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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. Hurin


    Well, I placed my pre-order at HLJ. I didn't give 'em a credit card. . . and the email they sent says: "money order/paypal." Does that mean I'll essentially get a bill from them when it's ready to ship? Thanks, H
  2. Hurin


    The first post, the link, and several other posts contain the word: August.
  3. Hurin


    The head laser looks grey. That's cool. It would have looked pretty lame as white or brown. But, then again, maybe this isn't the way it will be upon release. I too don't like that "limited" verbage.
  4. Woops, nevermind. It appears that some people have attempted 80x80, but they are being down-scaled to 64x64. When I downloaded Gabe's and saw it as 80x80, I assumed that's what was displaying on the screen. But I just checked a screenshot in Photoshop and everyone (at least in this thread) is displaying 64x64. My mistake. I had things reversed. H
  5. Who specifically has an 80x80 avatar? Uh. . . you. Edit: Actually, the raw image of your is 64x64, but it is apparently being resized to 80x80 by the board software. Yours is the same size as Gabe's above your post. And his (when saved) comes up as 80x80. H
  6. Hurin


    Yeah they did a pre-order for the armor parts before yamato killed the project. I just found my order confirmation from HLJ. I'm confused. 1/60 gbp armor or 1/60 fast pack parts ? I originally asked if HLJ is the "gold standard" of whether something will actually see the light of day. As an example, I asked if anyone remembered if they ever took orders for the 1/60 FAST Pack Kits. I think the answer is that they did take orders for the FAST Pack kits. . . though those never (so far) materialized. H
  7. Hurin


    Yes, from their offices on the grassy knoll.
  8. Hurin


    I personally intend to buy enough of these to make the production run profitable for Yamato. Seriously, there would be nothing quite so bad-ass looking as a Roy 1S and Hikaru 1A flanked by 3-4 Cannon Fodders. Or maybe go TV version and make it a Super Roy 1S with Hikaru at the controls. I'm assuming that these will have the DYRL 1A head. . . but that's a minor quibble. I'm more excited about this release than any Yamato Macross toy thus far. Probably because it also signals that Yamato hasn't given up on Macross entirely. . . and the 1/48 VF-1 line will live at least a bit longer (perhaps even involving more re-releases). H
  9. Hurin


    In the past, HLJ has been sorta a "gold standard" for what is going to actually make it to release, right? I mean, have they ever listed a valk that didn't eventually make it to store shelves? Did they ever list 1/60 Fast Pack kits? H
  10. Hurin


    SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP! I'm more excited about this than any adult male has any right to be.
  11. Hehe. This "anime style" debate is reminding me of when some MWer decided to declare that we are all ill-informed and silly because we use the term "die-cast" synonymously with "metal." His point was that plastics can also be "die-cast". . . Of course, he was correct. . . technically. But nobody cared. . . because "die-cast" means "metal" to 99% of the population. And no amount of self-righteous pontificating is going to change that. Indeed, more "clarification" only serves to destroy the terms of conversation already in use and understood by 99% of us, thus leading to confusion, not clarity. H
  12. Actually, I'm not particularly religious, but I've found that peope have a very presentist view of religion and its role in society throughout history. Because there seems so little need for it in our present society, and scandals and abuse make so much news nowadays in our current culture, we tend to project our current views towards religion onto religion in the past. We see here and there abuses of religion. . . and we totally overlook the good that it has inspired and been responsible for throughout history. I simply question the judgement of someone who dismisses religion as a "net evil." I don't think a serious look at history justifies this. For every perversion of faith, there are an infinite number of examples of kindness and compassion. Again, I'm actually relatively agnostic. . . but the anti-religious atmosphere sweeping the Western world is somewhat distressing to me. I'm not sure you're addressing me here. But, for my part, I'm sure I appear biased to some (I hope so, since I am!). And I've argued on these very boards that all people are biased. I accept that I am biased. However, I also think that my arguments are based on a pretty broad understanding of history (my degree helps!) and the issues involved. H
  13. Of course not. Because I accept that all cultures and nations are guilty of usurping land from others. I just don't selectively direct my outrage towards the West. Does that mean that if Native Americans started strapping bombs and blowing themselves up in shopping malls, you can't morally fault them anymore then the white people in the shopping mall? If you do, isn't that taking the line that 'its ok to do that 200-300 years ago, but we are all civilised now, so its wrong to do it now. My point is that you can't say one side is "good" or "evil" based on who "originally" lived some place. Nor is an "aggressor" always the "bad guy". . . since the agressor in this battle/war may be trying to redress a grievance from a prior war where they were not the aggressor. And yes, in many cases, I think certain peoples need to "get over it" and move on like so many friggin' other peoples have done throughout time (and as millions of people did in the wake of WWII). The difference is that in this day and age, we have instituations in place to perpetuate "permanent refugee" status for these peoples as welfare states beholden to the UN and the world community for their existence. Where, in the past, displaced peoples would either move on (and away) or cease to exist. As George F. Will said rather well: What happened to the Native Americans was tragic and cannot be seen as anything else. Yet, it is also tinged with innevitability. What happened to the native americans would have happened to them no matter what upperwardly mobile, populous, technologically advanced culture they came into contact with. They happened to come into contact with Western European settlers. But few seriously think that things would have turned out differently had it been another (equally populous, technologically advanced) culture that first made contact with North America. So, should Americans feel particularly guilty about what happened to the Native Americans? Well, if history is any guide. . . no (though we still do). What happened to the Native Americans was no different than what has happened to cultures throughout time. The difference is that, recently, we've had democratic nations on the planet that allow themselves to actually hold themselves to a higher standard (even though we regularly fall short). So, yes, there is a sense that we are "more civilized" now. But, in reality, we're not. . . we still engage in the same behavior. The only difference is that we now have entire portions of our population devoted to calling us evil for doing so. Indeed, no nation on the planet spends as much time and resources raising its children to despise their own country than the USofA. Again, what happened to the Native Americans was a tragedy. The way they were treated is shameful. But in a world full of sinful nations, I'm not sure who gets to cast the first stone. I really can't see it turning out any other way no matter who came across the North American continent first. H
  14. Words into my mouth, I said the Christian Crusaders, not Christians in general. C'mon Hurin, you can do better than this. Might help if you pulled your heat out of AgentOne's ass ( ) so you could actually see what people are writing, instead of trying to argue for the sake of arguing. I don't think it's any large stretch to say that someone who thinks one side was obviously and inarguably more evil than another back then is unlikely not to carry that un-nuanced position through to today's issues. In fact, It's quite the reverse. I'd say it's one's view towards the current world situation that is likely to color one's views of the crusades. But actually, even to make a distinction back then between medieval Christians and medieval Christian crusaders is a distinction without a difference. The crusades were wildly popular in Europe. Especially during the early successes. And as for arguing for the sake of arguing. . . if you actually thought you could say what you did in your intitial post and not set off some passions and discussion of some forbidden topics. . . I can't help you.
