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    Votoms, Macross, Getter Robo, Transformers

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  1. Having an opinion that is different from yours isn't trolling. This is a discussion post, not a praise post. Endless praise for a show shouldn't be the chief aim here. I watched the first episode and didn't like it. The aim of the first episode should be to draw you in and I didn't feel that it did it's job. Miles - so this is going off the movie universe timeline I guess?
  2. That's another thing I don't get. If this guy is like a high level telepath - which I am assume he is - why isn't somebody serious coming after him? Call the X-men instead of letting some New York hipster try to mess around. haha
  3. I'm watching the first episode of JJ just to give a shot and it's pretty boring. Like CSI sassy chick or something. I don't find her to be a credible badass and the acting isn't amazing. The writing is pretty bland too. The main character is more annoying than anything. Daredevil is somebody you can sympathize with and care about as a human. Jessica Jones is just walking wish fulfillment for people who want a cheap female "superhero". It just the same stuff you can get on any network cop show with a bit more sex. Save the edge and give me a story. By the time she's riding in the Taxi and they are trying to hook you emotionally, I just kept thinking.. "who cares?"
  4. God I love this show. Nothing on TV makes me laugh like the writing. The writing for Ash and his one-liners are amazing. "Sweet shithouse mouse!" I'm really, really enjoying this series. It's too bad it's only 6 episodes. I love the mix of practical effects and CGI. It's a shame Rami doesn't do more TV. My only major complaint is the Actress playing the cop... Though her tits are massive... her acting is godawful. I feel like episode 4 was probably the weakest so far. The car chase was kind of silly, but I enjoyed the back story on Ash.
  5. Dat shockwave though. I just hate how Iron hides upper body fades away around the sides.
  6. It's hard to say. I think most people associate the pink tint with white plastic with impurities. I wouldn't say it feels cheap though.
  7. I've been getting prepped for the new film. I watched fan edits of the prequels and I'm working on the despecialized editions. I saw Cloak of Deception, The Republic Divided, and The Dawn of the Empire. I have to say with some editing and re-hauling these are pretty decent films with a good story underneath. Taking out little things like not letting the droids speak, or cutting scenes just a little short makes a huge difference. They also added in some cut scenes that give a much better narrative flow, while cutting pointless scenes like the diner in clones. Also cutting some of the over the top sequences like Yoda flipping around was nice. I really enjoyed rewatching all three together after not seeing them for over a decade. They are solid fantasy-fi films in their own right.. if edited properly.
  8. This toy should be like their VF-1 reissues. Pretty much the same but with probably slightly inferior (though hard to identify why it's inferior. IE pinkish and thinner) plastic quality and sloppier paint apps. I don't remember the QC being that bad on the Roy and Hik re-issues, other than the skull and crossbones being off on the tail. I didn't buy either so I don't know. I'd never switch to the 1/100's because the Battroid modes look pretty off to my eye. They seem really over priced at 120 bucks when you can get a sentinel product for that price point with tons of detail and whatnot. Compare it to Sentinals Iron Man stuff at the similar scale and the 1/100 line looks cheap. However I do want a Spartan! But people like to have something new and get in on the ground floor. It's a lot less daunting than trying to find all the 1/60's when the prices will probably continue to go up. Arcadia has been around over a year + and only done 2 vf-1 re-issues. But I also don't blame people from being scared off from any Arcadia product. They bring it on themselves by making a rookie mistake and letting it out into the wild. Arcadia has to build their brand, and that means making quality toys. People are already put off by the price point and the lack of tampo - you throw in a big structural defect and PO's will disappear.
  9. anybody else thinking about skipping Ratchet and Ironhide? The more I look at them the less I like either mode. The Robot mode looks too thin and broken up in the chest, and the vehicle alt mode looks really busy and broken up with all the transformation lines.
  10. Riddley Scott was pretty specific that Deckard was a replicant. He even said so in the documentaries and such. That's the whole point of the unicorn scenes. It was more of a battle with the producers who wanted a more consumer friendly movie that ends on a high note that most of the footage he wanted to imply that he was a replicant was scrapped. He basically finished it and the producers saw it and wanted the final stuck in to appease test audiences. Thats why they took the Superman footage and made the driving off into the sunset ending. Basically hacks that had no idea about the story trying to compromise his vision. Ridley didn't have the power then that he has now. It didn't really matter because I believe ET pretty much smashed all the competition that year and nobody was going to see anything else. It wasn't going to make a ton of money that year if they changed the ending or not.
  11. I've had some boxing lessons, but I never committed to any classes. A lot of them are 100 bucks a month for some of the gyms around here. Krav Maga is pretty popular but I kind of wanted to learn some proper kick boxing.
  12. Plastic quality isn't QC - you're right. It's just cost cutting.
  13. I think he took my point out of context, and I didn't really understand what he was getting at. I didn't think David opened any of his stuff haha "I'd like to see somebody say that they worked the hip joint repeatedly and nothing broke," isn't "everybody who owns one must take one for the team and transform it." Those who chose to take theirs out of the box and transform it and still have no hip issues could test it to see how much stress it could take. Some folks might not want to pay more for a fix, or aren't that good at swapping parts. They may not want the hassle.
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