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Everything posted by Hurin
There's never really been much of a mark-up for the 1st edition ones. From what I've seen, they haven't been considered any more "collectible" than the 2nd edition. If anything, the 2nd edition is in more demand. I've sold two 1st editions. Both times, I marked mine down. H
Thanks for proving me right. As usual, you've got nothing. Later, H
Again, irrelevant. Your argument is that there will be no more VF-1S valkyries and that we should buy now because the price is only going to go higher. The "buy now" advice is only good if more won't be released. Yet, to back up your assertion that more won't be released, you point to a prior experience with a limited edition valkyrie. Feel free to make a valid argument about why you don't think they will release more of a valkyrie (even though they have done so before). But pointing to the low-vis (a clearly limited edition valkyrie) as evidence in this situation is ridiculous. I've already given your "response" more time than it deserves. To be honest, I'm not even sure how you could have written that with a straight face. Half the time I swear you just post something nonsensical while desperately hoping nobody will take the time to point out its inanity. I point something out. You respond with nonsense. Rinse, repeat. . . then you challenge me to fisticuffs. H P.S. If anyone else had posted: "Buy from the scalpers now! There will be no more! Do it nooooow". . . I'm pretty sure your keyboard would have burst into flames as you rushed to accuse them of "shafting other members so that they can get a hook up." Man, that's irony. P.P.S. I'm not going to harm this thread further (as we have harmed so many others) by pointing out to you (as always) that you have no valid point. Unless you can actually make a cogent post about how the low-vis experience has anything to do with why Yamato won't release more of any other type of valkyrie, I'll just simply ignore you. In other words, kindly start making a bit of sense. Otherwise, I'll consider you irrelevant, like your attempt at a point.
I think you're overlooking one slightly important factor when comparing the Low-vis and the VF-1S's future availability. One was definitely limited edition while one is clearly not. Feel free to peruse your own "FAQ." Of course, you could be right. There may not ever be any more 1Ses released. But pointing out the experience so many had with the Low-vis is utterly irrelevant to the current discussion about a non-limited edition valkyrie. H
Obviously, this isn't authoratative, but here's a poll I did a few weeks ago about this very question: Poll. The results: 36 thought it would probably be re-released. 38 said that it probably wouldn't. As for the topic of this thread (the value of the VF-1S). Don't worry about what everyone else is willing to pay. The value of the VF-1S Roy is exactly the amount you're willing to pay. If you're unwilling to pay what the "scalpers" are charging. . . I think it's just time to hope that they re-release them and they become plentiful again. H
Yes. There is some of that. However, some of us fell behind on our valkyrie collecting due to car repairs or brief spans of sanity where we decided to pay off our credit cards instead of buying toys. My own experience is that I had one already. But it's my all-time favorite valk and I might want to customize one and/or send it away for some detailing. Some day when I'm independently wealthy. So, I decided that I wanted two. But, it wasn't an urgent enough need to use my credit card or risk the (now live-in) girlfriend's wrath. I would routinely check out VE and TMP to make sure it didn't look like the VF-1S Roy was selling out anytime soon. Then. . . boom. Kevin was out. . . and TMP never got its shipment. So I watched Toy Castle and said: "I'll buy from him as soon as the next paycheck comes in. . ." Boom, he's out now too. So, yeah, some people just want what they can't have. But some of us are also just too slow on the draw. No big whoop either way. They're just toys. Wonderful, wonderful toys. . . H
A quick snip with a sharp exacto blade or razor blade will get those TV-style FPs holding the gunpod just as well as the DYRL ones. No, you shouldn't have to do it and it's a shame Yamato didn't get it quite right. But it's the tiniest amount of shaving down necessary. . . and then they work. H
Sigh. Again with this? Clay, ever since an argument didn't go your way a looong time ago, you've just loved dropping by every disagreement I have with anyone (but especially haterist) and just reflexivly taking the other side just to irk me and draw me into another flame-fest. I realize you apparently hated losing that debate a long time ago and did not take it well. But, be a big boy and let it go? Okay? It's sorta creepy the way you apparently hold a grudge. I'd say more. But debating you is likewise pointless because you have a habit of coming back hours later and erasing what you wrote so that you'll no longer look like you were ever baiting me, long after (judging by the edit time stamps) what you have written has been addressed. I Don't have time for your trolling BS. Go find another crush to tag along behind. From now on, I'll just quote this post back to you whenever you address me or so obviously engage in your well-established pattern of baiting me. It'll save time and I won't have to bother with you. This post is already infinitely more than you deserve. H
--Deleted-- Forget it. If anyone on here were ever not worth the effort, it's you. H
Great. Now change the title to "MW UNOFFFICIAL FAQ" and it might be acceptable. Otherwise, like the "Don't discuss prices. . ." sig, people might mistake it for some official MW thingy. H
Isn't there a MW rule against long-ass signatures like these?
Thanks for the plug! Here's a quick and easy link to the review. Scroll down for more recent photos of the VF-1J Max with Takatoys stickers.
Aren't those TV-colored? Either way, they're beautiful! H
Yeah, obviously my valk is ugly in comparison. But I love Gerwalk mode when it's posed like this: H
Damn, minty fresh box and toy? I'd say that's worth $100 at least. I'd up that offer! H
Never heard of any. But I'd be in the market for some!
I think they have always been in the $125-135 range. Best Regards, H
That is just so cool. Though, I've never seen that "SDF-1" and "UNS Macross" above the intakes before. Was that just put there for fun or should it be there? H
I'm a bit disturbed at how some seem to consider new releases and re-producing older releases to be somehow mutually exclusive. As though Yamato can do one and only one thing at a time. But, we've been down that road before. . . so many times. . . and I just don't have the strength to debate it. H
Which, of course, would serve no purpose whatsoever. I even debated having the "I'm unsure" answer. H
Hehe. . . well, at least you're not as dumb as me in this respect: I sold my VF-1S Roys Version Ones so that I could buy two VF-1S Roy Version Twos. But then delayed too long in the re-buying. H
I'm sure there are more than a few prospective VF-1S buyers out there who are wondering if they should bite the bullet just pay the premium mark-up for a Roy 1S (or other sold-out valk). . . or just wait and see if Yamato produces more. Obviously, this is opinion. I doubt anybody here knows for sure. But I'm curious what y'all think. Since I'm having to make this decision now as well. Best Regards, H
I don't mean to sound too sarcastic, but isn't that a blinding flash of the obvious? The friend. Not Reba West. Sigh. . .
Cooooold Blooooded. . .