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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. Yeah I think stunt work is pretty important for this show - they can always give her acting classes or reduce her lines haha
  2. Salvation was a mess. It's part of a terminator film and part something else. It wasn't really about John Conner, and it wasn't really about the new Terminator sent to kill him. The only bits I enjoyed was the young Kyle Reese. But in Salvation skynet didn't know he was important til the end of the film. And all the heart transplant nonsense made it even sillier. Geynsis assumes all timelines are re-written - so none of the movies matter anymore other than a vague reference point to the past. Somebody sent back a t-1000 to kill Sarah in the past and that rewrote everything. Anyway, I think Geynsis will make a lot of money overseas - just like Pacific Rim, and still give the franchise some life.
  3. Who knows. Arnold started body building in the 70's. Maybe he sent him That did bug me but I figured it was sequel material.
  4. Yeah, I think everybody is doing it. They should start shooting for next year soon anyway so we'll know soon enough.
  5. Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience. I've never had a 3A piece... but even HT seems to have bad QA compared to even MP transformers. Getting the word out is the best thing to do. And yet the price rises on these 1/6th toys when you know the bodies don't cost that much to produce.
  6. Also, I went back and watched A2 this weekend and it's just as convoluted and silly. But people loved it. A7 - I get what you're saying. I have some complaints. I honestly wouldn't want to see the same characters played again the same way. It frustrated me to no end, but I couldn't figure out who the actor who played Reese was. Then I remembered he was John McClane's son in the last Die Hard. I think he was a bit too "perfect" to be a good Reese, but I think they were going for sexy and fresh over accurate. Eventually what the old fans want isn't enough. I felt like they were almost to the point to make the movie really engaging and tie a lot of things together, but never quite made the jump. Oh well. crap kept blowing up so I didn't mind that much. It entertained me, so I enjoyed it.
  7. I really liked this film. I felt it was a love letter to Terminator fans. The action was fun and engaging. I laughed a lot and cheered. Arnold's acting has come a long way. I'd say it's his best version of the role. Not sure why people are shitting on it so hard. Yeah - the plot was convoluted, but it's a time travel sequel.. what do you want? My friend who doesn't have a huge connection to Terminator loved it.
  8. Sweet new ALT shift X video. Brings up the possibility that Jon will kill Mel to make the burning sword - and some strong book evidence oh how and why he will be born again. Also interesting that most people misread Mel's face after Stannis' army deserted. She wasn't shocked that her magic didn't work, but that she was backing the wrong guy.
  9. I feel like a lot of MP fans aren't the same demo of people that buy chugs. Obviously there is overlap, but I don't buy any other transformers. But if each piece is the size/price of an MP car, it would only be 300-350 for a full combiner. Or the cost of one YF-19.
  10. I'm waiting it out for MP devistator. hah
  11. That would have been cool. Yeah I bet they will cut back to Bran working the tree with the Ravens knowing everything.
  12. Yeah speaking of - also interesting to note Ravens all over the show this season. When Dany escaped on her dragon and was nesting, at Winterfell with Sansa, and a few other important scenes. I think Bran was watching all season.
  13. I'm assuming that's why Dayne is in the show next season. They will show Ned's dream and the tower fight to confirm R+L = J From the show it seems Little finger knew what was up with Jon, as did Stannis (from the red witch?) when he said "That was not Ned Stark's way."
  14. Idk, it all goes down differently in the books. I don't see Dr. Bashir being that nice and easy going. He has to have something cooking.
  15. Agree on the Tom thing. He's toast. I think Jamie has two paths. 1. He turns full Lannister after the death of his daughter and the events in kings landing, he goes all out trying to restore the family and get revenge. 2. He betrays his family and seeks to destroy it. It would further the idea that he is going to end Cersei, and stick with his "king slayer" title of a betrayer. I think either path is likely. The Double D's have created such a mess with the Dorn story line that it's hard to tell. What is Dr. Bashir's motive here? What about the Prince in Jamie's custody? Lots of unanswered questions. I think Warging would work for a short period of time, so that Mel can find his body, but if you stay in for a long period of time it would make you nuts. Either way it depends on how the show deals with his body in the short term. (And I heard this idea on the spoiler cast by bald move) if they put off showing his body burn in the first 2 episodes that means he's coming back somehow. If they burn him right away then he probably is truly dead....which is unlikely, but we'll know. I think Jon wargs in the book - he Wargs in the very first intro or whatever, and is said to have a strong power - but the show hasn't confirmed it. There is the theory that Bran didn't get his power until he was shocked into it by losing his legs, and Jon's near death would fit that check mark. However, I really don't think there was a reason to show Ghost saving Sam, without it being Jon who was driving. He knows it's his ace in the hole in a place where nobody trusts him. It's gotta play some role in his resurrection I think. Unless the Walkers do it. Then all bets are off. Now here is something interesting that a stupid Meme made me think about.... What if... Arya uses her faceless powers to impersonate somebody important for a long period of time, Like Jon. What if she finds out about all this crap and takes his place, only to reek havoc on the north posing as her brother? It's a long shot, but a very cool possibility. I'd never considered her pretending to be somebody important until recently. I guess because she's been out of the main story so long. In the show, if Stannis is still alive - he could legitimize Jon when he goes to the Wall with Brienne. Another reason for him to survive.
  16. Yeah I agree with him that it's a long shot... Also, nobody in the casting info matches the description of Reed. I do think the High Sparrow might be motivated to clear the way for Dany though... or have some higher purpose other than just justice. It's hard to say.
  17. I was just wondering if anybody else is watching this show. It's fantastic! I heard a lot of good word of mouth from others, and I'm a few episodes deep. It has a real serial comic feel to it and it's very true to the books. It feels a bit too Batman at times, but it's still really well done so far. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daredevil_%28TV_series%29
  18. Yeah looks like the Greyjoys are back in force this next season. Should be interesting. I think the Prophecy also stated that all her children will die and Tom is the only one left. He's toast. Also, Tyrion is probably going to make a Dragon saddle for Dany. Remember he engineered that thing for Bran as a gift? Watch for it haha I don't think Reed is the High Sparrow. It's interesting but doesn't make enough sense. It's a cool idea that he's engineered all this as revenge for Ned, but physically they don't seem to match up. ALT SHIFT X has a theory video on that as well.
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