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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. Thanks. I think one of my doors got warped in transit. It bows in and leaves a gap. I"m going to try to pull on it some, but I guess I'll have to take it back. Lame. haha
  2. Excited to open this tomorrow.
  3. Is there anything wrong with the IM system? I don't seem to get a pop-up or notification.
  4. We need more Votoms for sure.
  5. Awesome stuff man. Alpha fighters are amazing models, never seen such a great representation.
  6. Yeah I get some shipments from other places in 3 days. I really think it's just that NY takes a few days to get it ready.
  7. NY is a smaller outfit with a few employees. It usually takes them a few days to get things out. I wouldn't worry about it too much. If you're going to start collecting Japanese toys it's important to have patience . haha. Some places are faster than others but as long as it get home safe, you're good.
  8. Could be. I didn't collect back then and I haven't looked strictly at release dates. It's pretty common for Toy Companies to use popular designs though.
  9. Yeah they are made for painting. that's why they are so easy to pull apart, so you can hit every surface.
  10. payment sent for pilot!
  11. It's easy to get addicted and blow all your cash, that's for sure. I think I heard it on one of those auction shows or American Pickers or something... but this old guy said something pretty interesting: "If you're a collector there are only two things that can happen. You either run out of space or you run out of money." Impulse control people! haha
  12. Don't know if this crappy collection dx video helps, but it shows two side by side and you can see how the joints work. DarrinG As mentioned above I got my DMZ 06 for 200 inc shipping. Which I'm pretty happy about. Thanks for the price watch! It should be a V2 with improved joints. It's just not a Turbo custom with the different leg system. Still a very cool toy though What do you mean by sweet ride? haha. Just a place to put your figures? That's an expensive container
  13. You know you're not done
  14. http://imgur.com/a/hNMtR Upgrade pack!! I got the Solid shooter and the Pentatrooper today in the mail. Broke out my Strong Bacchus for some dress up fun. haha. I added on the feet stabilizers, right hip ammo pack for the Gat 49min Pentatrooper, and a green unit from the Parachute sack for the Sat-02 Solid Shooter.
  15. Some people like overly complex combat systems, and some people feel it takes away from the flow of story-telling. Just depends on what you like, as with anything else.
  16. New stills from Empire magazine. http://imgur.com/a/cYtn7 Did they photoshop his head on there? haha looks awkward.
  17. ThreeA should make toys of these bots! haha
  18. Woops. My bad. I thought it was a sequel. I can't change the title for some reason, but i'll check the older thread.
  19. The yamato molds won't go away. bet on that. haha
  20. Yeah there is a thread for that in the "WHERE TO BUY MACROSS" Forum: Auctions Of Great Absurdity Thread V2.0 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=18530 Go nuts. I couldn't agree more. Everybody has their own reasons why they poo-poo other peoples buying habits. 9 times out 10 it's because they jelly. haha.
  21. Trailer:: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1535108/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elysium_%28film%29 Holy crap this looks amazing. From the people who brought you District 9... it looks like they really upped the ante visually and stylistically. I rarely get excited for movies these days but this thing looks amazing. I've talked about lazy visual design in other movies and how everything looks the same these days, especially in super-hero movies. I think this new film and district 9 have a really unique and gritty yet glimmery - quality where care was lavished on to everything. Story looks great too. Also... I hope they make a threeA toy of those robots!!! Would buy!
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