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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. It will be interesting to see if the show breaks from the standard idea of good vs evil that people are expecting with the white walkers.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIZU_ZLjTIQ
  3. This was posted on the mw fb:
  4. Heh. Good motivation to clean his room
  5. Hot Rods car mode is nice. Chest is weirdly long.. but oh well. It was in the movie actually. He was fishing with Daniel or whatever his name was.
  6. New video on CTRL SHIFT X Pretty interesting stuff on the Others and the Nights watch.
  7. Hot Rods chest is kind of massive... Shockwave looks great.
  8. I think the ALT mode will be what puts this guy over the top and the gimmicks. It's definitely going to be more expensive so, they should add some flavor.
  9. Sweet. I like how wall scrolls look though. I'll live with the Robotech for now Sweet stuff sh9000
  10. I think I cancelled my goldbug.. maybe? I'm not big on the bumblebee mold.
  11. I think the double D's can't resist the fan service of the Hound vs the Mountain regardless of if GRRM does it in the books. TV is spectacle after all.
  12. PO cancelled.... hey wait?
  13. Oh! my girlfriend got me this wall scrollu at the anime convention this weekend: It's a shame that it says Robotech.. but oh well, still an awesome drawing. The Robotech store has it for 28 and it was only 17 at the con. Maybe I can cover it with a macross logo somehow.
  14. Got a payment request for that second run of MP - EXHAUST from HLJ. 44 buck ain't bad. The KO taska Tony version is selling for about that much.
  15. I do Punisher, Constantine, and Michael Myers. I also Cosplay a character from Haikyuu for my GF... but not very well! haha Found this guy too!
  16. I thought so too. Nice ladies. I gotta cosplay something from Macross soon.
  17. Nose cone should be a shield. Tail fins should be throwing weapons.
  18. I hope they do a new mold with the cones, and then go back and re-release the classics. Hope hope.
  19. I don't know if we have a general cosplay thread, but I thought I would share here. They asked me to tag them too: https://www.facebook.com/julierenaycosplay https://www.facebook.com/TiffanyDiazCosplay
  20. If you haven't read the Dark Knight Returns you totally should! haha. Sometimes people call it's Hulk Batman.
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