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Everything posted by Hurin
it takes more than 1 to fight
Hurin replied to ValkDelight's topic in MW Site News & Member Feedback
Mods, Based upon his IP address, can you at least tell us what country or region this guy is in? I'm sure you probably already know this, but there are several ways to glean this information even from just an IP. Heck, just post the first three octets of his IP (xxx.xxx.xxx.---) and I'm sure many of us would be happy to do the leg work without you needing to compromise this guy's exact address. Not that he deserves any discretion on your part at this point. How funny would it be if this guy were posting from Alabama, Colorado, or some place like that!?! And yes, I'm still a bit paranoid that some of you might still think this guy is me. Hell, reading a few of the things that he has written and judging by who he has chosen to attack directly by name (though I've never had a beef with >EXO<), even I read his posts and wonder (paranoidly, of course) if I'm being framed! . . . While proving that this guy is actually in Asia (or anywhere else far away from me) wouldn't prove beyond all doubt that I'm not him, I think it would allay most reasonable people's suspicions. But really, I couldn't write like this guy even if I tried. Nor could I come up with even half the crazy-ass, contradictory, and hypocritical nonsense that he has been spewing. My brain just doesn't work that way. If I could do that, I'd be Phil Hendrie. But of course, now it probably looks like "I doth protest too much." Best Regards, H P.S. VD, just attack me directly too so that people won't think I'm you. What have I done to deserve your benign neglect!?! -
it takes more than 1 to fight
Hurin replied to ValkDelight's topic in MW Site News & Member Feedback
Let me check with my mom. H -
it takes more than 1 to fight
Hurin replied to ValkDelight's topic in MW Site News & Member Feedback
Hehe. I've already been accused. But I think we hashed that out. I swear on all that is holy that this is not me! As a matter of fact, I haven't been left out of the PM-sending either. I usually have a rule against posting any PMs that are sent to me. But in this case, I'll make an exception. I realize these don't prove it's not me. 'Cuz I could just be making these up. But, well. . . I'm not. Then, after I posted my "let's be friends" post here, I got this nonsense: I realize that this will shock all of you. . . but I haven't responded. I wouldn't even know where to begin. And I don't feel like anyone really needs to be convinced that this guy is either a moron, or just f'ing with us. Meanwhile, according to the member list, he's currently writing a PM. Who will be the next to receive enlightement?!? You can cut the suspense with a knife! Best Regards, H -
it takes more than 1 to fight
Hurin replied to ValkDelight's topic in MW Site News & Member Feedback
So, in keeping with JsRCLIGHT's concilliatory tone, I'd just like to say: ValkDelight, let's stop the fightin' and the feudin' and just be friends.* *Make sure sound is on. -
Star Wars OT on DVD - Official - Sept 21st
Hurin replied to Blaine23's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I looked (pretty hard) but didn't see this addressed: In the original ESB, when Artoo is spit out by the creature, Luke turns him upright and says: "You're lucky you don't taste very good." In the SE of ESB, the line is changed so that Luke says: "You were lucky to get out of there." Any word on whether this change has remained intact? I'm encouraged by them removing the "scream" during Luke's fall. Maybe they (re)fixed this one too? I loathe the Special Editions. My only consolation is that so far ESB (my favorite) has been the least mangled. It sounds like it might become less mangled still! Thanks, H -
it takes more than 1 to fight
Hurin replied to ValkDelight's topic in MW Site News & Member Feedback
I'm not asking that this threat be carried out in any way. I'm merely reminding someone that we both need to shut the hell up already. I've had my say. You've had yours. Let it go. If you really and truly feel the need to speak with me, as always, you can PM me. H -
it takes more than 1 to fight
Hurin replied to ValkDelight's topic in MW Site News & Member Feedback
That's cool of you. For my part in creating a hostile atmosphere around here lately (that leads to threads like this one), I too apologize both to you and the community as a whole. As I have said: I freely admit that I let myself get way too fixated on a grudge with another member. And in so doing, my behavior became very annoying even to people who might otherwise have been sympathetic to my point of view. I've always been (overly) verbose, and argued my points of view passionately. But I'd like to think people used to respect my opinion even if they thought I might be a bit over-zealous in making my point. Obviously, lately, I've just crossed the line and become a vindictive, obsessed jerk. I'm hoping over time you guys who remember only my recent (poor) behavior might cut me some slack and possibly start to remember when I used to actually contribute positively (if long-windedly) to discussions and even disagreements. Well, all I can do is behave myself and hope that you guys will give me a chance. Best Regards, H -
