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Everything posted by Hurin
Crap. . . forgot the anniversary DVD. Started concentrating on how to word the "recipe" part. Or. . . I was using "new math." H
Gotta agree with Exo. The Boris artwork is rather jarring. The only one that makes sense is the first one because, if I'm not mistaken, that's a painting of a Valkyrie. Not really a Boris fan though, so I'm biased. Also, consider putting some of the other valk designs on the box. On the old Bandai boxes, CFs and other types were usually seen cruising along in the background. Best Regards, H P.S. The overall look and design is quite nice though! Thanks for the pics!
I don't have the file here at work with me. . . but I think the closing credits eventually show you what was used. The credits look very static, but they do progress.
As stated two or three times in this very thread: 9 Animeigos. . . 1 DYRL. . . Flashback 2012. Place in pot, simmer, season to taste. Serves 12. H
Yeah, I doubt that this image was originally a Robotech image. I remember first seeing it on the back of the comic books by Comico. . . when they were advertising the actual television show. And that was back before HG was putting out anything that wasn't jut re-branded stuff from Japan. And, as others have said, this looks like other non-HG artwork. I think it has just been seen so much over at rt.com and on their product literature and advertisements that some have assumed it is artwork commissioned by HG. Or a fan-work. But I don't think it's either. Could be wrong though. H P.S. Great PS job! Nice to have a pristine version!
Somewhat larger in size than a logo? H
I thought I'd gotten over the Robotech BGM affinity after finishing my Animeigo DVDs of SDF Macross. . . Now, I picture the show with the original Japanese songs and BGM. But then. . . darn it, I went to SDFMacross.net and he uses that very haunting Robotech theme as the music for his intro page. Now I actually miss the Robotech music again. I was free! Free! H
Yes. . . that's called trying to be fair and addressing all sides of an arguement (even before the opposing view brings it up). However, I think there is something inherently different about the Low-Vis. Though I suppose they could get away with a subtley different one, I think they have let too much time pass. . . and too many people have bought the Low-Vis at very marked up prices. Whereas the generic CF came out almost immediately after the TRU one if I'm not mistaken. . . A minor point, but one worth making, I think. Also, an "exclusive" is subtley different than a "Limited Production". . . they were saying: "You can only get this at TRU!" They were not saying: "You won't be able to buy this after TRU runs out." Those are two different things, and Yamato never said the latter, as far as I know. Then, just to be sure that there is no confusion over which is which, they also subtlely altered the color when they released the mass-released one. Again, another minor point, but one worth making. I don't know. I suppose it was profitable enough for them. . . as they definitely sold ever last one. Question, do you think they wold sell every last one of a VF-1J release if they first broke their "promise" and made more of the Low-Vis 1A? They might. But there is no doubt that their credibility would be hurt by doing so. In my opinion, the damage to their credibility would be far worse than the TRU CF affair. Just my opinion. . . H
Okay. . . let's try this again. . . As I said, I have no problem believing that they initially planned on making 4 valks in 1/48. But, equating an adjustment to an initial plan made at the outset of a new toy line with them totally reversing themselves regarding an announced (and clearly marked) limited release. . . well, if you want to try to see those as being the same, I can't help you. Likewise, if you want to take an initial plan at the outset of a toy line as gospel. . . I can't help you. Man, when the old boards are brought back up, I'd love to see exactly how this was reported. I can't wait to see the unequivocal dictate from Yamato: "We shall make four! And only four! Four shall be the number of the Valkyries! And the number of the valkyries shall be. . . four. Three we shall not make! Nor two. . . or one. . . unless we then proceed to four. Five is right out! I have a feeling the announcement was something more like: "Yamato is planning on four valkyries at this time. . ." let me get this straight.... you're asking where Yamato didn't say something? Seriously? Oooooooooooooooooooh-KAY! I had mis-read this. I thought he had said that Yamato had announced that they would not release more of the Hikaru 1A and Roy 1S. Obviously, you can't prove a negative. But, well, if he's actually saying: "They never said they were going to re-release the Roy and Hikaru. . .and they did. So they might re-release the Low-Vis too!". . . well, that's just faulty logic. He's looking at it entirely backwards. He is correct in saying that they never did say that they would release more Hikaru 1As and Roy 1Ses. . . yet they did. But, they were free to make more because they never said they wouldn't. But the Low-Vis is completely different: By stating that the Low-Vis is a limited production item (on the box for crying out lout!). . . they have said that they will not produce more. So, he's sorta shooting his own argument in the foot. Late Edit: Closed the italics tag that was screwing everything up.
