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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. Opera was updated a few days ago. Both links are working fine for me on both IE and Firefox. So, I'm guessing Opera is the culprit at this point. H
  2. Just a few quick points: Despite calls for it, we're not about to start implementing hard-and-fast rules about consecutive posts. Sometimes it happens naturally and that's not a problem. But there's a distinction between the occasional double-post and someone who feels compelled to visit the forums several times per day and reply to nearly every single response in every thread in which he participates. Nearly always to the same people. And nearly always merely to repeat "w00t!" at each other. It may have been enthusiastic. But it was also disruptive and the forums were beginning to become drowned in the babble of a very few who felt it necessary to post "w00t!" at each other several times per day. And the vast majority of it tended to swerve off-topic into private jokes, etc. We shouldn't need any more rules than we already have. We all depend on each other to behave with some eye towards etiquette and common decency. Being in a community means that we don't all just get to "get our freak on" as much as we want and behave however we see fit regardless of how that affects others or the community as a whole. People shouldn't feel free to go from thread to thread posting nonsense (even if it's enthusiastic nonsense) anymore than they should expect to be able to stand up in a nice restaurant at regular intervals to scream at the top of their lungs about how very much they love the food. And when the restaurant owner or staff asks them to please stop disrupting the enjoyment of others in the restaurant, it takes someone with a pretty big problem with any type of authority to say: "F--k you man! Don't tell me how to enjoy this restaurant." And just because a few people in the restaurant know and like the guy and his constant outbursts of "THIS FOOD ROCKS!" . . . and a few even begin to join in. . . that doesn't make it appropriate. Nor does it make it good for the restaurant no matter how much of a kick a few patrons might get out of it. It comes as no surprise that there's a pattern of people who personally know and like Ryan coming to his defense and stating that his habits did not bother them. However, that's not really the point. The point is that a poster's habits shouldn't be disruptive or overtly annoying to a substantial subset of the other 99.9% of the members that have *not* met him personally or gotten to intimately know and appreciate whatever quirks so endear him to some. And please, let's not act as though we're all a hair's breadth away from being sh*t-canned because we make a short post from time to time or share a private joke in public occasionally. To conflate that with what we've been dealing with here is to be pretty wilfully and conveniently obtuse. Despite all the private warnings, depsite all the public warnings, despite all the times he flipped the staff the bird, blatantly flouted the warnings and actually increased his disruptive activities, went out of his way to provoke the staff, and incite his friends to "support" him in his fight against "nazis", he still wasn't banned until he couldn't wait out a 3-day temporary ban and decided to create a shill account and pretend he was someone else. Finally, though I am probably the most verbose staff member in taking the time to write out the reasoning behind our actions, I am by no means the "hardest line" staff member here. And despite some making this a personal thing between me and misterryno, I really wouldn't have cared if he were to tell me repeatedly to "go f--k myself" in private so long as he had actually acted upon the warnings being issued by the rest of the staff. So this isn't about apologizing to me as far as I'm concerned. And based upon the overall pleasant communications we've had since his banning, I think he knows that.
  3. The people who keep track of such things are Communists. They did not care for the anti-Communist message of that movie.
  4. Hurin


    And in a gross, INEXCUSABLE abuse of authority/power soon to be laid down, I'm going to post one more reply to this locked thread because I just can't pass this up. . . I'm not sure why you're focused on my physique here. I'm totally average in every way. 6' - 180 lbs (down from 200 recently. w00t!). Never made a claim to be a bad-ass. Was I supposed to arrive at that MWCon on a Harley and sporting brass knuckles? Should I have bulked up first? I wasn't aware that the purpose of attending MWCon was to impress everyone there with my physical prowess so that when the MW Thunderdome inevitably got underway years later, nobody would dare challenge me to single combat! WTF? And. . . I think my reasons for not attending further MWCons are probably pretty obvious. . . the long trip. . . to stand there next to you and feel uncomfortable with your choice of conversation. *shudders* Though I did have a good time and it was fun to put faces to all the names learned over the years. Just never saw a need to do it again.
