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Everything posted by Hurin
If I may dust off an old favorite: Sweet Merciful Crap! As for filling the face-gaps, here's what he said in the prior thread on these guys (sans FAST Packs): H
Well, I could see where you think it is embarassing. As I said, I'm willing to let all the other crap drop. We disagree about what probably happened in the back rooms regarding swappable heads. That doesn't mean that anyone is "wrong". . . since neither of us was there. But I still have a hard time with your assertion that somehow Exo asking whether I think Yamato lied to Graham somehow equates to me stating or "insinuating" that Graham lied to us. That assertion just makes no sense. Language can and should be a precise tool. And nothing I said can (or should) be construed in that way. Sadly, however, I think that's the closest you'll ever come to admitting this. As for the rest of it. . . fine with me. H
Hehe. Yep, you're right. I should probably just make totally unreasonable and unfounded accusations, blow things out of proportion, drop the name of perhaps the board's most respected member/moderator, say I'm offended, (and he probably is too) . . . and then, when I'm called on any of it (in detail), just wuss out and say: "Whatever, Hurin." I guess that's the more socially acceptable and popular way of handling disagreements around here. Just say "you're wrong". . . but never say why. Assert that someone is hiding behind "word games and BS". . . but never say how. It's all very convenient when you have no argument of your own and can't possibly respond to the opposing argument on its merits. Just pretend that you are "above it all" and that your time is much, much too valuable to spend another precious minute addressing such petty concerns as what bodily orifice you pulled your obviously groundless accusations. You and me both. But Blaine said that I accused Graham of lying when I did no such thing. Further, it is obvious that I did no such thing. That is a serious charge and calls both my character and (ironically) Graham's into question. Nobody accused Graham of lying. . . yet Blaine asserts that I did. . . so now there may be a perception by some that there is an accusation that Graham lied where there was none before. If Blaine would just be decent and admit that he either misread something or misunderstood something, and that I never did make any such accusation, I'd let all that other crap slide. Because, truthfully, I don't consider my "accusation" about Yamato's "passing the buck" to BW to be much of an accusation at all. I consider it neither unscrupulous nor dishonest. Actually, I consider it good business. H
Yeah, I actually take the time to make a cogent argument. A practice with which you are obviously unfamiliar. Word games? You claim that I "insinuated" that Graham lied when I clearly did not. Despite this, you boldy asserted that it was "plain and simple" that I did so. Who is hiding behind word games? You know you can't back your charge up. . . so now you just stoop to asserting that I'm "wrong." Ooooh, good argument. Oh, but now that you've got no leg to stand on, you're above this argument. Here's a tip, don't accuse people of things without any basis, then try to back it up with unsubstantiated nonsense that is clearly contradicted by our very own words, then back out of the argument while simultaneously acting "above it all." As for Yamato. . . I have written post after post discussing why it would not be in Yamato's best financial interests to provide swappable heads. That provides all the evidence I need to give for a freakin' opinion. If you don't agree, sorry, but I can't help you. Now, follow along here, if you can: 1. Yamato would stand to make less money if they provided swappable heads. 2. Yamato therefore did not want to provide swappable heads. 3. BW would not allow them to offer swappable heads. 4. Yamato told Graham that they are not allowed to offer swappable heads. 5. Yamato did not tell Graham that they wouldn't have done so anyways. If I believe #1 and #2 (and I do), Then #5 logically follows. Blaine, seriously: Where is the big f'ing conspiracy here!?! What has you so riled up? Why would you say that I said that Graham lied. . . and that I must consider Yamato to be dishonest when I do not? Just why the hell have you taken such an innocuous comment and gone friggin' nuts over it. . . casting aspersions and basically blowing things way out of proportion to anything I ever said?!? What, even if my above opinion is factually and demonstrably correct, is so wrong with Yamato doing that!?! In my book: Nothing. You're the one making this such a big deal. Who really cares whether it was BW or Yamato? I personally think that if BW hadn't nixed the idea, Yamato would have decided against it anyways. SO F'ING WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?! I have no idea why you're so riled. But I've provided all the evidence I should have to provide for me to state a friggin' opinion. Generally, people aren't asked to document evidence for their opinions on such trivial matters. If I were asserting that ExO beats baby seals or that Yamato uses the blood of elderly women to grease the machinery at their manufacturing facilities, I could see where some standard of evidence might be required. But, I've stated my opinion, backed it up with what I consider sound reasoning. . . and you just happen to disagree. But then you fly completely off the handle and start claiming that I'm calling people liars and dishonest. Really, it is you who are making unfounded accusations. Seriously, you are the only one levelling any charges here of any consequence without making any cogent sense while doing so. Where is your evidence? So, bud, until you actually provide the quote where I accuse Graham of lying or even being dishonest. . . Hell, if you can even just explain how I "insinuated" it, rather than just (bafflingly) asserting that I did, I suggest that you take a deep breath, calm down, and stop throwing stones from your glass house. Or, if you can't do that, the least you could do is say: "You're right, you never accused Graham of lying." Since you can't honestly do the former, I'd expect that latter sentence from you shortly. But, seeing how you now conveniently ignore the charge you recklessly made earlier, I won't hold my breath. H