it takes more than 1 to fight
Hurin replied to ValkDelight's topic in MW Site News & Member Feedback
Correct. I don't. Seeya, H -
it takes more than 1 to fight
Hurin replied to ValkDelight's topic in MW Site News & Member Feedback
Oh. I didn't realize that calling me a "pussy" and accusing me of things in threads where I'm not even involved or mentioned was any better. -
it takes more than 1 to fight
Hurin replied to ValkDelight's topic in MW Site News & Member Feedback
Or. . . 50 minutes later. . . whatever. No point here. I'm sure the mods know it's not me. Seeya around. H -
it takes more than 1 to fight
Hurin replied to ValkDelight's topic in MW Site News & Member Feedback
Hmmm. Name-calling on top of unsubstantiated, paranoid (and quite serious) accusations coming out of nowhere. I'm beginning to understand why your sympathies lay where they do. . . Seriously man. I hope you're not serious. I've avoided this topic (as much as it pains me) over the last few hours because it could very easily reignite things that I'd just as soon see die down. Further, I actually find what this guy is saying offensive (because it so grossly generalizes cultural and/or racial differences and borders on anti-Western/Americanism). . . while at the same time I'm laughing my @ss off at the irony of him being drawn into an argument and not "letting it go" while criticizing that behavior on the part of others. Anyways. . . in case you hadn't noticed, this guy is roundly criticizing behavior in which everyone agrees that I have been engaging. If not me directly. In fact, I was also avoiding this topic because I figured that as soon as I piped up, someone would immediately lay into me and say that it is my type of behavior that makes people like him feel this way. Which almost led me to post a general apology for my part in generating the kind of atmosphere that drives people like him away. That is, until he started in on the whole "we asians aren't like this. . ." thing. At which point I decided that I'd just end up ranting again in a "holier than thou," offended manner. So, I just tried to ignore this whole thing. Anyways. . . Agent ONE, to sum up, get a life. You're only sinking lower and engaging in the very behavior you claim to despise now. 'Nuff said. H -
Yeah. Actually, my favorite Batman belt is the "retro" one that is just pouches with buttons. It's just simple and functional. To me, this is the quintessential Batman image (no big yellow target on his chest, and, of course the belt): Not that I would expect them to be able to make it look this way in a live-action film. (hope that image isn't too big!) H
From everything I've read, they're doing this one right. They're also doing a new Batman animated series which also sounds promising. This is from an old friend of mine who was at the ComicCon in LA just a few days ago. I'm sorry if this is seen as a thread hijack (I highlighted the reference to the movie above to make it relevant!). But I figured anyone interested in the movie would have a high likelihood of being interested in this news as well. I agree with my friend: The more Batman, the better. As long as it's not the campy type. H
Yep. Ban me so that we can have more discussions like that one. So substantive! See how he addressed each and every little nook and cranny of my post? He left nothing unanswered. I'm truly devastated by the rhetorical skill. Of course, his response to this (as always) will be that it's beneath him to actually respond with any substance. Seriously. If that's the sort of debate and discussion y'all would like to have on MW, you're welcome to it. I'll show myself out. At least when I can't let something go, I'm nearly always attempting to offer something substantive rather than just posting masturbatory self-adulation with the intent to annoy (rather than persuade) the person with which I disagree. Man, looking through so many of Agent ONE's posts now, I couldn't be more proud of the fact that Agent ONE doesn't like me. If I get banned because of his "girly man" tantrum here, I'll wear it as a badge of honor for the rest of my days. Well, or until tomorrow morning. . . by which time I will have forgetten all about this. H
Why am I not surprised. Well, I guess while we're at it, we can throw that link on the "Hurin needs to be banned because he disagreed with me and quoted my own words back to me too much" pile. Seriously guys. Just go ahead and ban me already. If I were a troll, I'd be getting off on the attention. But as it is, I find myself just disgusted at this whole thing. Being attacked by Agent One (of all people) for being too arrogant and abrasive!?! My God. . . I mean, if we wanted to make the case that Agent One is unnecessarily abrasive, combative, and confrontational, and tried to get him banned, it would be quite a thread. But, I'm Hurin. And he's Agent One. . . and apparently, you cross him at your peril. I actually did think to myself: "Agent One has a lot of pull around here. I should just kiss his @ss via PM like the last few times, placate that ego of his, and he'll go away again like he has before." But I never dreamed that not kissing his @ss would lead to