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Everything posted by Gakken85

  1. My only problem is he's a bit too gosh shucks. Captain America, to me, was always a bit of a hard ass military man AND a boyscout. I think Evans plays up the boyscout role too much. It feels like young Cap or something. But yeah Winter Soldier and Avengers are probably the two best marvel Movies.
  2. I finally got my Takara re-issue of Mp-10. I have to say it's very tight and satisfying. That sounds wrong... I would swear the plastic on the eyes is a bit bluer too. Not lighter, but the blue comes out more? Maybe. Nice to have him back in the collection.
  3. That's why I quit Hot Toys after dipping in for a few months. Don't have the room or the inclinations haha. I do plan on getting one good Fett though.
  4. Seeing Maketoys get into the MP sized unlicensed market is the most exciting thing in unlicensed bots IMO. Seems like their quality is maybe pushing TT to put out Hound. Gundog looks nice too
  5. I'm going to watch these to see if they are wrong. Because if I watch Batman vs Wolverine and the answer is anything other than Wolverine... haha. --- Ok, so this show is kind of lame... fanboy fan service. It's basically a cosplay exhibition. They don't talk about WHY the guy (or girl) would win... which is all the fun of VS super battles conversations. For example: Wolverine would beat Batman because he would fight just as dirty as Batman would (Unlike Superman), and would uses his senses to avoid any traps or mistakes. Though Batman could potentially use his rage against him, he wouldn't be able to damage him enough, fast enough, before wolverine minced his guts. Now... if Batman had weeks to plan and knew all of Wolverine's powers - that's another story... If he could trap Wolverine and drown him or use one of the other proven ways to kill Wolverine he could come out on top, though Batman doesn't kill.
  6. Hell as much money as these make globally - they'd have to fail on several films to consider shutting down shop. Too big to fail. Also, there are some very engaging stories out there. Read Civil War if you haven't.
  7. This will probably be my only 1/6th...
  8. I didn't think it was that bad... What they originally filmed anyway. The problem is that it is just missing big chunks of exposition. I liked the horror take on being a superhero quite a bit, and it works really well with the Fantastic Four. Made me think of the Venture Brothers take on them. The first 30-40 minutes were pretty cool, but the reshoots and the lack of arc for Doom took it's toll. They also totally ripped off Akira when Doom came back. Then, the last 5 minutes are like super upbeat and poorly written. It was the cherry on top. It's like a train ride that is steady and building, then it goes off the tracks and everything goes wrong all at once. Engines explode. Bombs go off in the passenger car. But basically Trank cracked under the pressure of making a big film and couldn't get things to work, and Fox didn't give a frakk because they were just making it to keep the rights anyway. Perfect storm of no frakks given.
  9. I'm watching it right now... So far it's pretty good. Waiting for it to go to crap.
  10. Eh.. So far none of the Marvel movies have been a complete waste of time. But yeah it's a big business. They will keep pumping them out until they have a series of failures. And they have their formula down.
  11. http://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/471199-first-look-at-black-panther-in-new-captain-america-civil-war-set-photos Maybe this thread should morph to the Civil War thread now? Black Panther reveled.
  12. I was def. right about Trank trying to rip off Planetary. Too bad Trank couldn't sell his vision and get it made correctly. We'll never see that story put to film haha.
  13. Hard to believe this film is that bad.. I'm sure it's not good by any means, but there are so many shitty comic movies. People love to pile on.
  14. Mr Robot... Half of it is pretty cool. Mainly the main guy's acting and the cinematography/music. The story is super derivative and cringey though. It's like they took edgy dialogue from reddit and put it on TV. The last two episodes have been really clunky. Losing interest. I'm enjoying True Detective a lot. And enjoying the second half of this final Hannibal season. Anybody watch Black Mirror?
  15. Pretty good. Felt like a TV level super-hero film with a bit better special effects. They sold how powerful he could be, which is nice. But yeah. I think they over-did the comedy with the heist crew, as a lot of their input was pretty bad. I like how the theme of Pym's loss melded with the Scotts mission.
  16. Deadpool is pretty cringe inducing for me. I like it when it's a bit dark, but it's pretty annoying how popular he is for no good reason.
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