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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. Regarding translations: I worked primarily with the ones provided by Ali Sama in the thread mentioned in the first post. I also consulted the original DVD's subtitles and this script. I'm unfamiliar with the "New Life Anime" fansub. I did change a line here and there. But I very rarely just outright changed a line without some basis in the original language (as determined by the resources above. . . I don't speak a word of Japanese). With one exception, and I hope I will be forgiven for it: I cannot stand the line where Roy is about to be killed and he tells Hikaru to "Go and save Minmay". . . and Hikaru responds with: "If you say so!" Now, maybe it's a cultural linguistic idiom, but I can't imagine Hikaru saying anything like that when his Sempai is about to be slaughtered. I looked at all the resources above, but couldn't find a more satisfying alternative. So, I simply fudged the line to: "What about you?!?" If y'all have a problem with that. . . tough. But seriously, I can always provide an alternative stream with the line restored to the (in my opinion) nonsensical line. I'd also be open to someone coming up with a more appropriate line that is more in-line with the actual Japanese. Other than that drastic change where I simply fudged something, to the best of my recollection, I only subtley altered lines to make them sound more natural in english. My philosophy in translating is that it's okay to add a word or two here and there to make it sound more natural in the new language. Even if those words aren't technically there in the original. Oh, and my girlfriend actually liked the movie this time around. She said it finally made sense. H
  2. New version is up. That should be the last update for a while. My girlfriend and I just finished watching it and I was pretty careful to catch any remaining problems. If anyone finds anything egregious though, let me know.
  3. Great! It's nice to see someone has tried it and it looks good. My apologies, though. I just noticed a couple very minor problems and one pretty annoying one. The translation has Max referring to Hikaru as Ensign rather than Lieutenant right before Kakizaki is killed. The other problem is simple stuff like forgetting to move one line of meltrandi dialogue to the top of the screen. A new substream is going to be posted in the next few minutes. I'll edit the main post to reflect the new date. H
  4. Funny you should mention the official R2 version, cuz I was wondering that myself. I can't imagine it looking much better than the fx/perfect one. But, if it's a different and official transfer, I guess it would be! Do region 2 DVDs use NTSC (30fps) or are they PAL (25fps)? I think, from what I've read in Ali Sama's thread, that I would need to shift things around because the island scene is different. And if the DVD is R2, more conversions may be necessary. But I still plan on giving it a try. BTW, what's the deal with the ending credits on the fx/Perfect one? I hate 'em. That concert footage is so jarringly grafted on there. What's the ending like on the R2 DVD? Does it just end with Minmay counting off "One, two, three, four." Regarding "Progressive Scan" problems. I haven't noticed anything when I play the fx/Perfect DVD in my table-top player. I do notice some "hitching" when I play the original DVD through my computer onto the TV though.
  5. I find that the shopping cart at Valkyrie-exchange works a lot better if, when you find what you want, you right-click the link to the item and open it in its own window. It's the frames that screw up the shopping cart. No frames, no problem.
  6. The fx Perfect Edition is a very nice transfer of the film. It looks great on my 53" widescreen. Best Regards, H
  7. Deleted post that was totally irrelevant (and possibly confusing) due to new version.
  8. If a joke needs explaining. . . Plus it's a pun. . . And I don't think any UN Hospital would be called the "Healthy" hospital. Poory guy. . . he tried. H
  9. Yeah, I know they're boots. But, well, I'd just like not to make this thread about distributing bootleg DVDs. Ya know? It's more admin/mod friendly that way. Though, I must admit that the idea of a bootleg company getting upset that people are bootlegging their DVD (especially an improved version) is quite entertaining. Mmmmm, irony. H
  10. Yes, but before the Zentraedi split into Britai and BoDolza factions during the final battle, exactly who did Max think he would be fighting? I suppose you could say that he only intended to help the Meltrandi against the Zentraedi. But, if you assume that he knows of the Zentraedi/Human peace treaty, you have to wonder exactly how that's okay. It's not quite so simple as a one sentence answer would seem to imply. H
  11. Howdy All, While I was grafting new subtitles to my DYRL DVD (thread), I noticed something. Forgive me if this has already been debated and/or addressed: Does Max go over to the Meltran? Is he a traitor? I had always noticed him in the Meltran power armor and figured: Oh, Milia came over to our side just like in the TV series. But wait. That doesn't quite fit what we actually see. It may be the other way around: It looks to me like Max gets trapped in the Meltrandi ship after he duels Milia. And when we next see him, he's suiting up in Meltrandi power armor. But. . . at no point are we told that any Meltrandi have gone over to the side of "culture" and taken part in the truce that the Zentraedi (males) and the Macross have established. So, I guess the real question is: Is Milia such a hot piece o' -ss that she turned Max against the last remnants of humanity in the universe?!? Or am I interpreting this completely wrong? H