  5. Hurin


    You know that it has not? You should see the PM boxes of the moderators and the other forums where the goings on here on MW are sometimes discussed. You're just. . . wrong. I can't tell you how little respect I have for someone who compares moderating styles of a forum (lenient to this point at that) to Nazi Germany. Yeah perspective! You missed the distinction between it being everyone getting involved in a thread. . . and the same group of three or four guys going ape-crap in every thread. . . and nearly always verging off into their balls, crotches, rugby. . . or whatever else it is that they want to discuss amongst themselves. Well, it looks like Roy is on the case. Yeah, I'm retiring. But for the record, until Shawn actually reads his email and removes my Admin rank, I've recused myself from taking any direct action on anyone. But I can't tell you how convinced I am now that I'm making the right decision here. Do I think I'm "too good" for Macross World? No. I just think MW used to be a lot better. And watching folks who have always been the cringe-inducing element of MW now come flocking to a certain someone's defense. . . I'm just more certain that I've made the right decision.
  6. Hurin


    The point is that it's you, Ruskii, and a couple of other people writing only to each other with "w00t!" bs posts in thread after thread. You treat these forums like they're your own private chat room and just post ridiculous (unfunny) tripe at each other. . . everywhere. Each thread becomes dominated by your little clique and it does discourage the participation of others in the conversations. It also drowns out those who do try to participate without taking part in your smiley-filled, pointless crap. And no, starting your own thread doesn't really make a difference. This is a public forum. The vast majority of your posts shouldn't be intended to entertain just you and three or four of your like-minded buddies. And not everything one of your buddies posts requires a public response from you consisting of essentially the same crap you posted yesterday the last time they posted. Can't you guys find an instant chat program where you can privately send smilies to each other, tell each other how hilarious you are, and say "COOL! SHOW ME MORE!" ten times per day without polluting so many of the threads here with that stuff? Seriously? H
  7. Though I'm not that "higher power". . . I did restore those posts so that people can actually get a sense of what we're talking about here. We don't need to talk about your (or anyone else's) balls for several posts in a thread ostensibly about pictures of mecha toys. I'm not sure why that's so difficult for you to understand and/or appreciate. You have been warned several times now both publicly and privately. The ice you are on could not possibly be any thinner. And I'd really recommend you stop taunting the staff and/or openly daring them to make an example out of you. In fact, the next few posts here better be about the topic of the thread and not directed at me, Azrael, or any staff members (not even in a not-so-subtle vague fashion). This thread is about toys and images of those toys. Not about you, your balls, porn, or your misguided persecution complex.
  8. When you want to respond to more than one post, click the icon that looks like this . . . . . for each post you want to quote. As you press them, they should turn red and look like this: Then, go down to the bottom and click the button. At that point, you should have a reply window with each of the posts you selected already quoted.
  9. Written while EXO was apparently locking things up. . . Yes. Repeatedly. No. The point is that for over a year, we've been treated to more and more one-word or one-sentence posts that contribute absolutely nothing substantive. This has encouraged others to start doing the same thing. And for a while there, there was a real problem with threads being taken off-topic by what has been termed by some as "gah gah" spam posts with each person trying to out-do the other person with spammy one-liners of absolutely no value to anyone but those making the posts. This coupled with an attitude where the posters seem to think that each thread is a direct question directed at them personally, and thus meriting their response even if they don't have one worth making, has led a lot of our members and staff to take note of a deteriorating situation. Or, as I put it six months ago on another forum that sometimes discusses the happenings over here at MW. . . Is it just me, or are a lot of threads on MW descending into (no matter the real topic at hand) a bunch of somewhat new, unfunny people making unfunny jokes followed by a lot of other unfunny people responding with even less funny jokes? A couple months later, things had gotten so bad that even haterist noticed it. And when haterist and I agree on something, you know it's a problem. . . the thing thats been bothering me lately is having to sift through pages of pointless posts that are posted for the sake of posting. i feel some of the newer members are using the forum to toss in their not-even-on-topic 2cents and/or not-so-whitty banter in every