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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. Amiami sucks. Holding out for HLJ
  2. More tampo/paint. I'd like a bit more diecast in the feet. Maybe the pull out hips like the VF-0D would be cool. I really don't understand how they could make a VF-1 have an ab crunch... it never like happened in the show. A nosecone is a nosecone. I could see a waist swivel, where the nosecone rotates above the legs, but that would unlock the back section.
  3. Technically all of us who have more than one Vf-1 1/60 have multiples. So, I have about 17 versions of the same toy with different accessories.
  4. Looks like unlicensed TF's are being banned from botcon. http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/conventions-15/report-3rd-party-transformers-products-banned-from-botcon-2015-182593/
  5. Gakken85

    Hi-Metal R

    It's no Yamato, but it looks ok I guess.
  6. Too bad they didn't take the time to post some pot-shots at HG.
  7. I'm going to get two - one for ship mode and one for robotuuu
  8. Oh man that looks good - can you only order it through Tamashii?
  9. Probably going to go see this if the NBA games today aren't too amazing.
  10. I really liked my Evil Supes. Was a fun figure.
  11. I came here just to laugh at the new picture of the Joker. Goofy tattoos, grills, and goth/emo eye make-up... Just hell no. haha. I'm so annoyed that Jared Leto is the joker. I don't think he is a good choice. I'd rather see Michael Pitt try his hand at it based off his work on Hannibal and Funny Games. He can be turned up to 10 psycho, but also sophisticated and brooding, and his hair is amazing haha:
  12. Good deal.
  13. Yeah the posing options aren't that great, and their QA is a little under par IMO. I'm out of Hot Toys but I'll check it out at least.
  14. That bats looks nice. I'm waiting to see how the movie Batman turns out for Hot Toys.
  15. Gakken85

    Hi-Metal R

    That's another thing that will kick Arcadia in the ass - Price of entry. When new guys come here asking where to start they will probably lean toward bandai New collectors will migrate to this line because all the yamato crap is out of print and rising in price, and the newer valks are 200-300 bucks. Somebody who wants a whole new line will start with Bandai as they print money. Arcadia will have to stick to the niche macross valks I guess.
  16. Same. As long as its close I'm happy it's being made. I understand the do it right line of thought, I do - but again if you want your voice to be hear it won't be here. haha
  17. I think this colored one will display better. Darker and dim toys are cool, but they don't always look good on a shelf.
  18. https://jp.pinterest.com/pin/239042692697586101/ Found this:
  19. Gawdamn - that site has winamp skins. OLd school.
  20. I'd buy it even if it was Brutish dog pink
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