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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. Its a little too busy. Poor Harrison looks confused haha. I'd take about 3 or 4 characters out and focus on the theme of the film, whatever that happens to be... I can't say it has me excited to see the film or anything.
  2. Maybe they are just banking on the idea that Macross fans will pay too much for things haha.
  3. Digging these old school versions. Thanks
  4. Stock up on the supers I got some vintage 1970's skeletons today from the Bay. It's so hard to find quality inside decorations for Halloween these days and I had one of these as a kid. The cardboard/paper quality is great. Really chuffed to have them.
  5. No clue. Not that familiar with the game to know any extra stuff
  6. Transformation doesn't matter much when it looks so cheap, and flimsy for the price tag. Maybe it's just the paint job, but it looks like a cheap toy pinned together.
  7. Really reminds me of the GN U Dou line
  8. I cancelled awhile back, but the pics make me realize I'm not missing much. I don't have a strong enough connection to that design to want it.
  9. I got my Mondo phatnom city Halloween print framed. I found a really nice glass/wood frame on the CL for 20 bucks. Been wanting this print for years and I need to class up the place a bit.
  10. I bet this will sell pretty well, but I doubt it will be PO madness.
  11. Grats. I love how simple it is. Looks great with the wings swept back too.
  12. Some of us never had it. haha
  13. Looks like the SRC release... though it could be an AOSHIMA.
  14. The more I look at dat fighter mode the more I must have one haha
  15. Funny how much perspective can change the look of these releases. His chest doesn't look nearly as huge here. UM is till too frakking tall though
  16. MISSB. Mint in sealed Shipping box. Highly desired.
  17. I wouldn't regret it, especially if you got double the price you paid.
  18. Not dumbass! Poochy! Doesn't look as misshaped here.
  19. So is HLj not getting clampdown and red BB?
  20. Got this Evil Jack at Party city for 3.99. Not bad for a 16 inch hunk of plastic with some articulation
  21. Nope. None of that for me haha.
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