single thread that comes up. its cool every once in a while but i come here to check whats going on in the world of macross, not to read unneeded replies to stupid off topic posts that go on for pages. Couldn't have said it better myself! The problem with this is that we did just PM him about it. Funny that he doesn't mention this but instead disingenuously states that we should have PMed. He knows full well that we did just three days ago. The staff do communicate and notify each other when any action is taken. It was decided that since he had clearly ignored private (even "professional" as he put it) warnings, perhaps a public one was in order. Especially because it might then perhaps "get the word" out that the type of spamming posts described above are not going to be tolerated any longer. Especially if they're off-topic as they so often are. As for the custom titles being juvenile. . . they're a long-standing tradition here. And if misterryno says he likes his. . . what's there to complain about? The staff have always assigned such titles in situations like this and it has never gotten anyone butt-hurt before. Indeed, I'm not sure I see that one as juvenile given that it's a pretty widely held --and to my mind, valid-- opinion. I'm sure some people will see this as an opportunity to "fight the power" and show that they won't bow to some vaguely defined "oppression" by over-zealous mods. But the truth of the matter is that we've looked the other way for a long time until it became impossible to do so any longer. When the worst offender was privately warned, he ignored the warning, responded negatively, and actually increased the prohibited behavior. How, then, are we to respond? On many other boards, he'd just be banned without a word. That may end up happening. But it certainly hasn't happened yet. Instead, here we are, explaining our rationale and our reasoning and why we're feeling the need to crack down a bit on the "no spamming" rule that has always been there. And the usual suspects will always feel that they need to "stick it to the man" and feel persecuted. We can't help that. But we will enforce the rules and if necessary, we'll have to stop being nice about it while doing so. So guess what. . . it's time to get back on-topic. Nobody is going to be banned for saying: "That is awesome!" every once in a while. But that clearly isn't what we're dealing with here. At least, that's clear to anyone who has taken the time to look into the situation and has all the facts.
  10. Sigh. . . PM sent.
  11. On-topic please guys. Edit: And no. I didn't do it. Though I certainly agree with the sentiment.
  12. Fixed. Man, that was one screwed up thread title. Had to guess at the subtitle as well. Let me know if it's not what you intended.
  13. It would be nice if everyone would let it drop. And stop trying to make jokes that only serve to further derail the thread and subtley (or even unintentionally) serve to antagonize or encourage the participants. Please discuss the toy while we figure out if we need to scrub phrases such as that from the topic. Quoting it certainly doesn't help.
  14. That image of the Macross is the first thing I've heard/read/seen about the new series that has actually motivated me to go give it a look. Now I just have to figure out how to see it. H
  15. Well pardon me Mr. Fancy Pants. I don't read. Especially given what little I've seen of the argument at hand. Was just looking for pretty pictures of the Macross. Certainly hadn't seen it said in this thread.
  16. Haven't been following the new series. But the only thing I thought when I saw this was: (heston) "You Maniacs! . . . You blew it up! . . . Ah, damn you! . . . God damn you all to hell! (/heston)
  17. Amen. It's a recipe for even worse cliques, factionalization, and people feeling entitled to post questionable material.
  18. Would you feel the same way if you weren't invited to the "invite only" area?
  19. It would be a cold day in hell. I have yet to speak (or post) to anyone on this issue publicly or privately. Therefore, I have had no influence over how this is being handled and I don't intend to get involved in the future. But, for the record, were the thread in question to have been on MacrossNexus, it would have been shut down long ago or been much more heavily moderated and. . . yes. . . censored. As a society, we "censor" things every day. Censorship isn't always and everywhere a bad thing despite the negative connotations attached to the word by our popular media and culture. We don't allow hardcore porn on NBC at three in the afternoon. We don't put advertisements for Jack Daniels in the midst of Saturday morning cartoons. That's censorship. It's just censorship that 99% of the population supports. But, this isn't my site. And I don't care to get involved in this issue beyond disabusing some of the notion (even if it was only said in jest) that MacrossNexus would have condoned or embraced some of the more disturbing aspects and issues that have arisen in the aforementioned thread. Quite the contrary.
  20. Light-blue drop-down list entitled "options" in the upper right-hand corner of the thread when you first start viewing it.
