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Everything posted by plutoniumhunter

  1. Totally agree on the VF-19S intake doors actually, I don't mind them at all on the Fire Valk as it kinda fits in, but despite the "Blue Angels" scheme, it doesn't fit for me. Plus Docker flies that thing. Lol.
  2. That would be nice, considering most of the Qubeley stuff is old by now... I kind of agree with the choices for Top 5 MS too.
  3. I actually prefer the original clean profile of the VF-1 to the FAST/Strike Packed-up versions, and with FAST/Strike Packs being harder to find than diamonds nowadays... oh well, I guess I'll just keep an eye out for any decent deal...
  4. Totally agree, I've been observing valk after valk going out of stock recently, rather worrying for a person just starting off his collection, by the time I have some money saved up for another one, there might only be an overpriced, limited selection left!
  5. Thanks Valkyrie Magnus and Mechapilot777, greatly appreciate it!
  6. Going around looking at a few online shops, boy, Yamato stuff sure is vanishing off the counters fast!
  7. Apologies for reviving an old thread, but I just got my VF-1A Cavaliers today and I wanted to share my excitement!
  8. plutoniumhunter

    VF-1A Cavaliers

    My new fantastic Cav!
  9. Oh boy. I regret not pulling the trigger on one of these bad boys everytime I drop by this thread...
  10. From scratch? I think in that case, Kickstarter might be a place to go...
  11. Woah, another mad-spurt's emerged again.... Now you guys have gotten me thinking about the 19S again
  12. In my opinion, I prefer the weathering scheme over the original, like Dimis said, makes it look much less cheap.
  13. Aye, it's a contagious one.
  14. Wow, you really go way back! I myself started at 2008 only...
  15. Hmmm... That was a bit of a letdown.
  16. Agreed! M7 I guess is kind of a love-it or hate-it kind of affair...
  17. Rewatched SDF and DYRL recently!
  18. Lol, I just hope customs doesn't tax the beejezus outta me. Last time HKC declared the total value of roughly $500 of valks to be $40!
  19. Wow. That escalated quickly...
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