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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. Heh. It's suppose to look like Issue 2 of TDKR.
  2. I picked up this Mezco 1/12 Battle Damaged Batman from the Mutant Two pack on ebay. I didn't want the giant polystone base, and I wasn't super impressed by the Mutant leader to pay for the whole set. This is my favorite incarnation of Batman from the Dark Knight, and I had an image of this version on a shirt when I was a kid. Really hefty and quality figure. I hope to do a review of it soon. http://imgur.com/a/yQYMs
  3. Yeah I wasn't impressed with UM, and even though I really like Spacebricku, the quality of the cars hasn't scaled up as well.
  4. I just always though QW was too blocky and generic looking. I'm sure TK's will be able to pull off all the same poses.
  5. Can't wait for MP shockwave. Never got into the unlicensed version. What a difference Takara makes I think the legs are the biggest deal for me. Shockwave had such distinctive legs in the show and as a toy, that Quakwave never really captures. Their head wasn't quite long enough in the right places eitheer.
  6. I've been watching Over the Garden Wall and Haikyuu. Haikyuu is pretty good. A little over dramatic but reminds me of an 80's sports movie drawn out into episodes. OTGW is pretty fun, though I wish it was scarier and less indie rock. It's like if Wes Anderson made adventure time.
  7. I have a canondale road bike from 08 before they started making their frames in China. Not that that matters much. I don't ride it as much as I would like.
  8. I never called it an At-At. Like where is that AT, at. A.T. - A.T. all the way. Chicken walker for the AT - ST.
  9. It's not the same as a robot that transforms. You might be surprised by the articulation or you might not be. It's usually pretty impressive on display though, and has a lot of wow value.
  10. It was pretty much the best TV show last year, even with its many, many flaws. Some episodes were right up there with big budget movies.
  11. I'm down for an MP car level Hot Rod.
  12. Ah the VF-11 so beautiful! Love the Destroid action too. That Iron Man looks snazzy! I bought a Bag of Holding : Con edition from thinkgeek for Dragon*con, and I have to say it's my favorite bag ever. I now use it for work every day and replaced my other bag. It's got a super small profile but holds tons of stuff. Anyway, the front is all velcro for badges and I found a sweet Macross one
  13. Yeah I just want Fett. Gonna wait and see which version is best, though the 1/4th looks nice.
  14. Nice. They are bound and determine to never make decepticons haha
  15. Are you going to collect Star Wars kicker?
  16. I tried to make a clothing thread once and it was locked without comment. So idk haha
  17. Great point. bar the VF-1 which has gone through so many redesigns and versions (but even it can break in places) Yamato doesn't have the most sterling track record, especially if you count the V1 years.
  18. Yeah it's a bit more of a designer toy almost - but it's suppose to be like the original comic.
  19. Haha I'll be breaking out the costume soon. Getting new coveralls too. Nice score Loli!
  20. Upgraded my Myers mask again. I got a WMP V75. Definitely the best one I've owned. http://imgur.com/a/wvu0t
  21. True. As long as it's the old school 80's art style I'm happy. I think I want the grimlock for sure.
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