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Everything posted by plutoniumhunter

  1. A bit off-topic, but IIRC he (re)appeared in the Johnny Ridden Manga piloting a GM III. Well... it's probably one of those "Don't try these at home" things...
  2. Hmmm... Care to elaborate, Graham?
  3. I assume there's no changes between the 1st issue and the March 2013 reissue? Thinking of getting one now via evilbay or to pre-order one on NY and twiddle me thumbs for a month and a half...
  4. ZZ was pure bizarreness in the first 3rd (Moon Moon, Bright chasing chickens), but definitely much darker and back to a Zeta-esque style towards the end... if most people tolerate it that far.
  5. Tempted to... But I just got a YF-19... Was looking to have more variety, like some VF-1s or VF-22s. But still, the new VF-19s are great! Decisions, decisions...
  6. Hmmm... the results make an interesting read - both a mix of old and new school, no clear pattern....
  7. Me want - maybe twiddle my thumbs for a few months praying for prices to drop.
  8. Jeez. Now really considering a PS3 for all the Macross and Gundam games I want to play. Too bad I shift places quite often though.
  9. Great stuff! Keep up the good work!
  10. Agreed! That's the reason I slogged through the PSP games!
  11. Heard of this before - first time watching... 1 minute 6 seconds in and I can't take it... my ears...
  12. The VF-4's an absolute beauty in Fighter mode.
  13. Nice! I've been into Macross for a few years, but I'm more of a Gundamhead! I have a couple of GFF MCs, now I'm looking to get into Macross, figured a good place to start is the VF/YF-19!
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