Okay. . . hypothetically, someone asks Yamato what their plans are and they (supposedly, cuz I still haven't seen any evidence) it goes something like this: "Well, we're going to be making 1/48 scale valkyries. . ." "Really? Which ones?" "Well, we're planning on making Hikaru 1A, Roy 1S, Max 1A, and then that's probably it." "Oh. Thanks." Then they decide to make more when people love them so much. That is far different than this scenario: "What's this Low-Vis 1/48 Valkyrie I keep hearing about?" "It's a Limited Production Collector's Edition 1/48 Valk. It doesn't appear in any of the series but is just something we thought was cool and wanted to offer to the fans as a Limited Edition. We're marking "Limited Production" on the box so there is no mistake that this is something special." One is clearly marked as a "Limited Production" Collector's Edition. Inherent in that marking is a sort of "promise" from Yamato that they will not produce more of them and thereby diminish their market value. There was never any such promise --direct or implied-- of which I'm aware, regarding Yamato releasing only a certain number of 1/48 releases. I'm really not even sure where you're getting that information. But I'm willing to bet that you're interpreting Yamato's initial plans and expectations as some sort of promise. . . and I don't think that's a fair comparison to a Limited Edition situation. H
The a-hole purist in me would say: It's space, there is no sound. Oddly, that's exactly what it would have sounded like. . . just dead silence. But of course, I'm sure you knew that. . . and I'm just being an anal peon. How about setting it to some music though. . . that would be easy enough! Best Regards, H
Where? Where? I think you're probably confusing rumors, unsubstantiated gossip, or unofficial statements made to inquiring (private) parties ("we have no plans to do x at the moment") with official company policy statements and press releases that might state something like: "We will never do x." Saying that something is unlikely or that they don't have have plans to do something (such as going beyond four 1/48 valks) is quite different than releasing a toy and putting "Limited Production" in big, bold letters on its box. . . one is set in stone. The other is not. Who could fault Yamato for initially thinking that there would only be deman for four editions of 1/48 valks. . . and then expanding the line when it proved successful? Not many would blame them for doing that. Yet, a whole lot of people would be pissed at Yamato (and not trust any future "Limited Productions") if Yamto just decided to produce more Low-Vis "Limited Production" Valks. I personally wouldn't be one of them. . . but I can see where it would be sorta lame to do so. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings. I realize you want a Low-Vis at a reasonable price. . . but I think you may want one so bad that you're engaging in a bit of wishful thinking here. Good Luck though! I hope you find one! Best Regards, H
Wow. That was incredible. Thanks for posting that Shawn. That made my night Macross-wise. Everyone should do themselves a favor. . . when the VF-1S transforms, watch it in slow motion. It's a think of beauty! Best Regards, H
Yes, We were. Actually, it is not in Yamato's best interest to "re-release" a product that they explicitly said was "limited production." Sure, they might make some fast cash on a re-release. But, what happens down the road when they release something else and declare it "limited production?" One of the main reasons a company declares something "Limited Production" is to increase the demand for something, and thus increase sales/profits. So, if they start re-releasing "Limited Production" products to suit demand, their claims of "Limited Production" for future products loses credibility and their future use of that marketing tactic becomes less effective for them.Yamato already ran into this in a small way when they released the TRU Exclusive 1/60 CF. They later widely released an only subtley different 1/60 CF. . . and there was some complaining. . . and I think a lot of people probably cited this when they doubted the initial reports of the Low-Vis being "Limited Production". . . and thus this may have contributed to some people holding out too long and missing out on the Low-Vis. Though, a lot of that was theoretical on my part. . . Plus, for those who take their Macross toy collecting (too?) seriously, re-releasing a toy that was announced as "Limited Production" just immediately seems wrong. A Toy Company should stick to its guns and maintain its credibility, in my opinion. Think of all the people who will be pissed at Yamato because they bought an after-market Low-Vis for $200. . . only to have Yamato re-release a "Limited Production" toy which was only worth $200 in the first place because Yamato had claimed it was "Limited Production." Who says they're listening? Best Regards, H
I don't get it. Why have a nice leatherbound edition of The Lord of the Rings when this beat-up paperback works just fine? I don't get it. Why frame that poster so nicely when just nailing it to the wall works just as well? I don't get it. Why wear that stylish leather jacket when this burlap sack keeps me just as warm? Some of us like to "embroider" or enhance the things we love. . . nothing wrong with enhancing the appearance of the DVD cases. I mean, really, by your standard, why would the people distributing DVDs put any effort into their packaging at all. Why not just send them out in plain paper CD-Envelopes? Some find the Animeigo DVDs pretty darn ugly. . . and they wish something more colorful and fancy had been done. To each their own. . . H
There are no stupid questions...