  12. Guys, it would be very illegal for someone around here to sell these (yes, I know, these are already "imports."). I think too many requests for such a thing will get this thread shut down. So, can we keep that sorta discussion to a minimum? Really though, following those instructions, it shouldn't take more than fifteen minutes of clicking. The rest is just demuxing and compiling. It's really simple. The tough part would come if you didn't like the font size or wanted to change something. As that long release note says at the bottom, then you'd be in for a lot of work. The best bet is to use the provided subtitle stream. Fifteen minutes and you're done. But, of course, if you need it on a DVD, you would need to find a Dual-layer drive that is also compatible with your DVD player. If someone out there has a dual-layer drive that can write in both the + and - format on dual-layer media, they might be able to provide DVDs to people as long as they really and truly confirmed that the buyer already owned the FX DVD. And, then, I think it would only be allowed if that person only charged shipping and cost of materials. But I don't know. Either way, let's not discuss that here at this time. Maybe another thread some day. H
  13. Have the official 2016 release of the Blu-Ray? These subtitles are available for that release here. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- THE DVD YOU CREATE USING THIS PROCESS WILL HAVE FULL, UNTOUCHED VIDEO/AUDIO QUALITY. 10/6/2005 Update: Imported and then synched (at more than one spot) the more accurate timings of the Region 2 Bandai/Emotion Subtitles Project. I think for the most part, I managed to preserve the "tight" nature of the R2 subtitles and there is a dramatic improvement over the timings I previously made available here for the fx DVD. Changed Hikaru to 2nd Lieutenant (from Ensign) in beginning. Changed it so that Minmay refers to him simply as Lieutenant instead of "Mr. Ensign." Changed all references to Roy Focker's rank to "Major" (instead of Commander). Changed all references to Misa's rank (prior to return from earth) to Captain. Changed all references to Misa's rank (after return to Macross) to Major. Changed Max's rank to "Captain" during period surrounding the Milia vs Max battle. Changed Admiral "Gloval" to "Global". . . because this is Macross, dammit. This project will graft better looking, more accurate, "natural-sounding" subtitles to the "FX Perfect Edition of Macross: Do you Remember Love with no image quality loss. Please Note: You must already own the fx DYRL DVD to be able to do this. There's nothing wrong going on here. THE FILES PROVIDED HERE WILL ONLY WORK WITH THE FX REGION-FREE DVD. If you have the Bandai/Emotion Region 2 DVD, please go here. (These look better on your televsion/computer. JPEG compression is visible in these web-ready images) The outer black area will not be visible on a television due to overscan (border of your television obscuring the screen). Things You Will Need To Generate the New DVD files A copy of the fx "Perfect Edition" of DYRL. This is readily available on eBay. Look for the green and red "fx" logo in the corner. This ZIP file. This file must be extracted to a very specific place (see instructions below). It contains the substream file, a DVD-Lab Pro project file, etc. A program called DVD Decrypter. This program will extract the DYRL DVD to your hard drive so that we can work with its files. It's getting harder to find this program since its author started getting hassled by "the man." However, at least for now, it's still available here. A program called DVD-Lab Pro (download). This is the program that we will use to work with the files that are extracted by DVD Decrypter. It's free and fully functional for 30 days. After that, you should pay. But you shouldn't need it for more than a day or two unless you get in the habit of doing this sort of thing. A computer with a DVD drive. Approximately 20GB of free hard drive space. Though, when you are done, this shrinks down to the size of a DVD (about 8GB). For Playback You have four options here: If you have a DVD burner that is capable of burning to "dual-layer" or "double-layer" media, you should be able to burn the results of our labor to a DVD that will play on your table-top DVD player. You could use 'DVD Shrink' to compress the result of all this onto a standard (non-dual-layer) DVD that would then play on your table-top DVD player as well. However, I'm a purist and I don't want to lose any image quality, so that's out for me. Of course, the resulting DVD files will be playable on your computer as long as you have DVD player software installed. Basically, if you can watch a DVD on your computer now, you can watch this DVD when we're done. The way I'll be watching it is via my HTPC (Home Theater Computer). It's hooked up to my TV and plays DVDs back as good or better than my table-top DVD player. So, that's why I'm being a little vague about option 1 or 2 above. I haven't had to do either of those yet because my HTPC will play this back via Beyond Media and its DVD Library Plugin. Getting Started Downloading and Extracting the ZIP File Download the ZIP file mentioned above. Using Winzip or the