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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. Your points are so trivial that they don't really warrant "rebuking" (I belive the word you are looking for is "refute", my friend). But, since you are apparently my new favorite toy, here we go: First, make him! No, seriously, this is what you think he should be spending time on. Me? I think he should probably spend more time being the governor of the largest state in the Union. Second, you have still failed to "rebuke" my point that you are not being consistent in your calls for his "rebuking" of steroid use. First, you said that he decrys them. Now you decry that he is not decrying them. Third, maybe Arnold believes (as A1 asserts) that they don't do any harm. Is he not allowed to disagree with you and concentrate on other issues which he does believe in? Fourth, I'll bet that you were one of those people rolling your eyes at Bush when he mentioned the steroid problems in sports. No, I can't prove it, but the way you slide from one side of a position to another as long as it hurts your intended target makes me feel pretty good about this assertion. So, let me get this straight, I'm supposed to "rebuke" your opinion even though you've provided no basis for it? All I can say is what I know about why I admire the man and why many people that I know do as well. All you have asserted is that they love his body. This isn't an arguement. So, to put it another way, you haven't presented an argument to. . . (one more time). . . (wait for it). . . "rebuke." You seem to me to be someone who is just getting their feet wet in the world of political thought and discussion. So, you come up with a pet little idea and decide that it's oh-so-deep. . . and then you want to take it out for a test drive and argue about it with strangers. The problem is that what you're saying isn't exactly new, exciting, or worth much of anyone's time. Especially because there is little consistency from post-to-post. I've already given your quaint little attempts at sophistry more time than they're worth. H
  2. I'm having trouble reconciling these statements into any cogent criticizm. . . Then. . . Then, finally. . . So, if he comes out against them, he's a hypocrite. If he does not, he's disappointing you. Uh. . . we're aware of the "questions" you are raising. We just think they're a bit lame. Personally, I think you're actually the one engaging in stereotyping. Nobody here (except perhaps A1) worships Arnold. And those of us who admire him do not admire him simply for his "physical perfection." The man has accomplished a great deal in life and is a role model for those who believe hard work and dedication can pay off even for an immigrant who arrived on these shores with nothing. Though, I can see why it is convenient for you to denigrate and stereotype both Arnold and those who admire him and his accomplishments. And, I might also point out that your oh-so-deep "questions" aren't exactly the type of questions we come here to discuss on an anime discussion board. H
  3. I stopped reading there. Because you are apparently ignorant on the topic. Arnold was the spokesperson for the President's Council on Physical Education throughout the (first) Bush Administration. And do you know what he did in that post? Well, the ironic part is that I can describe it just by editing your own quote. He went around the country (I even saw him on Letterman) and. . . "encouraged the promotion of physical education in the public school systems." So. . . uh. . . be quiet. H
  4. I am not sure how it is hypocrisy for someone to do something stupid in his youth and then, having grown older and wiser, try to disuade young people from making the same mistake. That just seems (as Christopher Hitchens would say) to be a rather "unserious" criticizm. Though, if A1 is correct, Arnold isn't even doing that. He has been consistent regarding steroids. H
  5. That looks so cool it actually hurts me. H
  6. Well, I don't remember my dad getting hurt. But I do remember that very dismaying feeling when I realized that some things could go wrong in the world that my parents couldn't fix (illness, nuclear war, etc.). Sorta the same feeling? I wouldn't worry about the Arnold movie. It's pretty much a love letter to him. It treats him very kindly, I think. If anything it paints his critics (the LA Times, Huffington) as partisan hacks. That isn't to say that it doesn't address his childhood motivations and such. . . but I don't think you'll have much of a problem in the way they do it. If you can endure the "old Arnold" actor, I'd say it's worth seeing. It's not exactly a good movie or biopic. I'd put it in the same corny class as that "Late Shift" movie that chronicled the Letterman-Leno post-Johnny retirment fiasco. But if you're an Arnold-o-phile, I can't see how you can miss it. Or, to put it in your terms. . . Stop acting like a girly man and just watch it already. H
  7. Wow. I sold all my BT novels a few years ago. Had I only known. . . Though I did clear about $1500 on my whole BTech collection. So I guess I'm not too sad. Warrior Trilogy rocked. Congrats on the pick-up. Looks to be in excellent condition as well!
  8. So, A1, did you see the A&E thing? I think I'm not alone in being curious about your opinion on it. H
  9. Some photoshop to add a starfield in the background would make it perfect.
  10. The actor for "young Arnold" was spot-on. . . charismatic, etc. He even had the accent just about perfect. The guy for "old(er) Arnold" was well-nigh unwatchable until you got over his bad accent and rather unconvincing likeness to the real thing. Sorta like watching "Thirteen Days". . . I thought I'd have to turn it off when I first heard Costner's Boston Irish accent. But I got over it and eventually stopped noticing. H
  11. I'd be interested as well. My Prometheus is bare!!! H
  12. Hurin


