-2 ejection harness whereas he's making something more akin to what you see on screen. It's been fun building this thing alongside him. I'm glad you like it! I would've done a bad ass picture with the helmet on, but to be honest, it really doesn't look that great on me. It's got DYRL? proportions and looks WAY too big on my head, I'm afraid. I'm gonna go back to the drawing boards and maybe even convert this helmet to a DYRL? one before going back and making a new Zero helmet
  16. Better background acquired!
  17. So Yeah. Here it is. I need to find a better background XD
  18. The best foam to use for this kind of thing is actually that thick foam padding for gym floors. You can get it at Sports Locker for like, $30 USD per pack. It's really strong and works well with hot glue. What you do is mold it with a hair dryer or heat gun. It works wonders for a decent price! By the way, I finished my shoulder pads with my ejection rig. They don't light up, but they look pretty damned good in my opinion. I'll post the completed costume sometime later tonight
  19. A VF-1X might be cool. They wouldn't need a new mold, for it either.
  20. There's Motorcycle helmet under all that craft foam and stuff, but hey, I've got a budget As far as the shoulder rig is going, one side is done. I can't afford to put lights in it now, so for now, they are just painted yellow. I'll post pics when completed Here's a better view of the skull atop the helmet.
  21. Okay, so this is still a WIP, but it's starting to look like a legit Macross helmet... However, I gave it a few DYRL design cues to go along with the Zero aesthetics because...That's how I roll? More to come as I work on it!
  22. (Actually SFW, I forgot about the auto-censor. CHEERS) THE ALTERNATE ENDING TO MACROSS: FRONTIER >Alto is sitting atop the hill in City 25 >Folding his paper airplane and reflecting on crap like a bitch, unable to choose which girl he likes >He throws the paper airplane >A blue paper plane flies by and causes the other one to burst into flames out of pure spite >Max Jenius, now in his early 60s walks up with both Ranka and Sheryl in his arms >Alto's like WTF >Max just smirks and walks away >Becomes the new Protagonist >Doesn't take crap from anyone >kicks Ozma's ass >Michel becomes his bitch wingman >Paints Alto's VF-25F Blue >Michel has to paint his cannon fodder tan now because he's a pleb TO BE CONTINUED ... ...RIGHT frakkING NOW (the ride never ends) >Alto is forced to having to wear his Goth Lolita costume whenever he even thinks about approaching Max's bridge >Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Max runs that crap on the quarter now >Wilder is in the bitch seat, left to command only when Max is out kicking ass in his BLUE VF-25F >Nevershotdown.jpg >Kills every single Vajra before they even get the chance to realize that they aren't evil >Who gives a crap anyway? THE END
  23. We need M&Ms with a TWIST: Max's VF-1S from DYRL and a conceptual red bodied VF-1S with white and black skull squadron trim as opposed to the normal scheme of white with yellow+black trim. We HAVE art of what Milia looks like in a DYRL? flight suit from the PSP games, so why not?
  24. Well, I want a prequel where the pilots fly F-203 Dragons, but you don't see that happening. GAWD.
  25. Gotta love Marty and Beck!
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