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Everything posted by joscasle

  1. Last buil, July IPMS challenge: Next build:
  2. As far as I know, the ILM team made the panel lines with a pencil, of course in a 3m model. With my Zvezda 1/2700 ISD I tried to use a pencil, but that would have taken forever to complete, I took the same approach as derex3592
  3. Stay at home !!! There are many web stores where you can buy Mr. Surfacer. By the way, just put a little Mr. Thinner in that old Mr.Surfacer, it will come alive again!
  4. Nice!!!!! Love the Miria scheme!!!
  5. Hasegawa 1/48 kits are great Valkyries!!
  6. Love Buzz and the Macross Factory, all great works!!!!!
  8. Fisnish! Hope you like it
  9. mmm... maybe, they look very similar
  10. Well, the left the VF-25 aside for a little time, there is a competition in June in my local hobby IMPS, so I started a few week ago the Wave 1/72 VF-4 Lightning III. Good kit, good fit, no Hasegawa details, but it is a fine looking model. Still some work to do, panel lines, some weathering (wheel wells), wings, the pilot, clear paints (lights) and a few decals.
  11. Nice!!!! I know your pain But the results will be great!!
  12. I have the Wave first boxing of the VF-4. It's a nice kit, I think the panel lines are too deep and wide, but the kit looks fine. I really love that Hasegawa release a new VF-4 but I think that will never happen, same with the VF-17. the panel lines of the Hasegawa models have a greater fineness than those of Wave.
  13. wow derex!!!!! Nice!!!
  14. WOW!!!!!!
  15. LOVE that build!!! looks like 1/48
  16. I build 10 1/72 HASEGAWA VF-1, the kit is simple, a normal airplane build with no major flaws. Looking at that plamax image, the panel lines look very deep and wide, just MHO.
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