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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. The Giant Wun Wun? The one from the hardhome scene? I don't think you can Warg into intelligent creatures. Bran could Warg into Hodor because he's simple, but I think WunWun is pretty intelligent all things considered, so I doubt it.
  2. Warm it up with a blow dryer on very low heat.
  3. Don't know why you'd buy it.. as I doubt the plastic quality on it is better than MP-10. HT is pretty cheap. It's also at twice the price for some artistic license. But I know it's the only way HT could get in on the TF business - non-transforming and non-similar toys. Though who knows if they could engineer one anyway. Anyway, I'm sure it will sell. HT fans, Optimus fans, or just Transformer Nuts who buy statues and crap. Big market share.
  4. Nice score. Gonna be stoked to see this story line pick up. I saw an interesting theory on reddit:
  5. Idk I think the Paint job on Scream will probably make it look pretty cheap, as with most Hasbro releases. Really plain white and red.
  6. Not a fan of that. Looks annoying to handle and probably has very limited articulation.
  7. Even made the 30th look good haha
  8. Yeah I don't know this guy but people seem to like him a lot.
  9. I think its just a simple case of the shapes and the actors body not working together. The belt seems too high and makes him look squat. The chest plates are confusing and weirdly placed. The mask as we mentioned is too far forward, bulky, and too far up on his jaw. They should do a face mask similar to the arrows, and build the helmet around it. Very thin and tight. Then look to the flash for making the suit more streamlined.
  10. ROooooooooooooyuuu
  11. Great pics gundam
  12. It's too thick on the jaw. and the top is too thick so that it takes away from his face. It's like they tried to mix Captain America's helmet too much.
  13. It was violent but all off screen. I just don't get why they are pussy footing around. The Punisher needs to be a little over the top.
  14. Oh it def. looks better... too bad it's on that mold haha.
  15. should be as available as Tiger track and Bluestreak.
  16. New Thundercracker color scheme: TakaraTomy Mall Exclusive Hasbro version for comparison.
  17. Eh. It's a niche there. Frontier is fairly big because it copied a lot of tropes from Eva and such. But it's not as big as other shows I don't think.
  18. http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/JoshWildingNewsAndReviews/news/?a=123346 My excitement for DD2 has dropped.
  19. Most of the stuff we love isn't huge in Japan. That's just how it works haha. Except Transformers I guess.
  20. Somebody has to pick it up eventually.
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