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Everything posted by Hurin
I just did a CTRL-F and looked for any reference to "The Office" in this thread. I should have known that it'd be you. . . I will see this because "Tim" is in it. And, regarding the NBC version, you took the words right out of my mouth!
I'm not the only one who's chilled (most agree that it took two to tango back then). Your "short fuse" hasn't seem to have ignited much in months. But, of course, even if it had, I'd have to leave you alone since we're barred from addressing each other. Eeeek, we could both be banned now! Anyways, you're calmer, I'm calmer. It's all good. Now let's leave it alone before we piss each other off again.
I really thought I'd hate the Clone Wars style. . . until I actually watched it. It really does grow on you. H
Says the guy with all the Star Wars Legos! Actually, I think most of the people I know who dislike the new movies consider themselves to be sort of "fans in exile". . . we stopped buying the stuff, stopped visiting the websites. We're all just disappoined with the wasted opportunity for something that could have been really cool. So, we've moved on to other things and don't tend to expose ourselves to Star Wars all that much. But then, when it comes up obliquely (such as in an anime discussion forum), we suddenly feel compelled to express our disappointment in the same way a lot of people around here would if M7 were brought up on a Star Wars forum. H
Has anyone said Sauron yet? I thought he was somewhat neutered in the Peter Jackson films. But he was quite the bad-ass in The Silmarillion (book). Of course, the ultimate bad-guy Tolkien-wise would be Morgoth. . . who was Sauron's master prior to the 2nd and 3rd age. Anyways, nevermind. He was just a big f'ing eye in the films. H
For the record, I think Majestic needs a time out. Even though he's on "my side". . . there's a point where you gotta realize that you're no longer even debating the issue anymore, but just getting wrapped up in petty BS. Majestic, chill out. You're embarassing "the cause." But, bsu legato, this and other Star Wars threads are chock-full of your subtle and not-so-subtle demeaning comments towards anyone who even cares enough about the Star Wars movies to look at them critically and possibly compare and contrast them to each other. While you make good points, generally, those come amongst plenty of other posts (or amusing cartoons) stating that the critics are all fanboy nerds whose opinions are therefore irrelevant. So, really, though Majestic is getting irritating in his condescension, I'm not sure you're the one who should be casting stones where "condescending tones" are concerned. This thread was going pretty well. People were being allowed to say what they wanted to say, and interesting points of view were stated. The critics had their say, the "they're all the same" crowd dropped by. . . charts were made. . . some light-hearted barbs traded. . . all was good. But now, after a respite from the inevitable, we're embroiled in petty BS again. H
Oh, and this is hypothetical. I don't attend cocktail parties. That's too social for an obvious nerd like me. I'm far too busy sitting in front of the soft glow of my monitor, masturbating to pictures of Princess Leia in her gold bikini. Of course, I only had to resort to that after my girlfriend refused to continue strapping danishes to the side of her head and calling me "Han." As for a super-nerd Star Wars fan like me actually having a girlfriend. . . I plead "fluke." Actually, she's made up. There, all those stereotypes are now satisfied. H
You know you love 'em. You can't get enough. Now, brace yourself, this will be short. . . leaving you feeling empty inside.
Sounds like you've got an inferiority complex to me. And, just what sort of "cocktail parties" do you attend where Star Wars often comes up? Well, feel free to generalize. . . but you wouldn't know I'm a Star Wars fan by looking at me. . . nor would I say much to strangers about it other than: "I liked the older ones a lot. I think the newer ones were pretty bad." If asked, why, I might elaborate. . . but I'd save the real venom for my friends who actually know enough about Star Wars to appreciate it. As for us feeling "superior". . . Yes, I do think that I'm being a bit more discriminating in the way I view the Star Wars films. I'm sorry, but I do question the tastes of someone who can repeatedly state unequivocally that there is no appreciable difference between the films. But, believe me, this doesn not make me feel "superior" to anyone and certainly doesn't help my ego. In most cases, I really don't think it's a question of taste on your side of the aisle. Rather, I just think that you're all so in love with your carefully cultivated "cooler than thou" personas that you won't even entertain the idea that there is some heavy suckage going on in these movies. Because, if you actually analyzed a Star Wars film a little bit, that might make you a NERD! Oh no! Can't have that! Just keep saying they're all the same and that those who don't like them are nerds! That's the best possible solution!
Are you saying that Agent ONE should leave Macross World because he so hates Macross 7? Because, apparently, you're arguing that some people have no place in a Star Wars forum because they can't stand TPM or some of the changes Lucas has retroactively made to his prior works. To say that someone can't participate in a Star Wars forum unless he likes each and every tiny aspect of each and every film. . . well. . . are you sure you mean to say that? We do agree, however. I also get annoyed when people pop into threads for fans of a movie/series, only to call them all idiots and rip on that movie/series. But that is not the case here. The explicit purpose of this thread was to gauge how many people think the third prequel will suck as much as the prior two. Obviously, that invites discussion about how much the prior two sucked. H
I think you got it the other way around bud. That "whooshing" you're hearing is the sound of my post going right over your head. H
But the inverse of that argument is that all you "pro-prequel/they're all the same" guys are such nostalgia-influenced fanboys that you are blind to the glaring flaws and horrible choices that George Lucas has made with Star Wars. Oddly, however, those who think Star Wars ran off the tracks with Jedi (if I recall correctly, that came out when I was a kid and I loved it back then), go to great pains to divest themselves of this charge. . . whereas those who so lovingly defend each and every film are the ones most vocally accusing the critics of being fanboys. I'd say that maybe it's time the tables were turned and those of us who see a host of flaws in the "newer visions" of Star Wars just started basing our arguments around the perceived flaws in the character of those defending them (losers, fanboys, obsessed, etc.). . . but here's the problem with that: It doesn't contribute anything. . . Nothing is served by either side merely stating that the other side are merely nerdy fanboys. It's a way of avoiding having to address what the other side is saying. We should all just accept that the only reason we're here is that we're fans of Star Wars and discuss each other's opinions on the merits of what is said rather than just dismissing each other as fanboys.