this. But the hypocrisy here on Agent ONE's part is just simply breath-taking. If MW is now the type of place where haterist is embraced for all the crazy-ass things he says. So be it. If it's the type of place where people who engage in thoughtful discussion and argue their points of view passionately (once praised) are now mocked for typing too much and told to pipe down so that we can get back to ten-word posts based on calling people "girly men" and simply asserting that you're right. So be it. If we're going to start voting people off the "island" because a long-standing member has decided that he's had enough. . . so be it. The way things are now. . . seeing who is lauded and who is damned around here. . . I wouldn't consider it shameful at all to be voted off this particular island by these particular people. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You can tell more about a person by his enemies than by his friends. But for those of you who have attempted to inject some reason and balance into this witch hunt. Thanks. H
Max, You asked for evidence of why I should be banned. Here it is. . . I guess: Exhibit A: haterist viciously attacks anyone who disagrees with him about where people should buy valks. Hurin points out that he's nuts and also being quite hypocritical. Drama ensues. Exhibit B: haterist demands that everyone stop discussing prices on upcoming products. Even going so far as to call people a-holes who are doing it. Hurin (along with many others) points out that he is nuts. Drama ensues. Exhibit C: haterist takes it upon himself to create a "MW FAQ." Hurin suggests that maybe it's a bit long and that maybe it should have the word "unofficial" in it lest it be mistaken as official MW policy. Suprisingly, Hurin even lets this one drop even though he's egged on by haterist. Exhibit D: haterist insults police officers in a thread where a MWer member who happens to be a police officer has already started trying to help. Hurin points out that he is nuts (and rude). Exhibit E: haterist declares that there will be no more 1/48 VF-1Ses and uses what I considered to be faulty logic in doing so. I point out the faulty logic in a somewhat jovial post. haterist responds dismissively and with (what I considered) very bad reasoning. A this point, I admit that I let all the prior stuff get to me too quickly and prematurely escalated the situation. "Hehe, sorry honey, I prematurely escalated again." Anyways. . . in each and every one of those instances, I'm responding to what I (and others) considered to be abysmal behavior on the part of someone else. And yes, in the course of those threads, you can also see me trade words with Dr.Clay. But I think it's readily apparent that he is showing up just to get a rise out of me. I freely admit that, in pointing out the incredibly hypocritical and poor behavior of another member, I have become quite an annoyance myself. For that I apologize and will avoid this topic in the future. Yet nearly all of the time that I have engaged haterist, I'm merely pointing out his own words and asking for him to address or retract them. In the case of haterist, I'm met with profanity, insults, and declarations that everyone hates me. But I urge anyone wishing me banned and judging me by these last few haterist-related issues to view my entire record. Though, admittedly, you'll have to go back a ways to get by all the haterist stuff. If you feel the need to ban me over this. So be it. At least I had my say. For those that I have annoyed while I admittedly got a bit obsessive with pointing out haterist's bizarre antics, my apologies. Best Regards, H
And yet here you are. . . starting it up again. Fine. Fine. Everyone hates me. The mods haven't warned me because they don't want to talk to me. Okay. Nobody has ever said a nice word about me. Ever. Sure. All I do is go around picking on everyone. Okay. Ya know, I did a search to see if I really have been as hard on anyone else as I have been on you (the answer is no). And I somehow came across this thread. Start scrolling down. I don't know how I missed it all this time, but it's comedy gold considering everything you just said. But, yes, I've had a grudge against you. Because you've never owned up to any of the disturbingly inflammatory things you've said and/or done to other members here. Then you wonder aloud in that thread why people accuse you of hypocrisy. Fine. I'm leaving you alone. Seeing that other thread (again, start scrolling down) has made me feel tons better. It finally made me realize that I'm not alone in seeing what you're up to and how you're seen by those around here that I've grown to respect (even as I've pissd off and alienated them). My only regret is that I have indeed damaged my own reputation here while pointing out your by turns bizarre, inflammatory, hypocritical, and anti-social behavior. All I can do now is ignore you and go back to being the jovial, helpful, if opinionated guy that I always enjoyed being before I came across you. Hopefully, my reputation will someday recover. Because when you're not involved I think I'm not such a bad guy. You, however, don't need me around to behave like an ass. H Edit: Didn't see the new thread while I wrote this. Sorry all.