The 1st release of the Hikaru 1A had crooked skulls as well. That is definite. Remember, the 1A came out first. I think the 1S and 1A both had the crooked skulls because they used rear stabilizers from the same production/painting run. But that's conjecture. I think that the question really is about what things will distinguish 1sts and 2nd release valks without opening the box. So far, the only sure-fire way I know of is to check the seat headrest. Velcro tabs isn't 100% indicative from what I've read. Somewhere in here are pictures of the differences between the headrests. Best Regards, H
Yeah, me too. I once felt like there was a need to have the original release Hikaru 1A and Roy 1S. But, think about what that means. If you're like me and like to keep one loose and one in the box. . . that means 4 of the same toy. . . total of 8 (Hikaru and Roy). 1 1st release 1A Hikaru loose 1 1st release 1A Hikaru mint in box 1 2nd release 1A Hikaru loose 1 2nd release 1A Hikaru mint in box Now repeat for Roy. We're talking $1000 at this point following my anal-retentive collecting method. Yuck. Anyways, I have the two of each original release. . . and now I just can't see buying the 2nd release versions without first selling off the mint-in-box 1st releases. I mean, they are essentially the exact same toy except the later ones are better. As value goes, I just have a hard time believing that the inferior earlier release will ever been in appreciably higher demand (even among completists). So. . . I'm not positive, but I think you'd probably be able to get away without getting the originals. Take it from a moron like me with the "mint-in-box" sickness. H
You need to read this thread again. I'll help you: Exo: "So you're saying that Yamato lied to Graham?" Hurin: "And, yes, I'm saying it's entirely possible that Yamato "passed the buck" to BW. Instead of angering the community, they can just say: "Well, we wouldn't have been allowed to do so, even if we wanted to. . . sorry." Not exactly a lie. More like spin." Care to show me where Graham ever lies there? Even Exo's initial question is about Yamato lying to Graham. Care to show me where I "insinuate" that Graham has lied? Obviously, he is merely reporting what he has been told. Your reasoning is way off here. . . far from "plain and simple." And truth be told, I can't comment further on how faulty your reasoning here is without getting unduly personal. If this is you just trying to "stick to the facts" I'd hate to see what sort of conclusions you come up with when you feel free to make things up. Okay, first, if you are really "offended" on Yamato's part, my first tip for you would be to develop a thicker skin. Second, I never accused them of not "telling the truth." A'la: Finally, if you find it offensive that I have "inserted an opinion" that to me (and I'm sure many others) simply seems like common, freakin' sense. . . you're in the wrong place. And, again, there is this tone that somehow I've got an axe to grind with Yamato about this. I don't. I have been up and down these boards defending them against senseless whining. I got into this thread coming to their defense about not offering swappable heads, as I had done before. But, even while doing so, I mentioned that I consider it highly unlikely that the only thing stopping them from doing so was BigWest. Again, if you find any of that offensive, you need to grow up. Personally, I can't believe how much you've blown things out of proportion, distorted the facts, and tried to make charges that are plainly not true. All for what? Why exactly do you insist on seeing nefarious motives where none exist? You can sum up what I said in two sentences: I don't think Yamato would have offered seperate heads regardless of what BW said. I also think it behooves them to cite BW's decision rather than "owning" it themselves. What the hell is your problem with that opinion? Are you really so sensitive on Yamato's behalf that you are actually "offended" by this? Apparently, judging by your own words, you are. Yet, exactly what heinous crime am I accusing them of here that "offends" you so much? They are, strictly speaking, telling the truth. Failing to volunteer further information (such as they themselves not wanting to offer seperate heads regardless of BW) does not constitute a lie. In that situation, they're just doing the smart thing. They were given "cover" by BW and I think they used it. Sue me. And, I won't even bother asking again how Graham repeating what he was told by Yamato regarding this somehow makes him a liar. You've already had strike three on that. You said you were going to start sticking to the facts. Please do. But also try to analyze them reasonably. Quite honestly, your whole tone here disturbs me. H
Wow guys. You all need to calm down. Has it occured to anyone that we're all in agreement here? We seem to all agree that yamato wasn't interested in offering seperate heads. a'la: All I said was that Yamato probably likes to say that BW won't let them. . . rather than saying that they wouldn't do it even if they were allowed. I don't think that's a deep, dark, conspiracy theory. Seems like people are looking for drama in a rather innocuous statment. Further, if anyone would bother to read the other thread, I support Yamato's decision to not offer swappable heads. I hope Yamato does everything it can to maximize its profits. Ya'll need to settle down. How the hell does what I said "insinuate" anything about Graham!?! How Graham could be offended by any of this. . . I have no idea. Oh, and why don't you let Graham decide when he's offended and when he his not. He's a big boy. One more time: Since Yamato was told by BW that they can't provide swappable heads. . . of course that will be the line they give when they are asked why they won't do it. I don't see the drama here folks. Nor do I see why people are looking so hard for it. H