    Great custom. Seeing it like that though, it's really no wonder that the zentraedi in the hallway wasn't fooled.
  13. I think this guy is kidding. It's too perfect.
  14. Nobody knows. There have been no announcements. Anything else said on the matter is merely conjecture. Here's hoping though! H
  15. doesn't it have that thingy to hold the backpack when the fastpacks are on in battroid? Yeah man. Check out this thread for a solution to that backpack problem. and be careful with the backpack joint!!! H
  16. Playing softball on wet grass w/out cleats. Ball hit to me, slipped, went down on my glove-hand. Here's the result. Played football in high school. Skated for almost ten years (including our half-pipe that was 9-feet high!). Grew up with two other brothers. Never, ever broke a bone. Apparently, after 30, it's a whole new game where your skeletal system is concerned. Didn't even fall that hard. With this bone, it's more about how you fall on it rather than how strong the bone (or your arm) is. If you fall on it just right, it'll break, whether you're a pro athlete or a computer geek like me. Coping with the cast pretty well though. It isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Was kidding about the advil. Pain is minimal as soon as I stop typing! Which I'll now do. Thanks for asking though. H
  17. I sense an attempt to stir up drama. Obviously, people are bored. Apparently, we've gotten to the point where we no longer ask for people to be banned when we don't like them. . . some of us have moved on to requesting that the entire site be shut down when we no longer like what we see! People can feel free to leave at any time. But to expect the lights to be shut off as you leave. . . am I the only one sensing a huge amount of narcisism here? Of course, it's being couched in a "just looking out for Shawn" message. . . but I personally don't buy it. I've never heard Shawn complain once about the costs of MW. And, for the record, member donations towards bandwidth and storage costs is nearly always the precursor for disaster among any online community. Regarding costs though: Less than $100/month gets you a hell of a lot of bandwidth these days. Why don't we let Shawn worry about his own finances, mmmkay? By the way, since when did all websites need spanking new, constantly updated data in order to be useful? I think you'd be pretty hard pressed to find a better Macross resource on the web (other than the Compendium). But, if it doesn't have the newest possible info, it should just disappear into the ether? Why is that a good idea? As for asking Shawn and/or Graham to turn over their baby: Why? MW provides several valuable services to the Macross fanbase. And, anyone who thinks they can do better are welcome to start up their own site. I hope I'm wrong. . . but really, this whole thread reeks of a member or two getting bored and tired of this place. But, instead of just wandering off like so many of us do when we burn out on Macross for a while. . . they want to burn the whole place down behind them as they leave. Of course, I could be wrong. Maybe I've interpreted this poorly. But judging by the egos/characters involved, I doubt it. But really, lighten up people. It's a friggin' website. Don't we have more to worry about in our daily lives than how well maintained an anime fan site is? And, now, with that, I must pop about eight advil and try not to respond. . . cuz typing this much hurts like hell: Eight more weeks of relative silence from me!
  18. The blue is actually deeper than these pictures show. But here are some that I took. Good Luck! H
  19. Hurin

    Dropping a deuce

    Sure recipe for 'roids! Don't try that over the age of 25!
  20. Hurin

    Yamato 1/48 GBP Pic

    Selling my taka GBP set just paid off! H
  21. Hurin

    The Re-Issues

    As others have pointed out, this isn't always the case. I think this first appeared in the VF-1J Hikaru. The headrest is different to accommodate the bigger TV-style helmet. H
  22. Ah, but you're assuming the Chinese (or anyone else) can keep up with us technologically. Which, for the last thirty years (and into the foreseeable future) hasn't been the case. If satellites are allowing the enemy to kill our people. . . we need to be able to kill their satellites. Then we can worry about protecting our satellites. This whole, "But if we do it, they might too!" thing just seems so. . . pacifist? Let 'em try to keep up. We'll do it better. And if the sh*t hits the fan later, we'll be glad we've got the capability to hit all their assets rather than just the ones we've designated as "appropriate." For the life of me, I can't figure out why people put some arbitrary line in the sky and say: "No weapons here. That would be mean." Arms agreements serve only one purpose: They weaken democracies who actually feel bound to abide by them while --as we artificially limit ourselves-- rogue nations play technological catch-up. I suppose a "nuclear freeze" was a good idea too? H
  23. Setting: The Oval Office. September, 2010. National Security Advisor: Sir, in the last 72 hours, we've lost all contact with the Enterprise Carrier Group. The Reagan task force is now steaming away from the area and report only 30% combat readiness. Casualties in both task forces are reported as severe. The Enterprise is reported sunk with nearly all hands. President: Have the Chinese responded to our demands? NSA: No sir. They claim that their invasion of Taiwain represents their sovereign right to "re-unify" their nation. There has been no other movement on the diplomatic front. President: Why are our carrier task forces being mauled so badly? NSA: Well, sir. They know where our naval forces are at all times. Their satellite surveillance blankets the entire northeastern Pacific. We can't get even a fishing boat anywhere near Taiwan before it is inundated with anti-ship missiles. President: Can't we do anything about their satellites? NSA: No sir. President: Can't we destroy them? NSA: No sir. President: Than can't we just jam them? NSA: No sir. President: (indignant) Why the hell not? NSA: Because space belongs to everyone, sir. Space is meant for peace, not war. President: You're fired.
  24. Hmmm. . . let's test this claim: Schwarzenegger Sucks!!!
  25. Ever read the first draft of the Gladiator script? Interesting read. H
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