  21. So. . . back to Indy please.
  22. Nice dodge. But we'll get back to your misuse of causation vs correlation soon. . . Ummmm, I've admitted to what exactly? For someone who's always lecturing others on how words must be read with no other possible, reasonable alternative, you sure do leap to some bizarre conclusions. Why exactly am I a hypocrite now? Do you know what the word means? Have I ever made fun of you for looking up my posts on other boards? Do you think I have looked up your posts on other boards? Would those two factors combined have made me a hypocrit? Oh well, I suppose it doesn't matter since I've done neither. Rather, I refer to your own mention of said essay here on MW. Regardless. . . you're meandering sorta aimlessly now. Okay. . . now look up plagiarism. And while you're at it, take note of the spelling. I don't normally mock spelling mistakes or typos. But for some reason, that tickled me. Honestly though. I don't think even you know what you're talking about now. I refer back to your own mention of an essay you have apparently written, and that somehow makes me a hypocrit and a plagiarist? Oh, well, if you say there is no reason to "jump" to any other conclusion because you (erroneously and inappropriately) claim that causation and correlation must be taken into account, then I guess we're done here. Midichlorians don't cause the Force to exist. . . so we can't talk about anything else! You there! Thinking your own thoughts and reaching rational, reasonable conclusions. . . didn't you hear me? Uxi has told you the only meaning you can derive from those words. . . and that meaning is "The force is strong in my family". . . what? No. Midichlorians don't "cause" the force. So we might as well all stop thinking for ourselves. Uxi has covered it. We can all go home. Let me help you out here since you seem to like to throw around pseudo-intellectual jargon that you don't really seem to grasp. . . The phrase "correlation is not causation" is usually used in circumstances where someone is mistakenly assuming that because two events happened concurrently or sequentially, that one event "caused" the other event. For example. . . global warming. There has long been a theory that increased CO2 in the atmosphere will cause global temperatures to rise. CO2 levels have risen. And global temperatures have risen. Does that mean the theory is now proven? No. Because there are also other possible causes. While the theory is likely to be correct, just the fact that one preceded the other does not necessarily mean that one caused the other. Now, you seem to want to tie this into what I said about midichlorians. But sweet merciful crap, you've done a terrible job doing so. And I don't honestly think you can. As I've said, introducing such a tangible mechanism for the force necessarily reduces its mystery. It's also bad writing. You can continue to misuse "causation" and "correlation" as some sort of pseudo-intellectual smoke-screen to obfuscate the fact that you're actually now babbling pure nonsense, but anyone carefully reading this exchange (both of them) has by now noticed that you've stopped making sense. Wow. You're right. That is a simple question. It's also one heck of a pretty straw man you've set up. And, actually it's totally irrelevant. You're actually taking the time to point out that the scene is in reference to Anakin's potential power. As though a seven year-old isn't aware that Anakin couldn't very well have taken on Yoda as soon as he hopped out of his Pod Racer in the middle of TPM? You accuse me of engaging in semantics below. . . but you take the cake above. Clearly, the scene where Anakin's count is announced to be higher than "even Master Yoda's" is in there for a reason. Writers need to be economical with their dialogue. I said it was in there to demonstrate "Anakin's relative power vs Yoda, Obi-Wan, etc." So you decide to put the word "potential" in bold and write a paragraph as though you have a point? What was that point again? Oh, that I didn't use the word "potential" myself because I figured anyone with the intellect of a lima bean would understand that it is implied. Wow man. Just. . . wow. That's all you have? You wrote a paragraph on that? With no hope of actually tying it back into anything larger? Not only are you desperately clawing for any type of point, but it's not even a good point. Again, another straw-man. Who's taking them "seriously?" I merely contend that they are different and that their tone and content differs. I contend that some are better than others (shame on me! I must be a fanboy!) You inexplicably contend that there are no real differences and yet still refuse to acknowledge a simple question such as how you can so vociferously prefer one movie over another when they're all essentially the same. So. . . I didn't say it. And your point is that I didnt say it. Thanks for that. Look, it's really simple. You (and many others across the web) seem to have developed an overt hatred of the reactionary, hyper-critical "fanboy" that felt entitled to whatever movie they had in their heads long before Lucas had ever even started producing any of the prequels. You've gotten so sick of hearing those guys talk about "raped childhoods" and act so "betrayed" by George Lucas that you've pretty apparently over-corrected to the point where you're just as bad. . . except on the other side. But, at least the fanboys you so loathe actually bother to address the movies on their merits. While you just attack the "fanboys." No matter how grounded in facts, examples (scenes, dialog, interviews, etc.), or in-depth comparisons, you and your fellow travellers will merely dismiss it all as "rosy colored nostalgia." When that charge is addressed (as I've personally done here numerous times only to be met by silence from you), rather than ever give any rational, cogent argument for the merits of your preferred movies, you just move onto some other attack on the person ("raped childhoods" blinding us, etc.). Where have you ever talked about the redeeming quality of Jar-Jar binks, puns, prat-falls, or fart jokes that you seem to adore? Where have you ever said: "I prefer TPM or AOC because I find the following scenes compelling. . . and much better than the analogous scenes in ANH or ESB." Your hated "fanboy" tormentors are always willing to compare and contrast. Yet you rarely are. You'll write essays about midichlorians and nonsense about correlation vs causation where it doesn't apply. But you won't just come out and scrutinize dialog, scenes, tone, or specific content of the movies you profess to like so much. Instead, you take the easy way out and manage to make yourself believe that somehow the easily-pleased, undiscrimating fan who loves everything is somehow better than the critical "fanboy" you loathe. Which leads us to this "they're all the same" nonsense. You have to believe that (no matter how absurd it is) because it's your "out." As long as they're all the same, there's no point in comparing them. . . and you won't ever feel the need to figure out or explain why you seem to like the movies that are most aimed at the lowest common denominator and six-year-old kids. That's awfully convenient for you. You can't defend or even really praise the movies on their own merits. So, rather than try to do so, you take that which has at least some merit and merely assert that its on the same level as your beloved tripe. This allows you to attack the fanboys you detest without ever having to actually make any real argument. Very nice and tidy. But it's also willfully disingenuous. . . or terribly undiscerning. Calling others "fanboys" is just your way of avoiding ever having a decent, honest discussion or "defending" your preferred films on their merits. And you do this because --on some level-- you realize that you actually prefer fart jokes, pratfalls, puns, and Jar-Jar along with your lightsabers and spaceships. Now, this is not a SW thread. And it's not Hurin and UXI's private playground. Now, you get the last word. I will not respond and this will be over. I trust that any allegations of hypocrisy and/or plagiarism (wtf?) you choose to level will be just as bizarre and groundless as those above were exposed to be. I'm also confident that by now it's apparent that you like to throw around intellectual buzzwords where they don't even apply in order to mask that you actually have very little to say that is grounded in any solid, logical foundation. It also seems apparent to me that any point you do actually manage to make is usually so pedantic that it is totally irrelevant to any larger point at hand. Basically, I trust that any response from you will just be more of the same and I've got better things to do over my long weekend than point such things out to you over and over again. Your avowed goal here is merely to ridicule. And since I've lost all respect for your arguments as well as your taste in movies (yes, finally), further discussion is meritless. But if you feel the need to respond, feel free. I'd also urge the usual "hey, you guys suck, this is OT!" folks to keep it to themselves while we get this thread back on track. It only hurts. It doesn't help.
  23. The issue I have with this contention and the post it's addressing is that most people I know who are critical of the prequels are also critical of Jedi, Temple of Doom, and (to a lesser extent) Last Crusade. It's not quite so simple as it all being nostalgia or pop culture somehow twisting our perceptions. And the change in tone and content of the SW and Indy films after ESB/Raiders is actually somewhat representative of what happened to film overall as the "blockbuster" era of Hollywood began. And, of course, nobody (here) has ever said that Raiders changed the world or transcended film. People have merely pointed to it as an excellent adventure film that differs in tone and content with its successors. Some prefer it. Others don't. And yet others claim that there is no difference.
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