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Everything posted by plutoniumhunter

  1. Hey me too! I'm a Zeta freak myself too! I actually have all the GFF Zeta Pluses, GFF ZII, GFFN ZII, and the aforementioned GFFMC Zeta Pluses! I'm just missing the actual GFF Zeta Gundam. I got 1 of my Metal Composites at MSRP, and the other at half price...
  2. Thanks! I think I must have browsed those pages in my sleep and forgot about them, my bad.
  3. Congrats! I bought my first valks a couple of days ago too!
  4. Zeta Haman vs Scirocco was always epicness. ZZ's ending is kinda bizzare to me... with Haman committing suicide and all.
  5. Anyone has pics of their VF-19Ps?
  6. Rated "Safe" at anymoon!
  7. Epic pics Swoosh! Makes me long for a VF-19S!
  8. Just placed my order at HKcollectibles for a VF-19Kai, VF-17S and a VF-22S Gamlin!
  9. Same here... I even screw up panel-lining, made me move more to figures and models.
  10. There's still some at Hobby Search. I think their shipping is a touch pricier though.
  11. Nice Phantom picture! It's like one of my childhood legends. I agree with David as well, kind of lost track of all the Flanker variants after the -27, -30, -33...
  12. I assume that's the one aspect the YF-19 is decent at.
  13. Popped over to HLJ to have a look... turns out their VF-19P stock has been completely ransacked by you guys
  14. Well, like I said above... I wouldn't say I got mine at a good price. It's the fact that it's a valk that I admire and like a lot for a long time, and I missed the boat on buying them when they were cheap(er). Well at least I'm most likely to be getting VF-19/VF-17/VF-22 (still undecided) at much lower prices.
  15. I think there's a re-release of the GFFMC Psyco Gundam around the corner... IIRC.
  16. Well.. I wouldn't say I got mine at a "good price", T'was $280, MIB including shipping. I was specifically looking for the Bird of Prey variant, (I'm a sucker for orangey schemes), so I was prepared to fork out a premium for it. I got it off caslon on this forum, here's the link to the thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38456
  17. I thought March 2013 is the 2nd release of the YF-29 Focker? Anyhow... If I can't get it on EvilBay for less(or equal even) to NY, I'll just wait it out.... If my funds are not dried up buying other valks.
  18. GFFMC's are phenomenally rock solid! I own the G-3 and both the Zeta Pluses... never regretted a cent of it!
  19. Russians having a Glaug in 1917? LOL.
  20. ORANGE VF-17!!! *Pukes Rainbows* If, and only if...
  21. Maybe I should stop buying Valks and get a PS3!
  22. I'm looking at one on auction at EvilBay at the moment, if the price is nuts, I'll do that, thanks for the suggestion!
  23. IIRC, I think Sayla reappeared with Leina near the end... Sayla meeting Kai is in the New Translation movie series IIRC, where she's sunbathing on a beach.
  24. IIRC, that was Reccoa Londe.
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