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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. Haterist, you're obviously referring to my personal message. And yet I have no idea how you got that out of it. But, even I were "telling" you what to do, your point is. . . well, moronic. Are you seriously saying that if Bob sees Mike bossing people around and acting like a jerk, then Bob is being hypocritical to point this out to Mike? Dude, that's some f'ed up logic. But, really I expect that by now. You said you don't care if I posted it publicly. . . and now you're referring to it and to me obliquely. . . so here's what I deleted and then PMed before, trusting you not to be petty and post about it here. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Haterist, I've been trying to ignore you (for the most part) since our last go-round. But seriously, you're nearly impossible to ignore because you plaster posts all over these boards. That wouldn't be a problem if your behavior weren't so erratic and by turns so damn bizarre. I can't figure you out. One day, you'll viciously trash just about every MWer who has ever recommended a toy dealer. The next day, you'll be screaming "community spirit!" as you create a list of online vendors. Indeed, perhaps out of penance, you then also offer to sell display stands at cost in the name of "community spirit." So just when I think you're a cool guy and maybe you just had a bad day, you suddenly turn and start screaming at those buying spare valkryie parts from you. Then you show up in another thread ranting and flaming at a guy who you feel stole a purchase away from you for page after page. When it turns out that this guy actually got defrauded by a scammer, you gloat at him. Oh, but let's not forget that when a police officer gets involved and tries to help the many people also defrauded by the scammer, you then post another tirade about how useless the police are and how much you loathe them. Afterwards, you posted a quite lame apology, claiming you only meant it to be funny. Mind you. These are just the things I have happened to come across in my own browsing. Ten minutes of searching your posts and pasting these links is enough. Who knows what else you've been involved in? I sure don't care to know. Because it's all the same. Here, thanks to your overly prominent signature, we find ourselves drawn to another one of your paranoid, delusional conspiracies. Who the hell are you to demand that nobody discuss how much a toy might cost and how much they are willing to spend? First, I highly doubt that our discussions here will have any bearing on the final price of a toy. Second, in a free market, it is imperative that a manufacturer have as much information as possible about the demand for a toy (guaged by the price people are willing to pay). It is actually quite dismaying that you think it appropriate that people leave Yamato in the dark regarding what price we'd be willing to pay. Markets thrive on information. Indeed, were everyone to leave Yamato in the dark regarding what we would be willing to pay, they might just guess too high! But that's all beside the point. The point is that there is a pattern here. And those who get involved in arguments with you should be aware of it. I have indeed tried to let bygones be bygones and ignore your paranoid rants. . . but watching your erratic behavior (community-minded activist one day, bile vomiting trouble-maker the next), I just had to point out that there is something odd going on here. My own personal theory is that you long to be recognized by all as a "community leader" here. So you invent little ways to ingratiate yourself to the members. But, you're also wracked with insecurities, a large dose of paranoia, and a quite uneven temperment. . . so you find yourself lashing out at members and accusing them of all sorts of nefarious motives when, ironically, most of the time, you're merely exposing your own. Unfortunately, this all feeds on itself because after you have one of your venom-spewing rants, you seem to feel the need to do penance and something "community-oriented". . . and so on. . . It's a shame that all the good things you do for the MW community has to be surrounded by such erratic, bizarre, and ultimately anti-social behavior. Obviously, I don't know you. I have only this message board to go by. I'm probably very wrong. Pyshoanalyzing people via an internet message board is probably the lamest thing I could do. But there is definitely some odd, unfortunate behavior going on here. I wish you'd get ahold of yourself, think before you post, and stop coming up with bizarre theories as to how your fellow MWers are somehow screwing you simply by expressing their opinions. . . opinions that differ with yours. At least twice now, you've viciously attacked other MWers simply for sharing their opinions on anything from where they buy their valks to how much they'd be willing to pay for a toy. Dude, what is going on in that head of yours? Now, I am going to try to ignore you again.
  2. Oh, and minor, minor nit-pick. I don't think there is supposed to be "UN SPACY" on the inside of the legs. But again. . . beautiful! H
  3. I can't believe not bay has yelled "Hikaru!!!" yet! But seriously. This is just beautiful! H
  4. Haterist, Thought better of posting this publicly. Instead, sent Haterist a PM. For all the good it will do. H
  5. I think panel lines are way over-done. I see some that look thick and black and I weep for the poor toy. Of course, that's just my personal preference. In my opinion, panel lines, if done at all, should be subtle. H
  6. Borders, The Wherehouse, Fry's. . . a lot of differen't places have the Animeigo DVDs now.
  7. Agreed. I wish them all the best. For the record: The prices for the parts I requested have come through and they are very reasonable. Which may also lend validity to Haterist's rant. I can't imagine bickering about the prices that fulcy just quoted me. Best Regards, H
  8. I've never used mine since my first Yamato 1/60. They looked like ass. Ever since, I have kept my Yamato ones minty and just bought a set of Takatoys. The difference in quality is, in my oft-repeated opinion, quite appreciable. Especially if you're not the type to spray clear-coat on your toys! H
  9. Considering there has been no mention of price in any part of this thread, I hope you aren't offended if someone just says: "Uh. . . that's a lot more than I expected, is that the best you can do?" To me, considering that prices are being kept so oddly secret around here, that's an entirely reasonable question to ask. Fulcy hasn't provided me a price yet. But he seems like a nice guy and I doubt he'll be upset if his price is too high for me and I have to back out. I think we all realize that you, Neova, and Fulcy are working hard here. But where a business transaction is involved and money is changing hands, you should expect people to balk once in a while. Especially when the prices are being kept so secret and even the buyer isn't informed of the price until the last minute. Either way, If a valk costs $140. . . You only need to sell 14 parts at an average of $10 per part to make your money back. I have a feeling that for things like 1S heads and such, the charge is much higher than $10. So, while I'm sure I speak for many of us when I say that we appreciate this service (for which we are paying), telling us (your customers) that you're doing us a "favor" and demanding that we just accept your prices and shut up. . . well, that's not right. Especially when the prices are kept secret until the last minute. H Edit: P.S. I also realize how annoying it can be to be engaged in an ongoing series of online transactions. When I sold my Star Wars collection, it was hell, hell, hell. Tons of emails. . . multiple trips to the post office, sometimes daily. Your efforts both here and in selling those acrylic stands is appreciated. And I can understand the need to blow off steam. But please don't let it get to you so much that you take it out on people who are just wondering if they are getting a fair price for a service and product you are providing for a fee.
  10. I'd be too afraid that a one-year hiatus would too easily stretch into an "indefinite" hiatus. . . before we got our CF VF-1As! But, they'll do whatever will bring them the benjamins. . . or. . . are there faces on yen?!? H
  11. to each his own. Yeah, seriously. . . what about the head could possibly make a valkyrie paint scheme look better or worse? Personally, I think you did a damn fine job of painting that head. It looks like it came that way. H
  12. Hi, Here's hoping I'm now after greenguy for the next available R-L2 and L-L2 (DYRL or Hikaru 1J) from anyone willing to provide one. Thanks, H
  13. I think it rocks! Very nice! H
  14. Hi, Those are all TakaToys. No Yamato ones were applied. I don't yet have a Milia. Holding off a bit on that one. Need to pay down the credit cards this month. H
  15. Some Max VF-1J w/ TakaToys stickers action?
  16. That's not quite right. Battletech was originally called Battledroids. And that game did use the line art directly from Macross. In fact, the little cardboard stand-up mechs used those fancy prints that we see so often on the cover of Macross model boxes. There was no difference or alterations made. Only after the game's name was changed to Battletech, and it began to expand, did they slighty rework the designs when they released Battletech Technical Readout 3025. I think they smelled impending trouble and attempted to cover their ass. But the Wasp still looked like a VF-1S valkryie with some of its edges blunted. . . and the Archer still looked almost exactly like a Spartan. They weren't fooling anyone. Nor were they intending to do so, I'd bet. I think they were still hoping to appeal to RT fans in the US while still technically remaining legal. Of course, t probably wasn't a good idea to modify a VF-1 slightly and name it a uh. . . valkyrie. And I won't even touch the straight-up transforming valkyrie rip-off LAMs (Land-Air-Mechs). H
  17. It has been a long time since I wrote this review. TakaToys has improved his stickers quite a bit over the last several months. The text on the stickers are now even more clear, and stickers for the VF-1J (Max, Milia, and Hikaru) are also now included. Also, my photography skills have somewhat improved. I planned on using these pics for Max 1J review. But I'm too lazy right now to write it. So here are some that show off the stickers.
  18. Hurin

