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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. They could make the first one a success and film 2 and 3 back to back if it was. I mean.. you think the Asian market would love it or what?
  2. Star Wars, the merch continues. Lucas has to have a backdoor clause on the merch doesn't he? Making percentages? I think it's funny .. if the people buy loads of toys and stuff for this movie and it does happen to suck.
  3. Batt is growing on me... slowly after 3 years haha It's better than the clown valk imo haha
  4. It's ok. It's not ok to say that it's a minority opinion that DYRL is better. I'd think most people who know Macross would rank it higher without question.
  5. Looks like rare Valks are back on the menu boys!
  6. Man. I got this guy arguing with me on a youtube channel that Plus is better than DYRL. I tried to explain to him that it's like comparing T1 to the Sarah Conner Chronicles. I know some of the younger folks might have had their first exposeure to plus... but that don't make it right.
  7. Hey guys. Just wanted to share my favorite new Movie Reviewer: Oliver Harper. He does a great Akira review/retrospective.
  8. Nice shrine spanner
  9. The proportions on the head are pretty weird.. Giant legs. Giant head. Easy, easy pass for me haha. They are going to fly that mold into the sun I guess.
  10. I mean I know the history in relation to production that will probably lead to it, but it wasn't on my mind until I saw those specific images jammed together. Really silly.
  11. Watched it 2 more times... I keep missing it! haha Also the bit with luke and R2 looks ripped from Dark Empire pretty hard. I wonder if he will take down an AT AT... and that's why it's all set on that ice world. Also, this is amazing:
  12. Gave into the hype and watched the Trailer. Probably shouldn't have. Don't really like the main bad guys mask. Ain't gonna lie. Looks good. BUT ... this all depends on the new characters and honestly I don't find them that interesting yet. It seems like they are all in the wrong movie. It's dressed up nice, and it looks like Star Wars, but... when we only see Han and Luke for 10-15 min will it just be lens flare and bullshit? Also... why is everything seemingly so shitty after the first films this far in the future? I mean it make sense that in real life things wouldn't go to plan and everybody would be happy but it feels like the first movies weren't for much if it's this emo. I didn't even notice the jump! haha. I noticed Han's delivery though. Really good lines.
  13. So differences are; Blast shield, height - due to a longer chest plate/nosecone for the two seater, and head. Also you get the box and the M&M marriage pilots
  14. Yeah I believe it's a bit taller than the Max too.
  15. Woops. I meant the Angel Bird. That's probably my favorite valk in terms of repaints. The lines on it are so crisp. Virgin road is pretty similar. You could slap some super parts on there... assuming you could paint the back half the same blue and have the super max.
  16. Virgin Road Angelbird is maybe the best painted Yamato Valk out there IMO. Looks fantastic in person.
  17. I'm sure anymoon will review it. We can live through him haha
  18. I'd feel ok about it at around 100 maybe. But IDK. The Sentinel stuff is around 100 at release and is pretty high quality.
  19. So what would you guys pay for this? 220 Yen is about.. $185 bucks. $150? $130? $100?
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