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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. NY is true capitalism. I love it. haha
  2. So would you advise buying the v2 clear parts? It beats paying 600 bucks for the same toy. haha I got my Strong Bachus in the mail today for $115 shipped . So I'll play with and decide how bad it is and how much I'm willing to spend going forward. At that price it's worth having even with some minor issues. This one is going for 640 bucks: http://www.ebay.com/itm/171021093217 You'd probably get out cheaper on the japanese auction haha
  3. Hmm. that's weird. It's listed as a V2 in the listing. But I see anymoon's listing has it as a V1.
  4. ' Which version is this? And why not this over the turbo custom?
  5. If you pay now and the Yen is way up, you pay more. If you pay later and then yen is way down, you pay less. It's kind of a guessing game, but you would basically have 15 days to check currency. You could use this: http://www.forecasts.org/yen.htm And take a guess on what day is the best day to buy or to foresee any big bumps to save yourself a potential increase. The forecast is basically saying the Yen will continue to fall all year, so the longer you wait the better. As far as payment: From the official FAQ: http://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-en/content/10-precommandes Also keep in mind I am not an economist, (though I took some boring classes in college ). Use at your own risk. Also keep in mind that the Yen fluxes every friggin day and could shoot up this summer and by waiting you may pay MORE!
  6. No problem. I've got about a grand in Preorders this year (so far). So it could make a difference of 100-150 bucks for me all told. Good to know
  7. This is from their Facebook. They have been really cool answering my questions over the last few weeks. I think the main takeaway if you need to cancel a pre-order is do it ASAP, and don't pay now! Select pay later than request to pay in Yen when you checkout! Hope this helps people. I'm making this a separate thread so it doesn't get buried in the renewal thread. I assume that is contact@nippon-yasan Update and important: Why would you need to know this? http://www.forecasts.org/yen.htm http://www.fxempire.com/technical/technical-analysis-reports/usdjpy-forecast-april-4-2013-technical-analysis/ https://www.google.com/finance?q=USDJPY Basically, the longer you wait to pay, (potentially this year anyway according to forecasts) the less you will pay. As seen at the link above the yen is tending down all year long. This could change obviously. It looks like the Yen spiked up in the last quarter and is now trending down, which wont last forever. Thanks.
  8. hahah! Having fun with this guy! I haven't got his full range of motion worked out but yeah:
  9. I just message NY on FB about it. I'll have an update when they tell me something.
  10. Yeah that's the 171 ex that came with "armored parts" that were pretty cheap. Think they are going for $300 bucks. http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=6554 They don't have any of the gimmicks the Ozama parts have, like opening bays and moving thrusters. After seeing the nightmare I think I'd rather have it than the Alto painted 171, since I already have an Alto! haha
  11. Hmm. I have like 6 preorders. Don't think they will let me cancel them and re-order.
  12. oof. Mine is set to USD. haha But I put pay later... can I select yen when I finally pay?
  13. How do you pay in Yen? Can you do that if you select pay later?
  14. Yeah I'm just glad this is all spaced out til the end of the summer. I owe NY a lot of money! haha
  15. I emailed HLJ today and the product guy was pretty rude. He basically said it's on order stop and they don't know if they will get more because it's on order stop. I'd rather just pay the 2000 yen markup and not deal with waiting around and missing it at a lower price.
  16. Gakken85


    It's the only cool M7 valk . Can't beat those clean simple lines imo. Not to mention the space shuttle look with the super packs. You can find them on Japanese auction sites, but after fees you'll probably pay 300+ Also, the one I bought recently shows no signs of yellowing. I think they only yellow if you leave them in direct sunlight for long periods of time.
  17. Yeah IM just trying to figure out if I should buy up armored/super parts or hold tight for re-issues
  18. All opinions are good haha
  19. So I assume they will re-issue Ozama in the next few months. What do you think about Armored and Super parts sets? I know they will jump in price. But should those who don't have them hang tight for re-issues or combo packs? or Buy up the old stuff? Also, will there be any compatibility issues with the new re-issues and the renewal parts?
  20. I got this monster today in the mail. I'll take some opening pictures soon
  21. It's sold out chum. Will these super parts work with the new version? or is it just for ozama? http://i.imgur.com/fST3ACz.jpg
  22. Just part of the movie. I might go back and give the show more of a chance.
  23. I was looking at the old promo photos. Def cooler in final release.
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