    Yamato 1/48...

    I wouldn't touch the paint on your valk until you read all the good concerns and opinions expressed here. Good Luck! H
  19. Hurin

    Macross PS2 Game

    Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see where you got the pre-modded PS2 anywhere in your posts. Could you let me know where you got it? I wanna play Macross! PM me please if you don't wanna leave it here. Thanks! H
  20. Hurin

    Yamato 1/48...

    Oh, and I've found that a good, sharp, name-brand hobby knife is the best way to go. I don't even need a straight-edge. A little patience and a very sharp knife is all you should need. Just drag the knife across. Very little pressure should be necessary. The only thing I use scissors for are the round Macross emblems. H
  21. Hurin

    Yamato 1/48...

    Here's a review I did of TakaToys stickers quite a while ago. They've only gotten better since that time. About the chest plate panels. Things have to be perfect before they will fit. Don't force anything, but just make sure that you have every tab in every slot and everything seems right. Even then though, they don't stay very well. H
  22. Hurin

    vf-1s roy fair price

    So far, there hasn't been much difference. Though, I wouldn't be surprised to see a 1st edition going for $10-15 more new. But if it's opened, I'd expect it to go for less. Only collectors would want the 1st release. . . so they'd want it mint. H
  23. Hurin

    vf-1s roy fair price

    You'll find it online at various sellers within the U.S. for anywhere between $130-140. Plus shipping and tax. You might find it for less ($120-ish) overseas. . . but then you'll most likely spend your savings on shipping. Good Luck! H
  24. Regarding how the word "oriental" is now considered verboten: This came about as one school of thought replaced another regarding Far East studies in western universities. For the longest time, the study of asian cultures in Western universities was called "Oriental Studies" or "Orientalism." However, these studies tended to be very Euro-centric and from the perspective of the European powers then colonizing and largely controlling the Far East. Britain, of course, was a major figure here. However, as the British Empire began to deconstruct itself, and more liberal, less Euro-centric views of the Far East emerged in the west, many more "enlightened" scholars began to consider (or assert) that "Orientalism" was synonymous with racism and the colonial, imperial outlook on the world. So, it gradually became banished to the the list of words that nobody is supposed to utter. My apologies if this is all BS. I read about this a few years ago and I could not find the original source. Further, I believe I read it in a politcal mag. So it may be biased. But, that's my understanding of how things went down. H
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