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Everything posted by plutoniumhunter

  1. Not sure if I should grab a few more when I can, or take a leap of faith and do nothing, wait and see for the next few months...
  2. I got lucky I guess, last time I wanted to get a YF-19 and a YF-21 off them, they replied 3 days later saying they're out of stock, so I didn't put my hopes too high for this one... and somehow got lucky.
  3. I was reading about the busted VF-1 shoulders up at anymoon, what exactly does that mean? Like cracks or they fall apart/break apart after a while?
  4. They've recently (in the past 2-3 weeks) dried up at HLJ and Hobby Search...
  5. Valks vanishing from online stores everywhere...
  6. Just ordered 2 off my local shop for $73 each! Free local shipping though, so might add up to $100 for internationals...
  7. Congrats! Erm, shared design with the VF-19Kai?
  8. IMHO, Seed was better constructed plot-wise than Destiny, which had me confused a little bit sometimes, but having said that, it's basically the plot of MSG, with a few tweaks.
  9. "Son, let this be a lesson..."
  10. I did succumb to the temptation for the VF-1A Cavaliers, but that also was down to checking if the Valk was alright, labelled as "box damaged" at Mandarake at all... Lol most of mine are still in bubble wrap, in anticipation for a box-ride home...
  11. Someday... Kind of lazy to actually, since I would only be in my current location for about 3 more months, and after that I'm moving out again, and that would be the time I finally take it out
  12. Thanks for the heads-up Mommar!
  13. Lol thanks! Maybe when I'm free, busy week up next...
  14. Take some pictures when you get it! Lol.
  15. Nah, not yet. Had a peek at the transformation guide and.... decided I needed to look at the english translations first. Lol.
  16. I nicked mine off Mandarake - 10000 JPY + about 1800 JPY shipping, decent deal methinks. I initially wanted to buy off this storce called iplamo, but Mandarake was cheaper + a lot of you guys used it before... Now iplamo has the Cavaliers out of stock as well.
  17. Going for another round of TTGL!
  18. You're welcome! No problem at all, glad I could help!
  19. Welcome to the club... the empty wallet club
  20. Thanks caslon! I'm not at home for the next few months, I'll take some pics of it once I get back
  21. Nice, a small efficient collection. I might be forced to move that way, judging from the current situation...
  22. This: http://s137.beta.photobucket.com/user/cd821/library/Moon%20Shooters%20VF-22S
  23. Lovely. Mine's still in the box at the top of my cupboard...
  24. Finally! Congratulations!
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