file decompressor of your choice (Windows XP has one built in), extract the ZIP file to the root of your C: drive. This file must be extracted to the top level ("root") of your C: drive so that its directory structure is C:\macross-dvd. (screenshot). When in doubt, just type C:\ where it asks you for the destination path. Then check out the screenshot above to make sure things look right. The ZIP file extracts to its own folder named "macross-dvd" so it will not flood your hard drive with strange files. I wish I could make this last bit flash in bright neon because this has tripped up more than a couple of people. The ZIP file, by default, wants to unzip to a folder based on the ZIP file's filename. You must override this and just tell it to unzip to C:\ and nothing more. The ZIP file contains a folder, so your C: drive won't be messed up. But you must have the correct folder name and directory structure for the rest of these instructions to work. DVD Decrypter Put your copy of DYRL (Fx Perfect Edition) in your DVD drive. Open up DVD Decrypter and choose Tools along the top. Then click Settings. Click the IFO Mode tab and set everything up like this image. Then click OK. After clicking OK, click Mode along the top, then choose IFO. Now click the Stream Processing tab on the right. You should see something like this image. Note that DVD Decrypter should have automatically detected the three main files you will need and each of them is already checked: Click the first stream (video) to highlight it. Make sure that you only highlight it and do not uncheck it. Then click Demux below. (screenshot) Click the second stream (audio) to highlight it. Make sure that you only highlight it and do not uncheck it. Then click Demux below. (screenshot) Click the third stream (subtitle) to highlight it. Make sure that you only highlight it and do not uncheck it. Then click Demux below. (screenshot) [*]Click the "Folder/magnifier" icon and then select "C:\macross-dvd\Demuxed DVD" as the destination path. (screenshot) [*]When you're ready, press the green arrow to begin "demux"-ing (screenshot). Now, wander away for about twenty minutes to an hour. . . when it's done, you should have a bunch of files resembling this image in C:\macross-dvd\Demuxed DVD\. We're now done with DVD Decrypter. DVD-Lab Pro Open DVD-Lab Pro. Click Continue and/or OK until you get past the introductory screens. What you choose here does not matter because we will be opening up a stored project in the next step. Click File along the top menu. Then click Open. Navigate to C:\macross-dvd\Project File\ Open macross-dyrl-fx-perfect-subs.dal You should then see a bunch of stuff pop up on the screen. You can ignore all this stuff. If you are the adventurous type, feel free to explore things a bit. However, if you think you might have messed something up, just be sure not to save and re-open the file above. Click Project along the top menu. Then click Compile DVD. Confirm that all settings look like this. Set the destination path to whatever you wish. Though, a place for the Final DVD Image is provided at c:\macross-dvd\Final DVD Image\. Click Start. Your hard drive should go a little crazy, and it will say: "Frame Indexing Movie 1." The frame indexing is done only once as long as you retain the IDX file that it will be placing in your C:\macross-dvd\Demuxed DVD\ directory. Future compilations will not require frame indexing. After it has finished frame indexing, you'll jump back to the main window but will see a log on the left side reporting your progress. (screenshot) Note: Sometimes, for some reason, the DVD doesn't compile completely the first time. The log says "Start building video manager" and then only a few seconds later, says "done." But there are no files created. If this happens to you, just start the compilation up again. When you see "Muxing in progress" in the little log to the left, and your hard drive starts to go a bit crazy, you'll know you're in business! After about 30-60 minutes, the log should report "Done." At that point, you have a brand new DVD image. You're now ready to burn it to a DVD, watch it on your computer, or copy it over to your HTPC. Thanks to Ali Sama and Mechamaniac for the inspiration (and original scripts) to do this project!
  14. When are we going to learn? Witch-hunts don't work at MW. Most people realize that Togo is just an @ss. More to the point, we realize that he enjoys being an @ss. And, he attributes the success and improvement of MW to his being an @ss. Now, you can think he's full of it. I do. But all the relevant points have been made. People who look at his behavior pretty universally agree that he acts "@ss-ish". Some people have a problem with that. Some people don't. I don't think any minds are going to be changed. Let Togo whine. And let Nanashi watch this thread with anxious self-awareness. Because that's what's going to happen regardless. . . Can we move on now? H P.S. Yes, Nanashi can do whatever he wants with his site. And I have nothing against him. Though, I think his actions are lame and it's everyone's right to point out lameness when we see it. But Nanashi pulling a temper tantrum in the face of some harrassment isn't exactly the way to gather the masses to his defense. Personally, I'm disappointed that we're all giving him the satisfaction of seeing his hissy fit and the cause of it (DT) discussed. Had he merely wandered off for a while, I'd feel better about discussing this without feeding drama-queen-ness.
