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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. Gakken85

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Not feeling the purples and greens that show up on the fighter from the head. Seems to break up the colors of the fighter scheme too much.
  2. Haha. I got few sideways glances as we were walking around the neighborhood, but the big photographer next to me kind of gave it away
  3. Hey mates. Just wanted to show you the photo shoot for my new mask. Maybe get you in the Halloween spirit Full shoot here: http://imgur.com/a/zMGqe
  4. Sexy. What's the cherry coke for?
  5. Looks like the girl in the hood will be the main songstress if she's featured with the hero valk.
  6. I was hoping for something like this in one of the "what would you like threads"
  7. I think they are trying to make a product that will sell. That's their job. I just wish it had been a bit more unique on the Mecha angle. They seem to be recycling a lot of ideas. Knights of Sidonia feels more like Macross than Macross these days....even if they don't transform. The fancy overcoats are not my favorite. But such is life. Maybe it will have a great story.. I'll keep an open mind until I see it. Maybe Bandai will make a Dx Destroid.
  8. Must be a tendril of the original fleet that spread out. Maybe they crashed and never developed Idk.
  9. I get this CronoTrigger meets Final Fantasy Meets Frontier with CGI Destroids and Idols.
  10. The building design is super fantasy looking. Like Final Fantasy haha. Not a bad thing but it's def the most original element.
  11. Seems very OVA-ish. Anybody else getting a fantasy vibe too? Dat red cloak. At least it has Destroids.
  12. I mean they all are to a degree, which is the point. it's getting old. Its based off that same scrunched nose pattern with the bellbottom legs. Just saying they took two things we've seen before and made a "new" valk. Not trying to piss on parades but I'm not impressed.
  13. 262 looks like a reverse Episode 1 Naboo fighter. or maybe a Gnerl.... many many generations removed. VF-31 is pretty derivative. They basically slammed the Messiah Battroid into a Durandal Fighter. At least they seemed to played down the uniboob and flattened it a bit. Not crazy about either mode to be honest. Character design looks very Frontier. Looks like they are playing it safe since Frontier did well.
  14. Yeah I mentioned it in my sell thread. With shipping and jungle fees it's probably close to 450 I'd guess.
  15. Why would anybody scream foul? Looks just like the G1... and it's never going to be displayed upside down.
  16. He's big. haha. You can put a big piece of glass over him and make a coffee table.
  17. Weathering looks nice on those 48s
  18. They will probably change the box. Might be smaller
  19. Aww man - no preorder panic? I wanted to post this:
  20. It's still on the main page. My guess is some server error and not a lack of supply.
  21. $220 ain't bad. $9 dollar price increase from 2012. So 3 bucks a year.
  22. This is the old inactive link: http://www.hlj.com/product/ymtgk-19/Sci They may reactivate it.
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