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Everything posted by joscasle

  1. What schema you will build?
  2. I were faster than me jejeje!!! Great!!
  3. Nice, thats great news!!
  4. when is the release date?
  5. I'm up for one too
  6. Looking at your first picture, you are working on a J model, what Valk you will build Max,Miria or mass?
  7. Thanks a aot for your help
  8. Thanks a lot!!
  9. Hi! I'm building or at least trying all the valks of the mayor character in the TV anime, all in 1/72 scale. At the moment Hikaru's J and Max Super J both battroid are done. Right now I'm building Milia's J and Hikaru/Roy both Super and fighter mode. The Hikaru/Roy fast pack color is very rare is not blue, is not gray, is a little green, but I really don't know what color I need to use. Please give some advice. These picture maybe give some ideas: Thanks for your help
  10. Looking at the decal sheet picture, all the pictures of the model use number 105, but there is no 105 decal, only 107, maybe there is another smaller one with different numbers.
  11. Its finish!!! Hope you like it. I knwo the pics are not great The 2 parts of the hand that hold the gunpod are not fixed, still needs glue Thanks to all who help.
  12. David I found gaianotes purple very good, don't have pics right now , but you can buy the paint in www.luckymodel.com Link of the clear colors line: http://gaianotes.com/products/gaia-color_clear.html They also sell a premium paint called Premium Series, only 2 colors at these moment premium blue and premium red, both are clear , maybe those work for you. Here is the link: http://gaianotes.com/products/gaia-color_premium.html I use google chrome for translation jeje
  13. Hi! I just started the building process of the VF-1J Super Valkyrie Miria Custom, I'll use the Strike Valk kit from Hasegawa, I have a spare J head from other kit, and the kit came with 2 missile launchers, so no problems. I will use custom decals from Samuel Decals, I just need the "no step" and "DANGER" decals in white, the INTAKE decals in gray ans some other stenciles in gray. The rest of the decals came from the kit's decal sheet, all the white bands will be painted. Here are the first steps I started with some of the sub assemblies, arms and their armor/missile launchers I didn't put attention to the arms union because it will be covered by the armor parts The Gunpod The gunpod will be painted gloss back and then I will use ACLAD II steel . Missile Lauchers. The wings, not much to say here, I made the holes for the weapons, I will use the weapon set. Leg parts: I will not use the landing gear, the model will be "in flight" position: The cockpit as all of you know is very basic, I will use the pilot so I don't thik I will waste time detailing these section, I will add some scratch to the back, becuase there is a hole there, but nathin very complicated These is all for the moment.
  14. Totally agree with you.
  15. Thanks to both, I need to update a little these topic, jeje, its almost finish right now, just need a flat clear cote and its ready. Hope to post some pictures these weekend. I just started a a new Valk, but these time in fighter mode, it the Miria Custom, I want to have both side to side, one in Battroid mode and the other one in fighter mode. I have a few problems with references, there is not much love for Max and Miria in their TV valks. looking at the anime Miria's fast pack are red and grey, diferent from Max fighter blue and and darker blue for the missile launchers. Tetsujin please post some pictures of your Batt.
  16. Looking the new pictures, I don't think Club-M's VF-11 is better than the new Hasegawa, really, Hasegawa seems to have more detail in general and the shape is really good.
  17. Totally agree!!!
  18. Excelente Trabajo!!!!
  19. I prefer Mac+ schemas vs Mac7, but that's just me. The one is the HLJ picture is nice too.
  20. I hope they release the Isamu Dayson schema I hope they release the Isamu Dayson schema
  21. Some minor updates, the decaling is complete. Next step some washes and paneling a clear coat .
  22. Thanks to all of you for your help. David, you are right, the VF-1J Battroid in that link is a little pink. I found there is no much love for the TV version of Super Valkyries, I found a lot of DYRL but just a few Max or Millia/Miria, specially the red one jeje. Thanks a gain to all for your help. I hope to start these project soon.
  23. Hi! I found these. I will build the fighter mode kit, but these is a good reference, Can some one tell me what red is the one was used in these build? http://www.hkml.net/Discuz/viewthread.php?tid=32532&extra=page%3D18 Thanks /
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