  15. Let's sum up: Togo can be a whiney @ss (apparently with a Messiah Complex). But. . . Nanashi (or WindJammer, or whoever) is obviously an even whinier drama-queen who, quite frankly, violates what most would consider the accepted etiquette of a fanbase and well. . . the internet as a whole . . . by restricting access to his stuff so much. The guy has issues. Anyways, I'd call it largely a tie with a slight edge going to Togo because, while he can be a jerk, he's not trying to make some "You'll miss me when I'm gone!" dramatic flourish by requesting that his account be deleted. Puh-leaze. How egotistical is that? I'd second the motion that mods should reconsider removing an account upon request in these circumstances. I'd just say something like: "You're free to stop dropping by anytime. How about exercising some self control?" Oh, but wait, I'm the guy who likes to argue, always brings up quotes from a year ago, and can't let anything go. So pretend that last bit came from someone else. H
  16. It's pretty simple to set up either linux or windows to synch the time with a known good source at regular intervals. Would take about 10 minutes of googling and configuring. Maybe one of the admins could take care of it. . . but then again. . . not the biggest deal in the world either. H
  17. Deleted -- Togo PMed me and it seems petty at this point to continue. H
  18. Cynic? Is that what we're calling people who can't ask a question without cussing and screaming at people? Okay. Didn't know. Well, I thought I was being contructive above when I mentioned that I'd be researching things. But, hey, if you're so hot-to-friggin-trot about getting a skin done, why don't you fire up that two-speed weed-whacker brain of yours and actually, ya know, click on that "Invision Power Board" link at the bottom of every page. . . and look for the skinning documentation. Oh, I forgot. You'd rather just complain and yell (and call it "humor" which we all just don't get). So I did it for you. Invision Power Board Skinning Guides As you can see from the documentation, having admin access to the board would make developing the skin a lot easier. Otherwise, you're constantly at the mercy of an admin to test things. So, unless an admin gets onboard this oh-so-urgent project, it's going to be pretty tough to do. Which also explains why the old attempt at a skin went nowhere. And, as Roy said above, a skin isn't high on the priority list right now. You'd think that someone so obviously (and oddly) concerned about getting a skin done would have looked this up himself and then posted the information. But that would be the case only if the primary motivation was to get a skin done rather than once again complain about how lame this place is and how nothing gets done. . . and we need a new co-admin. . . or we need to shut the place down. . . or we need to have casual Fridays. . . and a soda fountain in the lobby. . . Big Smiles! Big Smiles! H
  19. Funny how the thread title isn't included there. . . Anyways. . . Togo's gotten the attention he craved. Let's all move along. Duke Togo: All the attitude of an AgentOne. None of the charm H
  20. Yes, all this drama was necessary. Because, dammit, we really and truly need to have all the same BS surrounded with different colors and a graphic or two. Meh. . . P.S. That being said, I'm going to be setting up Invision on a web server at work. . . at which point I may have better insight into what is necessary to develop a skin. Invision is one of ther harder ones to do that for. . . I don't think it's like UBB or some others where the skin generator is built into the backend. But, anyways, it might be fun to do. . . but it really seems like something that should be just a diversion, not a major priority. It's fluff. . . aesthetics. P.P.S. Please ignore this post. Because Togo probably won't like it, it is therefore "unintelligent" and written by someone who is obviously mildly retarded (at the very least).
  21. First you want the place shut down and now you want a new skin for it!?! Fickle.
  22. One word: Ignorance. Or possibly just completist. Even I, a certified 1/48-o-phile, was tempted to get a few MPCs when Tam was fire-saling them a year ago. I ended up selling my 1J Rick Hunter MPC instead (which I purchased before my first 1/48). If I can't have 'em all, I don't want any! H
  23. Bordering on politics here. But I'm a network admin for a university humanities department. A union recently tried to force every technical worker into their organization. Thankfully, we arranged for a vote and the vote turned out to be overwhelmingly against unionization. Though I do consider it screwy that if only 51% of people voted to unionize, I'd suddenly be forced to pay union dues and I would be unable to negotiate my own wages. The way I see it, I have worked hard throughout my life to develop some valued skills. I offer those skills to an employer who then offers to pay me a set amount for them. I am free to work for him or not. If I am unhappy with my job, I take my skills elsewhere. I'm sorry if this hurts people's feelings, but unions are quite simply for those people who do not have highly-valued skills. If all you do is punch numbers into a cash register, and you can be replaced at a moment's notice by just about anybody else with minimal training, then yes. . . you are expendable. In that situation, where the workforce is unskilled and easily replaced, I can see where it would make sense to unionize. The only problem is that unions don't see it this way. They want everyone to be in a union, because it expands the organizations power (more dues, more influence). I quite simply told my boss that the day they unionize my position will be the day I quit.
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