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Everything posted by Hurin
Or, maybe it would be nice if this topic didn't pop up over and over and over again in several different threads only to end in the exact same way. This is an attempt to stop that. And, since you take part in such arguments nearly every time, I would think you'd appreciate a place to share your wisdom. H
Returned to CN, "The Clone Wars" has, hmmm.
Hurin replied to mechaninac's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Well, I just created a thread where we can take this so that we don't destroy the Clone Wars thread any further. The Star Wars Fanboy Debate Thread -
Too many Star Wars threads have been hijacked by the age-old Original Trilogy vs Prequels debate. Someone will pipe in. . . then someone feels a need to respond. . . and soon a thread about Episode III or the Clone Wars (or even Indiana Jones) will be taken far off course. This thread is intended to house all those debates so that we can leave the other threads unmolested. From now on these debates can be taken here. First, some ground rules: Please don't pop in just to say how little you care about (or dislike) Star Wars or the differences (and/or similarities) between the movies. That's not the topic of this thread. And this thread is for people who do care. Now move along. Feel free to go find threads that you do care about rather than spending time posting in this thread about how you're above it all. Please don't pop into the thread simply to state a one-line opinion. If you care to comment here, please be prepared to give some reasoning and/or evidence to back up your opinion. In other words, Agent One need not apply Let's not dismiss arguments because they come from "fanboys". . . nothing is funnier to me than a person dismissing an argument as "fanboy whining". . . then going on to talk about how they wrote an essay on how midichlorians don't ruin Episode I at all! There are fanboys whose fanboy-ness causes them to hate the new movies. There are also fanboys whos fanboy-ness causes them to defend every thing that George Lucas does. For the purposes of this discussion, we're all fanboys. Let's keep it civil for once. You can say that an argument is illogical, faulty, or silly. But let's not call anyone idiots. Okay. . . so, that' about it. None of those rules conflict with the MW rules. And, obviously, they're optional. I'm no mod. . . and I can't enforce them. But I've grown very tired of the Star Wars debates descending into three or four different people popping in just to state "All the movies are the same and equally good/bad and you're all dorks for saying that there are any differences."
Returned to CN, "The Clone Wars" has, hmmm.
Hurin replied to mechaninac's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
So, you're saying that everyone who bought the tickets and the DVDs enjoyed that movie? That is obviously not the case. Some people bought the DVD because it's Star Wars. . . and they have all the other Star Wars movies. More importantly, saying that, by buying tickets and DVDs, those people are expressing their preference for one movie over another, is also silly. H -
Returned to CN, "The Clone Wars" has, hmmm.
Hurin replied to mechaninac's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Way to Troll A1. . . you must be so proud. Edit: And I call that trolling because it contributes nothing to the discussion while obviously attempting to enflame passions. Now, I'm sure you'll deny it in your girly-man way, but it's obvious to just about anyone. H -
Returned to CN, "The Clone Wars" has, hmmm.
Hurin replied to mechaninac's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
"Most?" Ticket sales would seem to disagree. The much vaunted Empire Strikes Back was the least successful movie based on revenue. It's a good movie, but it's no better than any of the other 4. I personally rank it 4th. Uh. . . haven't we been through this before? Just because people see it, doesn't mean they liked it or even hold it in the same regard as its predecessors. Hell, I even have the DVD of Episode I. . . even though I can't stand it. Citing ticket sales may be the weakest possible means of guaging quality, or even popularity. Who still thinks Titanic is the most popular movie of all time? Yet, doesn't it still hold the all-time record in ticket sales? Isn't it just possible that a lot of us hold our nose and see the new movies because they still contain a hint or two of what we enjoyed in the EpIV and EpV? My buying a ticket to Episode I (twice) wasn't a vote for it being the greatest Star Wars movie of all time, it was a symptom of being starved of Star Wars movies for over a decade. Indeed, the fact that Episode I made so much money can actually be interpreted as a tribute to the original trilogy. A lot of people held their nose and saw Episode I and (to a lesser extent) Episode II because of its relation to their beloved Star Wars. There is still a lot of grudging loyalty out there. And there were a lot of people who squirmed in their seats for ninety minutes watching that kid and Jar-Jar simply to see (again) a few mintues of some Jedi coolness and a few lightsaber battles. I think most adults were those types of viewers. To cite those people's ticket purchases as empirical evidence of Episode I's superiority over --or even equality with-- EpIV and EpV is just silly. H -
That looks cool. I'm sorta in the market for an airbrush and compressor too. Congrats on winning the auction. Let me know how you like it. H
Yes, you're correct, it's Ishiguro. H
yeah.. a BFA from the University of Arizona in Graphic Design and 8 years of professional graphic design experience kinda makes you an expert ya jack ass. Yeah, and there's nothing quite so funny as someone who flaunts their paper credentials to back up silly comments about something that is supposed to be within their area of expertise. I don't doubt that you have the degree. . . but I wonder why they never taught you about basic things such as the futility of trying to judge the authenticity of an image from a small, low quality JPEG. That's Arnold's head, dude. . . and the fact that you would use your expertise to criticize the job they did on his eyes, nose, and mouth. . . when it is an obvious head-crop job. . . well, that just cracks me up. H
Uh, panzer, generally, Photoshopped fakes aren't done like that. They don't go feature-by-feature. They just crop the entire head onto another body. That's pretty clearly what happened here. Serves me right for linking to anything I found on Drudge. That's a British newspaper article from today. Though, I think the paper is a bit tabloid-ish. H
Not weird at all considering he's now a politician with a lot of enemies. H
Oh, we only gain the right to comment on things now when Agent One says so. I'm sorry, I must have missed that memo. I think anyone following this thread can see what Roy Foker wrote. It was bluntly stated that these threads would not be tolerated. One has to wonder, therefore, why this thread is still open. Therefore, it's an obvious and valid opinion/question. . . and anyone should be able to state it. It's also a harmless opinion. . . and your need to lash out at the person making it would be revealing if it weren't so typical. H
Why is it that in this particular case I'm hearing thick Austrian?
