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Everything posted by joscasle

  1. Need some pics!!!!
  2. I'm in for one too
  3. Whites are ok
  4. Yeah, a lot better!!
  5. About Hasegawa decals, they improve a lot since 2009, the decals still are somewhat thick, but improve the white (the white is white now) and reduce the transparency a lot. The Vf-19 in 1/48 has a great decal sheet, and the new VF-1 in 1/48 too. The Vf-11 and VF-25 decal sheet are the same, at least looks the same to me. Bandai decals are terrible, Tamiya decals for example its the same as hasegawa. The best decals came from Cartograft,Microscale and Aztec, most of the 3 party manufactures use them as a supplier (fightertown decals, afterburner, etc) but is very hard to find great decals for science fiction subjects. IMHO you can't find better Macross decals than Hasegawa's, there are some garage decals, those are good to replace Bandai ones but not Hasegawa's, http://old.samueldecal.com/ is an example, I use them in two kits, great service from Sam, but the decals need to be treated with care.
  6. Nop at the moment. I receive mine yesterday, all color are in Japanese, but the paint numbers are there so no big problem. If a remember well, the Vf-1J in 1/48 came only in Japanese too, need to check!! Looking at the instructions, Hasegawa didn't ask to tint the canopy clear purple, it is correct to paint the canopy, or is more "realistic" just clear? Thanks
  7. mine too!!! hope it will arrive soon
  8. Hey where is these post, can't find it anywhere. Thanks
  9. maybe you can find one of those in ebay
  10. Genial, te quedo impresionante!!!!!! Siempre he dicho, por qué Hasegawa no hace de paquete Gerwalks????? Bienvenido!, saludos desde Costa Rica. Great work!!, Hasegawa need to start releasing Gerwalk mode kits.
  11. well... I ask the same question about 2.5 years ago lol. I ended using a mix of Gaianotes red + Gaianotes primary red (more darker red). I have Vallejo red, but is lighter than tamiya's, so not a good Millia's red , just MHO. You will need to do your own mix. In the end the Millia's red it's a very hard color to obtain. For Max I use a mix of Cobalt Blue (5) + Air Superiority blue (2), all colors from Gunze. I can tell you that Ranger565 can help you, he help me a lot.
  12. great news!!!!!
  13. The Strike/Super 1/48 date changed too?
  14. The pilots looks right, IMHO
  15. here is a picture of the parts breakdown for the Strike in 1/48 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=728134320549350&set=a.728130550549727.1073741836.519867854709332&type=3&l=1826d52397&theater It's seams that no one care for these because it is the only picture I found on the web
  16. To me the canopy looks fine!! The landing gear looks a little thick but much better than Bandai
  17. More pics!!! Why just 1??
  18. They are a lot better than Bandai ones, real 1/72 scale!!!
  19. Really nice job!!!
  20. Completely out of the box. I use Super Battroid kit, that kit came with the J head so no problems there. The withe no step stencils came from Samuel decals. All white stripes were painted, same with Millia's red Valk.
  21. Max blue is my favorite Valk, looks really nice! TV version Valkyries are nicer than movie editions, you have more types (S,J,A) and different colors. The nice thing from DYRL is the Strike!!! GU-11 you are right about that, the missile launchers are not glued, so that will be a really fast to solve. Still need to finish some decaling in Millia and Kakizaki's one need a a lot of decaling and a wash and some clear cotes, oohh and some missiles . The last thing to do is the pilots. I will try to take some pics at day light tomorrow
  22. Thats a nice build man!!!! really nice!
  23. Indeed looks nice, I use kotobukiya, the only problem is you need at lest 2 sets for each valk
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