Kill mine first, he's a "charming" CGI Gungan with a mildly racist speech impediment AND the force. He attacks sonic-the-hedgehog style like Yoda and he frequently compares skin to sand while accidently defeating entire fleets in a wacky, endearing fashion while sampling his midoclorian count. And he has tiny hands. You can't leave out the tiny hands. He also has to be Luke's uncle, Vader's father, and the roomate of the Emperor's second cousin during clown school. After all, everyone is related to Vader now in some way. H
There are certain rules whenever we discuss Star Wars on MW. Those who criticize the new movies are fanboys with no lives. Yet, those who go to great pains to defend the Prequels, the Special Editions, and basically any George Lucas decision since Ewoks and Boba Fett dying at the hands of a blind man with a stick are supposedly the cooler, more laid-back guys who merely appreciate the movies as fluff. Of course, you then find out that these "cooler Star Wars fans" do things like writing five page essays on why Midichlorians didn't "ruin" The Force. Oh, and you get bonus points for popping into the thread from time to time merely to mock those who are pointing out what they perceive to be flaws, thus demonstrating how little you care and how much cooler you therefore are. Conversely, those pointing out the flaws in the films are relegated to fanboy nerd status, a target for scorn and mockery by those who appreciate the films more. Wait, now I'm even confusing myself. Let's try again. . . In a nutshell: "Lucas is a genius who can do no wrong! Jar Jar ain't that bad! They're all good!" = Cool, casual fan. "Star Wars has been on a downhill slide since Jedi." = Raging Star Wars fanboy nerd.
Nice job Exo! Any step-by-step posts coming? Did you shave down the border on the visor? or are you just attaching that green visor (now white) over the old border? It looks great! H
I've seen small bits and pieces of the film over the years, but a buddy of mine who is into body building got the remastered movie on DVD for his birthday and I borrowed it from him to watch. I cannot believe how huge this guy was. Weird, that doesn't even quite look like him in the face. But I guess it's just an odd picture. H
You are correct. I don't know how I missed that. My apologies. H
Just waiting for Jemstone to show up. . .
Well, the "anime and science fiction" content leaves a bit to be desired as well. . . not to mention the overt political subject matter. I wonder how long this thread would last if it wasn't A1 who started it? H
Actually, I think Maximus' wife and son were crucified. Let's also not forget Commodus' incestual desires for his sister. And yet, through it all, that little prick still manages to cling to a tiny shred of the audience's sympathy. . . Joaquin Phoenix really does an excellent job with that character.
You just made my day.
I'm usually a fan of weathering. . . but these two may have just converted me. They look absolutely fantastic. Maybe the lack of weathering is triggering that "fresh out of the box" giddiness that then overwhelms my love a well-weathered model/toy. Or maybe I'm thinking about it too much. . . H
Lay off the American stereotyping, please. There's just as much "cultural inference" here with these constant assumptions about American stubbornness and gullibility that certain people seem to embrace at every opportunity. Ie. one that's really as critical and discerning about truth as they'd like to believe would also be also be a lot less willing to accept the common image of Americans as propaganda eating dullards at large. It would certainly be a nice guesture for those who levy criticism against the United States to practice some of the restraint and discernment they accuse Americans of lacking wholesale. This American, for one, realizes that the Lynch stunt was likely a big production done mainly for show. Propaganda exists both within the States and without--the latter often aims to paint Americans at large in some unflattering way or other at every opportunity. Everything, Lynch, Commie Phobia, and Terrorist Phobia becomes to them another reason to say, "Oh, poo poo, look at those silly Americans and their silly beliefs. It's a wonder they haven't blown themselves up already." There's hardly ever any pause to consider that perhaps their own ideas about Americans might be altogether silly and simplistic as well. The actual issues and the Americans involved are very often much more complex than that. Although it was the BBC that broke the story about the Lynch case not being what it seemed, American journalists also continued to probe into what had actually happened, their own willingness to accept the intitial story, and how the Army was using the story for its own gain. This quote says it best: it is "the story of how a modern war icon is made and perhaps how easily journalists with different agendas accepted contradictory self-serving versions of what happened to her." If Americans were so truly gullible, and quick to accept the official line, Michael Moore would not be the hit he is here. Of course most of his "facts" are tenuous connections and accusations with a gigantic leftist bent-- propaganda all its own. -Al Perfectly said. But a shorter version would be: "Those who would decry uncritical acceptance of propoganda should not blindly accept --or disseminate-- propoganda themselves." Or even more brief: "Pipe down! Commie!" How many more times will this guy get to only obliquely address an anime/Macross topic, and then swerve directly into far-Left political rants that are expressly forbidden by the rules of this board? H
I'd love to. I've already done a cursory search for some timed scripts that I could tweak. But so far, I haven't found anything. And my Japanese is non-existent, so I wouldn't be able to time them myself with any accuracy. H
I find your lack of faith disturbing. Hey, that does look like Jerjerrod from Jedi. . . but that didn't actually happen in the final cut. What's that from? H