I accuse you of it because you always do it... I don't so I can play the same game to illustrate a point. I suppose you were making that point here as well. Scroll up. I'm not saying I don't do it. I am saying now that quite often it is the person on the losing end of an argument who will start screaming: "I want it to be over. . . but he just won't let it go!" Rather than just saying: "My mistake" or "I see your point" or "I still disagree, but I see your point. Let's agree to disagree." But that rarely happens. H
Wait. . . AgentOne. . . I thought you didn't care about my response. You wouldn't be trying to get the last word would you? Like you always accuse me of doing? Typical. At which point did I give you the impression that I care if I'm popular? Oh no! You get PMs from people who don't like me!?! Well, I guess I must be wrong then. You can tell more about a man by his enemies than by his friends. If that's true. I won't worry to much if you don't want to consider yourself my friend. So, you can continue to hurl silly (fifteen year-old SNL-based) insults if you want. Don't bother me none. I'd rather make my points and respect myself for arguing something cogently than be popular. H
And there he is. Actually, I was expecting Dr.Clay. But there's the other. AgentOne. If I ever need your approval I'll ask for it. Meanwhile, keep the substance-less quips coming. H
Have you seen my PM inbox? Actually, I have noticed that when someone comes into threads like these and makes non-partisan comments that support neither one of us, you immediately latch on to them and say: "Yeah man! I'm with you." That's your pattern. And you're doing it again right here. "I'm loved Hurin. You aren't. Everyone hates you." Unlike you, I'm not here seeking adulation, recognition as a leader of the community, or even agreement with my views. I'm just here sharing my opinion and making arguments while simultaneously addressing what I perceive to be flaws in the arguments of others. Some people (especially you), don't like to have your opinions questioned or probed. Because you have trouble expressing why you think the way you do. Further, you don't think before you post abusive and accusatory nonsense. Then you fail to take responsibility for what you have written when you can't back it up. Feel free to point out where I "start sh*t" with anyone (with the exception of you). If you think engaging in discussions with firmly held and substantiated opinions is "starting sh*t". . . you're in the wrong place. Yeah, when you and I go around, it gets ugly. When you and I don't address each other directly, things stay relatively pleasant. For the record though, I can think of only two (possibly three) people that I am on bad terms with here. One of them should be dropping by to agree with you any second now. H P.S. Now we are definitely off-topic. And this is the last time I'll address our personality conflict here in this thread. You can PM me if you want. Though the last time I offered you a truce (because I didn't want to annoy everyone anymore) via PM, you told me to shove it.
You're suddenly a jerk! Hehe. Just kidding. Yeah, I escalated things there pretty fast based on prior ill-will. Looking at it now from your perspective, I can see that. But I'd also point out that my initial response to haterist (after he obliquely commented on my suggestion that some might want to wait for a possible re-release rather than pay scalpers) wasn't harsh at all and was actually quite jovial. I merely expressed my disagreement with what I considered his faulty logic. But, when haterist replied with dismissive nonsense, I sorta escalated the situtation rather rapidly. Oddly though, this whole thing has been laregly on-topic. At least that's something.