  15. This topic is not anime. Nor is it science fiction. Other than it being directed by Ridley Scott, I can't see why this topic is here. Given what's already been said, this topic can only cause trouble. Any topic where someone feels that the subject gives them license to state unequivocally that one religion/culture is obviously "more evil" than another probably needs to go away, quickly. H
  16. For the record, I think Eugimon stepped over a few lines. . . but I find it interesting that you have chosen to address what he said rather than my initial criticizm. Just going after the low-hanging fruit are we? But since you ignored what I had to say, I'll have to address what you said to Eugimon: Hmmm. . . this sound remarkably like that: I'm sure you can dissect that sentence and remove any such meaning. But you're pretty much saying that Christianity is more evil than Islam. Then, you remove all doubt when you say: By that reasoning, every culture on the face of the planet is evil. Every region has been taken from someone by someone. And, your use of the words "no longer" is a bit troubling. When exactly does the statute of limitations run out on your claim to land you once dwelt upon? Will you be telling your Leftie and Muslim friends that it would be inherently evil of them to drive Israel into the sea to reclaim Palestine? Israel has been there for over fifty years and was established by the UN. Palestine "no longer belongs to them". . . so shouldn't they just move on? Tell that to your Leftie friends and see how they respond. Personally, I think it would be good advice. Just as so many other displaced people moved on after WWII instead of living in "refugee camps" for fifty years. . . that have developed into towns and cities of their own! WOW! That is some insight there! Of course not. Because I accept that all cultures and nations are guilty of usurping land from others. I just don't selectively direct my outrage towards the West. Exactly. Much (not all) of the Muslim world is centuries behind the West, especially where human rights are concerned. Granted, there are more liberal Muslim countries. Oddly though, they are the ones most closely aligned with the US and the West. Your ethical stands of conscience would be more convincing if you were to direct your vitriol equally towards both sides. But it's obvious that you've taken a side. . . so your condemnations and moral outrage ring quite hollow.
  17. Yes, it has been their land ever since their very militarily expansionistic faith conquered it. Yet. . . Words fail me. . . oh wait. . . no they don't. . . Let's sum up: Christianity tranforming the Roman Empire peacefully from within = "evil" Muslims conquering much of the Roman Empire by the sword = "good" Muslims conquering Jerusalem = "good" because it is somehow "their land" Christians trying to (re)conquer the same land = "evil" Wait, I think I can sum it up even better for you: Anything Western (or Christian) Society does = EVIL. Non-Western cultures engaging in the very same behavior = GOOD There. . . that's simple enough. B
  18. Yeah. That has to be it. Otherwise box sets are unheard of.
  19. Uh. Yah. Cuz they are hard to find.
  20. Bunch of scammers! Edit: But seriously, more power to 'em. Sounds like a great way to supplement their equipment.
  21. I think the yellow ribbon may be a poor example. I've never heard of people selling ribbons to raise money for soldiers overseas. The yellow ribbon is a very old tradition intended to show support for our troops. Families and friends have put up yellow ribbons since (I believe) the Civil War. Yes, Walmart may sell them. . . You have to get your ribbon somewhere if you want to engage in the tradition! But any "organization" selling them as some type of "soldier's fund" is new to me. As long as they aren't over-charging, however, I don't see the harm. H
  22. Very nice! Are those hand-brushed? Because they have a very cool texture to them that looks like hand-brushing (rather than air-brushing). . . except it looks good! (woops, sorry, didn't mean to jump in here in the middle!) H
  23. Much better. She's now a hot woman! I'm still not sure I see much resemblance to Milia. But I think that's just because she's not in anime-style. Actually, the more I look at it the more I like it. Really well done! It's amazing what a tweak here and there can do! H
  24. Some have mentioned bit-torrenting above. I have no problem with anyone providing access to my subtitle files in this fashion. However, please do not distribute the fully compiled DVD in this way. My files do not contain any of the video or audio data from the DVD. It is the user's job to provide that through their own purchase of the DVD. Anyone providing the data from the DVD for download either directly or via file-sharing networks is blatantly breaking the law and misusing the subtitles I have provided. No, the fx DVD is not an official release, but that doesn't mean that posting it as a bittorrent or to any other file-sharing network is somehow right. Indeed, if I had this to do all over again, I would have started this project with the official R2 DVD subtitles (over here) and never done the fx subtitles at all. But, the fx DVD was the only one I had when the mood struck me to tackle this project. . . so here we are. Though, I can't promise that the fx subtitles will be available here forever. Ideally, I'd like my subtitles to encourage people to buy official Macross products. Thus encouraging Macross products in the future. At this point, I'd also like to once again point out that, though I spent a lot of time on these fx subtitles, the official R2 subtitles are synchronized better to the film. I will also continue to improve the R2 subtitles in the future should this become necessary. Whereas, these fx ones are now considered "discontinued" and will not be updated. Best Regards, H Edit: I broke down and imported (and then tweaked until synched) the R2 subtitles. So, I've crossed out the no irrelevant stuff above.
  25. Thanks for the support. But, just so nobody has to take our word for it:
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