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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. Yeah it would be over $200 bucks to ship it here. haha. This guy has two so I guess he paid around $300 and wants to get his money back. shrug.
  2. I'm assuming he paid shipping, which is like $150 bucks to our area. Idk. He said he was firm on $100 so... I might just wait around until I visit my parents and swing by the Ikea near their house in a few months. I could just do that without the case though
  3. Yeah.. except you have to be near an Ikea. haha. Closest one is 3+ hours away. There is a guy selling one for 100 even like 30 min away. Just trying to decide if it's worth the price
  4. I read in a review they aren't closed off and still collect dust.. making me think it's pointless to even have them. Any experience? Is it worth the price if they let dust in to just have your toys out on display? Thanks.
  5. Any experience with these bandai stands?
  6. Hmm. not crazy about that option.. it would collect dust and gunk.
  7. So just like one "coat". I'd be worried about it being too thick.
  8. Do you just use the nail applicator and apply it anywhere you can on the ball or?
  9. Plastic, with little metal claws on the end
  10. I have a Masterpiece grimlock. Excellent figure, but the little dino arms are notoriously loose. They actually hold poses fine, but rotating them just feels... loose? So I had some questions about adding nail polish. 1. What kind should I buy? Which brands are least damaging. Obviously I should buy clear nail polish, yes? 2. How do I apply it? What's the best tool to use? 3. How much and where? Should I just put a layer on one side, or cover as much as I can? Any tips or help would be fantastic. Thanks guys.
  11. sure.. Just make the frakking boxes smaller.
  12. Panic buying Votoms
  13. Sorry, +. FTFY.
  14. That doesn't mean it was good, or shouldn't be graded harshly in hindsight. haha. Also, being derivative of another show is still being lazy. Macross + just felt like it was on Auto-pilot to me. Pardon the pun. All the right story beats and elements, but no real soul or feeling. And throwing the SDF-1 in at the end as some nod or connection point felt really forced. But at least I found a Super VF-11c for 95 bucks . I don't need to buy anything else from that show
  15. I like 1/48's in battroid. They just look awesome and you can get all the detail. But honestly they look good in both
  16. It wasn't terrible, and it was good eye candy, but the story just didn't do much for me. Looking forward to 7 and Frontier.
  17. maaacoooo rosssss.
  18. Yeah, the music in + was pretty forgettable too.
  19. Ah I hadn't seen yours. Sorry. Hahaha! Gawker sites are typically pretty lazy.
  20. http://kotaku.com/5990702/why-you-havent-seen-any-new-macross-in-the-west-for-nearly-15-years Kotaku article. stolen from: http://www.macrosswo...showtopic=36541
  21. So I watched Plus last night. It immediately stuck me as kind of cowboy beebop-y. I enjoyed the mecha design and animation, but the pointy noses and chins were kind of lame. I also enjoyed that they had a Zentradi with some character development... but it didn't really feel like "Macross" for some reason. It was like any other generic anime to me. It seemed to be hitting the right notes but without the skill. Also, there was no real sense of a battle and the valks seemed like an afterthought to whatever plot they were cooking up. As for the Valks and toys: I really only admire the design of the VF-11B and C. The VF11-C is sexy. Unfortunately it is barely in the movie. The 19 and 22 are... ok? I guess. I don't like the 19's robot mode at all, or fighter mode that much either. The 22 is a bit better but it doesn't make me want to collect one. What's with that helmet? Macross is all about love triangles, but against the backdrop of great conflict. I didn't feel like there was much of a conflict in this film. I'd give it a C at best.
  22. Cool picture. is that your stuff?
  23. Exactly! Submarine mode? they should make that a thing
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