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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. MFW they puss out and make it pg-13 like they did with terminator...
  2. That's actually a call back to what he said to his partner at the start of the film.
  3. Do it. Would love to see.
  4. Ah sweet. Glad I was wrong.
  5. Hey that's awesome. Glad people are getting Grey Gogs. PROBLEM: is it missing the Yellow crotch tampo from the Yamato? I don't see it in the box photo or in the clam case there....
  6. The main song is officially on repeat. The most accurate hacking scene in film history.
  7. Never really got the love for these films. The first one didn't blow my tits off or anything. It seems like this new one is just the same plot with bigger CGI, slightly more extreme. Idk, If I want giant Lizards I gravitate to Godzilla films and such. All the humans running around just dulls it down for me.
  8. This movie is a piece of art. haha
  9. He's a cool looking robot.. but he looks like all the other socs.
  10. back up at HLJ http://hlj.com/product/bann01264/Act
  11. Yeah I've had a few. Reviewed Heavy Noisey actually. Didn't keep them. I've come really close on several pieces but didn't pull the trigger. Utopia. Hexatron sixshot. Some of the Dinos. I always find something that puts me off. I have no problem with UL's but very few impress me majorly. I plan on getting some of the Maketoys MP scale figures since they are such cool pieces. It could be a bad photo... who knows.
  12. Yeah. I remember getting thumped a lot. Same thing for the Gakken Alphas haha.
  13. Watched the first 2 episodes. Really nice mix of Macross/Eva elements - which honestly is what Frontier tried to do. So far it's a lot more interesting and original than frontier. I don't see this getting hugely popular though.
  14. It looks like a kid's toy proche 935. It's recognizable, but not amazing. The MP Lambo in alt mode looks like a model to me. This does not.
  15. Just wondering if the guy who did the panel posts here?
  16. The back wheels look giant, and the front wheels don't look like they are touching the ground... maybe it's the angle but it doesn't look right to me. It looks like somebody bent it and made it banana shape. Surely I'm not the only one seeing that?
  17. I don't remember honestly. I know all the ones I had from before 1987 got tore up pretty badly. Jetfire. Prime. Jazz. I remember playing with the penny racers a lot - jumper and bee. Pretty sure Soundwave was my favorite as my parents bought one for each of us (Brother and I) - so if they did that it meant we couldn't share him properly haha. I got Metroplex for my birthday one year - that was a big deal.
  18. Nice honest review. Seems like a lot of issues that Takara could improve on. Great effort from transbot, but it's unlicensed for a reason.
  19. Great toy. My 11C and B are some of the few non SDF toys I have from Yamato. My only complaint is that the upper body seems a little top heavy in batroid. He looks best, to me, in a neutral pose.
  20. That's very creative. It's amazing how much you can get out of this mold from 7 years ago.
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