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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. Wow. Looks like I'm cancelling me 0S. I'm glad I skipped the 0A due to spending money on other stuff. I never transformed my 0D so I'm not too sure the status there. Has anybody sent this to Mr. K?
  2. clegane bowl confirmed. http://watchersonthewall.com/ian-mcshane-provides-intriguing-hint-about-his-game-of-thrones-role/
  3. I agree. These these are too expensive to have structural problems this bad. This is like a step back to the V1 VF-11 or something.
  4. Really happy with Constantines showing. I really enjoy the Flash episodes where they advance the main plot, they usually do one ever 3 or 4 episodes. Zoom is really sweet.
  5. http://www.hlj.com/product/tkt83395 PO up on HLJ for rachet
  6. I'm starting to dig the 80's feel of it. It needs some guns n ammo though.
  7. I'm going to get clamdown at TFsource because my bluestreak is sitting there. Should get free shipping.
  8. I thought about getting a 1/4th fett as a big center piece - but frakk it. This is what I need haha.
  9. Not feeling it haha.
  10. Got mine this afternoon too. Probably gonna sit in the warehouse for a bit though.
  11. I think the materials won't be nearly the same as a dx frontier release, so the pricing will be vastly different. Yeah.. I don't have that problem because I gave up on Frontier DX stuff and I don't like the designs for the new Delta show at all, as it's just Frontier rehashes. I'm going to Stick to Arcadia and this 1/35 from Bandai.
  12. I think this will sell much better than most will be expecting. Due to the sheer size it's going to appeal to MP transformer fans, and general 80's robot guys who like beefier robots.
  13. So it looks like they are releasing more MP10Rs over the next few days, so more should be available.
  14. I like the rounded thickness of the back plate.
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