Oh puh-leaze. haterist, I was done. Then you posted your long-ass attempt at an argument. Stop trying to play the victim and "Mr. Nice Guy" when you perpetuate these things as much or more than anyone. It takes two. So if I don't know "when to quit". . . why don't you prove that you do? H
My god! You actually attempted to address an argument (sorta)! Congratulations. So, since we're engaging in roll-reversal, shouldn't I just call you a troll now or challenge you to a fight. Nah. Let's look at what you said instead: You say that there will be no more valks. Then immediately launch into your story about the low-vis and how its prices went up. Why did the low-vis prices go so high? Because we knew there would be no more. You are therefore linking, both logically and rhetorically, the experience of the low-vis, with what you anticipate will happen with the VF-1S. And, quite honestly, I find this attempt at backing out of what you were saying totally disingenuous. And it would be amusing if it weren't so obviously part of your long-established pattern. You say something (in this case, quite harmless). . . but when its silliness is pointed out to you, first you bristle. . . then, when cornered, lamely disavow ever really saying it. Uh, did I ever say that the price hadn't gone up? Nope. My only point was that you have no reason to believe that they won't release more. And that telling a story about your low-vis experience was not relevant to the issue at hand. Did I say I did? The point here is that they definitely won't reach that mark if they release more of them. Moving on. . . What would also help would be to not state your opinions in such and air of certainty ("wait for the re-release and be disappointed. the price will only go higher. . .") and then lamely trying to soften them after the fact by ending with "IMO." And now, finally, we get to the only part of your post that actually addresses anything of merit: Whether or not they will release any more VF-1Ses. Because, their price and availability are all related to that simple question which you seem hell-bent on obfuscating: Uh. . . no. I wouldn't. You really think that's logical? They have released more in the past. So they won't release them again? I would say that there is tiny shred of validity in that the prior release may have saturated the market. But that argument has already been addressed by others in the poll thread. Further, while it may indicate market saturation to you, it also indicates Yamato's willingness to re-release valkyries! Which, to my mind, at least cancels out your point when weighing whether a rerelease of the VF-1Ses is in our future. Actually, the Roy was released a second time. As for a third? Time will tell. Saying that it can't happen because it hasn't happened is just plain faulty logic. I don't think I need to explain to you (or anyone else) why. It's readily apparent to anyone who gives it a moment's contemplation. Well, I won't get after you for contradicting yourself much. Because you're obviously writing "hot and heavy" right now. But I will take issue with your contention that they re-released the 1A and the 1S "only to fix them." That's just silly. Do you really think they released them "only" so that those who already had the older ones would buy more? That's silly. Yes, some of us bought the newer ones and replaced our older ones. But to state that they only released them to "fix them" is just. . . false. So, let me get this straight, the pattern you see is: The VF-1S will only get more expensive just like the low-vis. But I don't mean to point out the low-vis. I'm just telling a story. Anyways, it'll get more expensive because they won't release more of them even though they have released more of them in the past. That is quite a pattern! Well, if you'd bothered to read what I said, I merely said that your "opinion" that there would be no more is based on. . . nothing. Well, except a story about the low-vis which you now disavow. . . and ranting about prices going up as though that has anything to do with whether more will be released. But, if I did want to play devil's advocate and take the position that there will be more released, here goes: 1. It costs Yamato less to do another release due to economies of scale. 2. There is still demand for the 1Ses. (according to half those polled) 3. Yamato has shown willingness to release more of an in-demand item in the past. 4. Because this is still a live toy line, Yamato can be very flexible. Addressed. Well, I'm not petty enough to ask for you to be banned. Besides, you always make sure to buy goodwill among your fellow MWers from time to time right after you call them all a-holes for having opinions and preferences that differ from yours. But, if for some odd reason I am banned for merely pointing out your poor, abusive, inflammatory, and (lamely) threatening behavior in the past, so be it. Can't really say that this would be a place worth visiting anyways. For the record though, I've never been warned by anyone about my (attempts at) conversations with you. Not once. And, in this case, this conversation has actually been completely on topic. We are discussing whether the VF-1Ses will continue to go up in price vis-a-vis whether more will be released. Here's a better idea. Rather than anyone getting banned, why don't you actually take time to think before you write something accusatory, insane, or nonsensical. Or, when someone asks what you mean by something or points out a flaw in your argument, you might actually, just once, say: "Yeah, I guess that doesn't make sense. My mistake" or "I was having a bad day and retract my accusations that you're all a-holes for having different ideas than me." H