What I doubt is that Yamato was ever pushing hard to supply swapp-able heads. I doubt they would have done so even if BW had said yes. And, yes, I'm saying it's entirely possible that Yamato "passed the buck" to BW. Instead of angering the community, they can just say: "Well, we wouldn't have been allowed to do so, even if we wanted to. . . sorry." Not exactly a lie. More like spin. H
Uh..Big West scrapped the head idea, not Yamato. I've always been doubtful of this. . . but even granted that Big West said no. . . that doesn't necessarily mean that Yamato would have said yes. For all the reasons already espoused. H
It's not that the topic has been brought up before. It's not that your initial post is ill-informed. It's not that you wandered in and started bashing most everyone's favorite toy. It's not that you fail to acknowledge that the 1/48 is as accurate as any valkyrie toy has been. No, it's all those things combined that riles so many of the old-timers. It has been discussed many times that that nose of the 1/48 Yamato is too long (edit: in battroid mode). But, that's because the line art is fanciful. The nose of the valk magically shrinks when it is transformed to battroid in the animation/line art. H
Don't forget: * Yamato will go out of business because they are making 1/48s too much! * Yamato will go out of business because they are not making the color variation I want! * Yamato will go out of business unless they keep making the 1/60 scale! * Yamato is evil for not offering seperate heads. Now I actually have to buy more of their products! The bastards! And, my own personal favorite that I will never stop enjoying: * Those of you who want more 1/48-scale valks are unscrupulous because others can't afford them. H
Crap. . . my taxes went the other way on me this year (expected a large refund. . . instead I owed a small amount). . . I need cash. Seeing this, I may be putting my Minmay doll up soon. H
We've already been through the "swappable heads" thing here, where a very heated debate ensued. As I argue throughout that thread, offering swappable heads would be a very bad business decision for Yamato. But let's not debate that here (again). If anyone wants to spark that one up again, please visit (and friggin' read!) the other thread. Me and Gokurakumaru cover things from just about every angle there already. Best Regards, Hurin
Anasazi's are generally water-slide decals. Takatoys are stickers. They are cut, and apply. No water necessary. They both look great. But the water-slide do tend to lay down flatter and appear more "painted-on" if you know what you're doing and use modeling techniques to apply them. I think Anasazi may also offer a "sticker" version of his water-slide decals. But, I'm not sure. If you're going to be painting and detailing your valk, I'd recommend the Anasazi water slide ones. If you're going to be just applying stickers to a stock valkyrie and want to leave it at that (no clear coat or protective layer), go with Takatoys stickers. Both look great! Neither are pre-cut. You have to cut them from the sheet individually. H
Just noticed. No more face seem. That's super-nice. The seam never really bothered me. But the lack of one is really quite beautiful! H
Even non-painted plastic can show wear. . . and I think blue might show wear more easily than white. I was careful not to mention paint. H
Why are they white? Because it looks better!!! Hehe. . . just my opinion of course. I'm actually glad they're white. Provides a bit more contrast. Plus, all of those are moving parts that get scraped up during transformation. maybe they wanted to keep it white to hide any wear that might take place? H
Wow. . . Wow. . . Uh. . . wow. . . H P.S. The trio from the front is now my new wallpaper. P.P.S. Oh, and spread those wings more in gerwalk! I realize that you might have kept them so closed for space reasons. . . but they just don't look right unless those wings are wide open! Just my opinion of course!
If I recall correctly, the chances of seeing 2-seater versions (VT-1, VF-1D) in 1/48 are slim to none. . . according to Graham. Personally, I'm hoping for a cannon-fodder (browd), affectionately known in these parts as a "CF." H
How did you change the eye? Clarification: I can see that the eye is changed. I wondering about the method used. Best Regards, H
This may seem like it belongs in the modeling forum, but I'm interested in doing it for the 1/48 toy, so here goes. I was watching SDF Macross the other day, and was on episode "Drop Outs" where Hikaru is kicking mucho Regult ass on the streets of Macross city. I noticed that the gunpod strap was grey or "canvas" looking rather than black. And I thought it looked cool. If I'm not mistaken, Roy's gunpod strap is made of a tan/grey canvas when he puts the gunpod on his shoulder after coming down to help Hikaru in the VF-1D early in the show. So, question, what would you make a custom gunpod strap out of to give it this "canvas-like" look? I can't think of any actual canvas whose weave would look right when cut so small. Any ideas? H
Actually, that is one of the coolest poses. They really do seem to be giving a "bad-ass" look to the viewer. As for the Robotech DVDs. Shame on you. . . H
Gerwalk Attack!!! (hosted with my own bandwidth. So no bitching.
U.S.S. Flagg. . . I'm about ready to shoot my dad for giving mine away when I was in my rebellious youth!