Hurin replied to the white drew carey's topic in Movies and TV Series
I have no idea, but I would think that the three-digit number should somehow denote squadron as well. I mean, if each squadron has a 001 and a 011, things would be murky when referring to fighters by only their tail number. . . and, well, I'd assume the numbers are there to remove murkiness. Hypothetically, let's look at it this way: I'm Hikaru (I wish!) in the pilots's seat of my VF-1J with tail number 011. I'm shot at by another valkyrie. . . a friendly fire incident. As he whizzes by, I catch his tail number: 021. I then call Misa and complain: "Misa! I was just fired upon by a friendly: Tail number 021." Misa: "Which squadron?" Hikaru: "I don't know, he went by so fast." Misa: "Well, that could be either Skull 021, Ghost 021, Blue 021, or Ghost 021. All four of those squadrons are in your area." Hikaru: "Nevermind. . ." For that reason, I wouldn't think that each squadron starts over again at 001. Perhaps Skull-1 is 001 because it is the premiere squadron on the Macross? I really have no clue. . . but the idea of just numbering each squadron over again starting at 001 seems frought with ambiguities and problems. H P.S. Sorry if those squadron names aren't canon. Drew a blank when I tried to come up with some ones that I remembered from the show. -
All you Mozilla and Opera users need to just get assimilated already. Being a Microsfoft-whore isn't so bad. They go in through your nose, and they let you keep the little piece of brain they take out. . . *holds up jar with piece of brain* Hello, who's that big man over there?. . . H
I'd probably get both. Hey, where do those DVDs come from with the artwork already on them? My Animeigos don't look anything like that. Is that an HK release? Thanks! H
Dude, it got old about 30 posts back. "odd" and "old". . . two different words and meanings. Though both definitely apply to this discussion. I too wouldn't mind an "out of continuity" story that is obviously so. But, Macross Zero ain't one of them. So, for that reason, a drastic re-design of the VF-1 would be problematic. But Uxi's concept of a redesign would be pretty cool. . . IMHO. H
Hi Guys. . . First, you're all very talented. I've been mesmerized by this thread for at least two hours now. . . and have finally reached the end. All of your work is very impressive. . . but Datterboy. . . wow. . . that VF-1 is just. . . incredible. I'm speechless! Question: can someone like me who has no "old-school" artistic talent (can't draw free-hand worth a damn) get into this stuff and do it well? Or does old-school talent cross over into 3D modeling and rendering? If I did want to start experimenting, can someone direct me to a good beginner's resource? Again. . . incredible work guys! Just astounding! H
Okay. . . tough guy. H
I didn't want to say it . . . but yeah. . . I smell a cop-out. H
I just could not believe it when I got all the way through an entire page-and-a-half (showing 40 posts per page) and had yet to see Aegis go totally nutty over all the 1/48 votes. Thankfully, he showed up. Late. . . but he showed up. Didn't go half as nutso as I expected, however. I'm actually somewhat disappointed. I like patterns and constants in my life. H P.S. I voted for 1/48. Yes, I know how scales work. Yes, I know the toy will be big. I like big toys. Especially in this case because I want it to be to-scale for my VF-1s. I'm just "unscrupulous" that way. P.P.S. As others have said: Just because the toy is bigger, does not mean it will cost more. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Price is based on demand and market pressures. . . not on how expensive the toy was to produce.
Uh, you really should read what I said more closely. Here is what I said: You can call it a "simple" concept if you want. And to you, it might be. But others might feel differently about Macross, and how Kawamori's decisions influence it. Really, it all comes down to how you view an artist's intention and its effect on a final piece of art. Or, indeed, if a piece of art can ever truly be considered final So, exactly where do I say that it's too complex for most Macross fans? Seriously. . . where? It was you who was repeatedly claiming that the concept was "simple" (and thus expressing exasperation that us morons were unable to grasp it. . . something you just came out and said later). I'm glad we're done here. . . because now it's just getting odd. H
About American cartoons and nobody dying. This pissed me off when I was a kid. I used to watch those parachutes pop out of every damn plane that was shot down in GI Joe. I can remember watching Transformers and GI Joe. . . and just thinking: "What's the point, nobody ever dies and they'll just fight again tomorrow." Then you contrast that with Macross (then, Robotech). . . and Roy dies. . . then "Ben". . . Finally, the whole freakin' planet "dies." When people would ask me about Robotech and why I liked it so much since it was "just a cartoon" . . . even after I entered my teens, I'd usually say something like: "Dude, this is not just a cartoon. I mean, this isn't Disney, or fluffly bunny stuff. The entire planet gets blown to hell with everyone on it!" As for Roy's death being confusing. . . I just don't see it. Even as a kid, it was abundantly clear to me that he died from loss of blood (and now, possibly shock). And, for me, the feeling of "Why didn't he go to the hospital?!?" or "Why didn't anyone notice!?!" just adds to the tragedy of it. All the best, tragic events in fiction are those that could have been prevented if only you had been there and done things differently! As for sitting there, strumming a guitar while spending time with the woman you love being an odd thing to rush away to for your last few minutes of life. Well, maybe it's because I'm not a raging-hormone teenager (or even lower-twenties) guy anymore. . . but I can't think of a nicer way to end a life. . . given the circumstances (it's not like he could take her to Hawaii or anything). Plus, I think it might be a bit cruel of him to flop over dead on her while. . .taking care of business. H