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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. http://hbowatch.com/category/american-gods/ I met Neil at a comic convention many years ago and I got my first issue of Sandman signed by him. I've read most of his comics and novels and enjoyed just about all of them. I've always considered it a tragedy that none of his works have made it to the silver screen, but I think this will be the best treatment we can get with HBO. Any thoughts on who would play Shadow?
  2. You should relax. It's just a movie. Take your own advice. If you don't like my opinion don't go out of your way to get upset over it. You can insult my expression skills and I can insult your comprehension skills. Grow up.
  3. Finally got some decent pictures of this guy if anybody cares. I have a crappy camera haha. http://imgur.com/a/DmZWN
  4. That's ZOD baby. He don't need no stinking armor. He's so manly he even shows chest hair. That thing looks like it should be on Cartoon Network. haha
  5. Yes, Superman, the story with Iron Man parts. I didn't say it looks like Supermans costumer with Iron updated parts. Sorry I didn't spell it out completely literally. I forgot I was on the internet. That looks terrible too. Is that Silver Samurai? Holy crap crossover. Also, since we're being so anal, it wouldn't be "ENGLISH! DO YOU SPEAK IT!" It would be "ENGLISH, do you type and read it."
  6. Either a cheap VF-1 1/60th or one of these Bandai Renewals. Either one will get you hooked haha
  7. I guess. I see 80's white toys that are still as white as the day you bought them, so Idk. I think it's like any industrial process. The good plastics last longer, and the crap at the bottom of the barrel decays quicker. Just hope your version isn't made with the bottom of the barrel crap.
  8. No. No I didn't: I think you're missing the point. It's marketing to throw armor on crap because Iron Man was successful. Instead of being true to the character... who has super human durability from being in contact with the sun... they throw armor on him. It has nothing to do with when Jack Kirby drew things. Hey, it's cool if you're into the movie. I'll go see it myself, but the character design is just lazy.
  9. I didn't say superman himself, I said the armor in the film looks Iron Man like or they are trying to cash in on whatever is big at the moment. He looks like he could be one of those badguys from the avengers. Lets throw ridged crap on all the things!!! Why in the hell does ZOD need armor? I thought that was kind of the point of being super-powered from the sun. As for superman's costume it's too dark and looks like Spider-mans outfit... .and that weird crap on the sides. Does a super-human need hip support or something for lifting? Shrug.
  10. Doesn't look like Superman to me. Looks like superman with Iron Man armor parts. haha. Hmmm any pics of the updated comics?
  11. You feel that way about the TC too? haha. I don't mind posing my SB, as I posed him for that last photo, but yeah it can be annoying. The Takara is a better value out of the box for sure. Most DMZ Takra run around $250 and you get the figure, a large accessory, and paint haha. However, you can get a V1-V2 Yamato pretty cheap these days. Probably less than a $100 due to their size and small market. The you have to buy some accessories to dress it up. I think the main issue is the design of the toy itself. Including the Dog gimmick, the boxy chest for a pilot, and the way the feet look.. it must lead to design challenges.
  12. Kind of split on this movie. The story looks pretty good.. but the visuals look like total crap. Obviously they are going with an Iron-Man type of scheme with the armors, and trying to make it look "Avengery". I don't like any of the costumes at all. Doesn't look like superman. Also, I'm worried that it will be nothing but blurs and shaky cam explosions where you won't get much of a sense of seeing Super Man fight. Also, hoping their won't be some dreadful love story. But I like everything Zack's done, just about. I'll go into it with low expectations.
  13. Mini review! http://imgur.com/a/s8s2m Opened up my DMZ today. I have to say.. It's an awesome toy. I also have to say... Yamato basically ripped everything off to make their 1/12 up to the V2, and actually made a few improvements. I actually learned a lot about my Yamato playing with this Takara. Haha. The Gun and Hands are pretty much the same. The upper arms are exactly the same. I think the DMZ does the rocket punch much better. It springs easy and is a quality lock. The Legs are almost the same, but I think the Yamato wins out for having slightly better ankle swivels which is important. The waist skirts, and parts stay on a lot better with the Takara over the Yamato. The detailing and paint is much better. The balance is about the same, which surprised me. I thought this version would be a lot easier to handle. With the round mover on it's back it's about the same set-up as the Parachute sack on the SB. It's a little back heavy but poseable in the end. The articulated hands that come with this version over the previous 01 DMZ are cool, but I couldn't get it to lock hard enough to hold the gun. So I stuck to the static gun hand. I can see it being cool for certain poses with a splayed hand. The round mover is fantastic, though a little heavy. It has some cool articulation. The Chirico is really cool and full of articulation. 30 points. He has almost .. too many optional hands. I assume to hold his gun and make him crawling in and out of the dog. There are a set of flesh colored AND a set of glove colored. I doubt I'll ever use them. He also comes with a little plastic stand, which is nice. There are two heads that slot on, the helmet head and the normal head. The interior is pretty fantastic. Lots of color detail and Chirico even holds the little handles, which move. The box was tight as hell, but each end opens up to remove the tray, unlike the old versions. The instructions are minimal to say the least. Overall I think it really is a better value than any single Yamato offering bar the TC, which I don't own yet. With all the parts and figure right out of the box you really can't beat it the way Yamato nickle and dimed due to the size. I would say it's a better toy, bar the TC, but the Yamato is a better experience, if that makes sense. I would love to see Takara's ingenuity and innovations with the Masterpiece line re-applied to this toy, as you can tell the technology isn't quite there. Rocking out on my record player! haha
  14. Or use higher quality plastics.
  15. What kind of lights do you guys use for these?
  16. I got my Takara DMZ 06 today!!! My favorite mail-lady handed it to me right as I was going to work. Very nice way to start the day. I really need to tip her or buy her some cookies soon. Nothing like having the Mail person on your side for EMS packages. haha. I found it for $200 including 3 day shipping from Japan. Can't beat that. Lowest I could find it on Ebay/Amazon was $260 before shipping. From what I've read it has the following improvements over the 01: 1. Articulated hands 2. Slightly different paint scheme 3. Tighter joints and head movement. 4. Different head sculpt on Chirico I don't have the 01 so I can't compare, but I'll look at Jenius review later on tonight. I'll also post pics of the unboxing
  17. Where did you have them stored and for how long? I wonder what direct sunlight means. But yeah, yellowing is a chemical process. It's not something you cant clean off.
  18. Somebody pointed out that they had the superparts for sale on this thread. They wrote me back after taking my payment for the superparts that they were out of stock. Kind of a bummer, but they refunded my payment.
  19. I got it translated: So they are fixed position lockers? that's weird. haha. Idk, I don't have any major problems holding poses, though I haven't tried anything too crazy. cool video
  20. It's a fantastic toy. It's not like a typical mech toy, and you have to get used to the hip joints if you've never had a medicom, but I can say I played with it for a long time, and just enjoyed posing it. The visual appeal is fantastic. I'm pre-ordering the 02 because I enjoyed it so much, even though I dont have the room. You can still find it out there for around $300 or so. As for this version.. I feel like it was successful enough that they might do reissues, but keep an eye out.
  21. Boobs. hahaha. Also, nice vf-11b. That's a 1/72 yeah?
  22. The VF-25s seem to be larger than the VF-1's. At least if you go by the TV-shows. In the respective shows the VF-25 is much larger than the buildings around it, while a VF-1 is about as high as 3-4 story building.
  23. Mine will probably be a Turbo Custom. For sure.
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