Uh. . . wtf?!? Is this the way we address opinions/posts of people below a certain post-count now? Seriously. . . wtf!?! This seems unreasonably harsh, even by the abysmally low standard of discourse that A1 sets. . . Hey A1. . . I'm also shocked this thread has been left open. . . especially since moderators stated openly that such threads "will not be tolerated." Does my post count meet your standard? This message board is becoming disgustingly hostile to noobs of any kind. From accusing them of being RT exiles, to imposters, to freaking out on anyone who tries to sell something in the 'for sale' area without first providing DNA. . . It's getting pretty disgusting. . . Do we want any new members around here? Aren't others allowed in our special little club? Or do we just assume that they're signing up for random abuse by the veterans when they foolishly click "register." H
I'm sure mods have seen it. But, apparently, stickiness isn't in the cards. Though really, it's a shame that after a few weeks, the only way a MWer will know about the availability of this is through my signature. . . But, that's all I'll say since it's not really my place to demand/request sticky status. I'd just sorta be honored if it happened. H Edit: the fx version of this upgrade got a lot more attention, page views, and responses. But, this upgrade to the official R2 version is not only intended for the legitimate DVD owner, but also is better in many ways to the one I did for the fx. I don't plan on doing any more work on the fx version. I'd rather encourage people to get the official R2 one by offering this version with (even) better timed subs. I watched my fx version a few days ago and I must say that, though the sub timing is pass-able on it, my work on the R2 DVD is vastly superior. . . if I do say so myself.
I don't think those are supposed to be coming out of the bottom of the foot. I think they are vernier thrusters in the sides of the legs and FAST Packs. H
Actually, judging by the cel-painting, it appears to be from the promo/trailer footage. Uh. . . what? Would the trailer/promo not just be snippets from the movie? Also, consider that my screen capture may just be a frame off. H
Meh. . . not putting them back up. . . that's like the worst thing you can do. It's like handing the hacker a big fat congratulatory bonus. Hackers dream of actually causing so much mayhem and/or distress that the site/resource just remains down. Sigh. . . another victory for the forces of darkness. . . F'ing kids. . . H
Uhm, not true. VitalSign is a MMOFPS (???!?!) that is, for the casual player, practically free after the initial s/w purchase (which is about USD5~6). Okay. . . a slight revision to "Hurin's MMOG" rule: You are unlikely to see a full-featured, persistent world, massively-multiplayer game that is polished and something you'd actually want to play. . . without a monthly fee. H
Uh, I don't think you'll ever see a massively multiplayer online game (MMOGs) that doesn't have a monthly charge. Exactly how do you anticipate that working? The game company must maintain the game servers, a data center, and the high bandwidth connections to them. Further, all (I believe) MMOGs feature ongoing upgrades and conent additions (a lot of it being free between expansion packs). Then you have the tech support and in-game "gamemaster" type help. All of this has to be paid for. . . Does anyone think that $39-59 for a retail box will pay for all of this indefinitely? After your fourth year of playing the game (yes, some people do play them that long). . . don't you think your $50 might be stretched a bit thin considering all the bandwidth and storage space you've consumed on the game servers? And, finally, if you continue to play the game, you're probably not playing/buying other games. I barely played any other games during the two years I played Ultima Online. So, my $10.00 was actually a bargain for me because it kept me from buying another game for $50. H
Yeah, that's bunk. I think just about any joystick will work. Some people have had trouble getting rudder pedals and stuff to work. But, I've gotten my whole HOTAS (stick, throttle, rudder pedals) setup working because CH Products has software that can join all three into one giant "virtual joystick." Here's my setup: It works! H
Wow, it's too bad everyone is so spread out. At this point, we haven't two people say the same server! H
I'm west coast. Sunrunner. I'm a rebel pilot. Not too far along. So if anyone can suggest a server where a lot of us hang out, I'd be willing to switch. H