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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. ftfy
  2. You know not to buy Hasbro... why do you do it to yourself? haha
  3. nice! cant wait to see a painted version. I have 2 on order.
  4. Gotta say that RR looks a bit better than Tracks!
  5. I don't have a problem with it either, but why make a Mad Max movie if he's not the hero? I'd maybe go check that movie out if it was it's own idea and separate. If the idea is good enough and executed well enough it shouldn't need to hide behind another popular franchise. Maybe Miller is just out of ideas and needed somebody to pump the fire, as it were.
  6. She wrote the Vagina monologues. It's a really popular play/book whatever. Basically Max is going to be a Robin type secondary character and CT is going to be Batman and the main focus of the action. It's all in the time article I linked. This is a quote from her: Basically they hijacked the film to tell THEIR story which has nothing to do with Mad Max....
  7. Too much Vaseline. PO cancelled.
  8. Son, I am disappoint. I know why it's getting such good reviews. I read this has basically been co-opted by Eve Ensler, (http://time.com/3850323/mad-max-fury-road-eve-ensler-feminist/) the woman who wrote the Vagina monologues.... what the actual frakk? I don't usually bring up politics here on the board... and I know most of you are probably pretty pro-feminist, but I am not. Even still - beyond feminism and politics - why is the creator of the Vagina frakking monologues shadow writing Mad Max? that doesn't make any damn sense. haha I have a feeling it's getting so many good reviews because it's been aimed at drawing in female audiences to push some agenda that has nothing to do with Mad-max. And you know what - I wouldn't even mind if they wanted to make a feminist action movie staring Charlize Theron about whatever story they wanted to push, but don't use the name Mad Max as a vehicle and con men into watching it with big explosions. I'm not even going to go see this crap. Tom Hardy has broken my heart haha
  9. Gakken85

    Hi-Metal R

    Haha. Well said. Whatever works for you. I think this line is great for a lot of collectors who wouldn't even jump to the Arcadia lines anyways.
  10. Gakken85

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't get it... for 70 more bucks you can get a much better toy. But I guess people just look at the bottom line. Or hey, it's new
  11. I got a Super Ostrich marked... A- I think? And it had cracked shoulders. Honestly I don't think Jungle checks or cares. I think they only look at box ware and if it's yellowed or not. They might not even know about cracking shoulders, or want to know - so buyer beware. I think they offered to have me return it on my dime for a refund, but that's it. I just kept it and got legit replacements. Probably won't buy anything from Jungle again - not because Super Ostrich v2's will all have cracked shoulders eventually, but because they don't inspect stuff - so who knows what you're getting. Their grading system is pointless. Throw that in with their padded shipping costs and it's not worth it. It's sad too because they were pretty solid a few years back on their pricing.
  12. http://www.hlj.com/product/aca82120 This posted yet? I think it has. Really dig the blue on this version. Adds some pop over the Yammie.
  13. Tom Hardy is just the best actor of his generation. He has a hell of a face to begin with.
  14. I've avoided all trailers and spoilers as I feel it's ripping yourself off before the movie ticket is bought - but I already fill ripped off that this is PG-13. Meh. I'm still going to go see it, because it's Arnold, but I'm pissed this project doesn't have a bit more integrity in that regard.
  15. I thought they were hinting at the eventual nano suit. But I think the end of 3 fleshes with the beginning of Avengers 2. He is trying to get out so he makes Ultron as a protector to bring peace in our time - insert movie. Totally agree on Ultron. I was let down and confused at how nonthreatening and stupid he was. It was like a rogue robot they forgot to turn off with Tony Stark quips instead of a deadly psycho world killer. It felt like nothing was at stake and they had to do this ridiculous island floating plot just to get peoples dicks up. Can't we just see a bunch of people die and a really good fight sequence? Also there was way too many montages and exposition scenes to set up all the events. It didn't flow like the first one. I hope DC understands they can really differentiate themselves by making their movies more mature, but I doubt that will happen with the quest to make more money at PG-13... though I'm not sure why that works. When I was a kid I saw all the R rated movies.
  16. Gakken85

    Hi-Metal R

    Cheaper toys will always be successful.
  17. I backed out of the Starcraft figure. He looks pretty good though.
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