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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. has it occured to you that SW and indiana jones is like the only thing hes put out. unless he did some B fims i missed, i love B movies. 3 Star Wars Films (w/out Ford) Howard the Duck Willow Young Indianda Jones Chronicles Tucker: The Man and His Dream RadioLand Murders Labyrinth The Land Before Time And that's only a partial list. . .
  2. That, remember, wasn't actually there! H
  3. Wow. . . you mean we're not always smarter than the people who make movies!?! H
  4. Any four-legged animal that trips and falls nearly always takes the brunt of the impact on its head and neck. But they rarely suffer any ill-effects. Just check out a horse-racing debacle. They all go friggin' tumbling right onto their noggins before they spin around and flip over. It's not like they "catch themselves" on their legs. I can't think of a skull more ready for impact than a T-Rex's. H
  5. Well, his latest ban happened in this thread a long time ago. Ignore my part in it. I was naive back then. . .
  6. In all seriousness though. . . there's nothing wrong with that translation. What else was he supposed to say? "I can't transform to gerwalk or battroid and touch down among such heavy fire!" I think it sounds fine the way it is. And Starblazers was better for it. H
  7. Could have sworn that the Australian dude was carrying an assault rifle. But I haven't watched that crappy movie since I read the book and realized how badly it paled in comparison. H
  8. I say again: Obi-Wan: SHATNER!
  9. I think the point was that the insects in amber were rare.
  10. Elephants are often killed by police with pistols. They are also slaughtered by poachers with rifles. Before that, we used spears. Dinosaurs weren't made of Kevlar. But wait, exactly how do you know how thick their skin is? H
  11. Luke Skywalker: Topher Grace Han Solo: Russel Crowe Obi-Wan: SHATNER! or Ewan McGregor (aged) Leia: Jennifer Connelly Vader: JEJ (voice)
  12. Just here on Macross World, we've easily had equal stupidity and drama regarding Macross. The only difference is that Star Wars is infinitely more widespread and popular. . . so the quantity of stupidity is higher for Star Wars. . . but I'm not sure there's a difference in quality.
  13. Some guys over at originaltrilogy.com have reached the "bargaining stage" of dealing with the grief of the Special Editions. They're proposing that they would allow Lucas to remake the OT as long as he also releases the untouched non-SE Original Trilogy on DVD. H
  14. Hey topic-Nazis, The swerves into real-world situations have been used to illustrate and explore our points about Vader and the nature of the Empire. Indeed, some of those now asking for the topic to get back on track were the first ones to do so. For my own part, I've gone to some pains to alway tie things back into Vader's nature. So everyone can just calm down.
  15. Or, you might just lose the war for your side by giving the enemy terrible propoganda tools with which it rallies millions of people to its cause. . . thus spreading the war to a wider area which stretches our capabilities. . . thereby necessitating a draft here. . . thus undermining our political resolve at home to continue the war. . . thus causing us to back out of the war prematurely. . . thus causing us to lose the war. One could argue that Vader and the Emperor did this for the Empire with their ruthless behavior. By the end of EpIII, it seems that the people still love Palpatine and that the Republic openly embraces their "new order". . . but by the end of the whole series, word has gotten around about the true nature of this "new order" and its tyrannical, ruthless behavior. "It's not that I like the Empire, I hate it! But there's nothing I can do about it right now."
  16. Well, this sorta gets down to the way I look at things. . . you might indeed be evil for killing those kids. In other words, you would be so ruthless in attaining your goals or the goals of your "side" that you might cross the line into being evil yourself. The real question is how your "side" or "faction" views your actions. Does your side encourage and celebrate your ruthless acts or are they condemned? Are you celebrated as a freedom fighter or brought up on war crimes charges and executed? Really, you don't need to look at the individuals so much as the "side" they're on. Let's leave our current Geo-Political situation behind again and get back to Star Wars. In SW, one side murders entire planetary populations and revels in it. Its agents seem to feel no remorse and are rewarded for their evil behavior. Ruthlessness is embraced and the outright slaughter of innocents who "get in the way" isn't a problem at all. Think about what the Death Star is for. . . it's to eradicate entire planets. . . as though everyone on a planet can be considered anti-Empire. Whether you're pro-Empire or anti-Empire, if your planet has a Rebel base on it or its leader is a Rebel sympathizer, you whole planet and its billions or trillions of people go out just like Alderran. It's just the most ruthless way of "solving a problem" imaginable. All in an attempt to rule the galaxy by fear. I'm sorry, but that's the evil side in this equation. And Vader is an enthusiastic and powerful agent of it. The other side has a collective conscience that doesn't allow them to be nearly as ruthless. The Rebels might have the occasional war criminals on their side, but they aren't encouraged or directed by the Rebel leadership. The Rebels aren't poisoning water supplies or murdering children. They are merely doing what they can to win militarily against the "Evil Galactic Empire." Their entire reason for existing as a cohesive force is to do away with the tyrannical, brutal, and ruthless authority of the Empire. They want to return Democracy and the rule of law to the Galaxy. So, again, Vader might have fooled himself into thinking he has noble goals. But it's really about the side he has taken in the conflict, and less about how he feels about it. But I'd even argue that Vader knows he's on the bad side, and doesn't care. He just wants power and lies to himself from time to time to take the sting out of knowing that he's on the wrong side. I'm someone who does believe that you can make value judgements about "sides". . . I think you can look at two proposed models for society and, on the whole, say: "I think this one is better, and that other one is downright evil in comparison. And I'm willing to destroy the latter one if it infringes upon the right of the former to exist." H Edit: Late edits that do not appear in A1's quote below
  17. As I'm sure you're aware, that in no way answers the question. Sure it does... What do you want? Let me refresh your memory as to the actual question In their mind we are the evil ones. Their actions are justified to them. You're apparently missing the word "objectively" in that question. Do you think the terrorists who are murdering children are evil regardless of how they feel about what they do? If so, then are you evil in their eyes for what you would do to their children? And if so, is there really no such thing as evil? Is it all just a point of view? Is there no concrete, absolute standard for evil or good? In short, are you now admitting that you are a hippy?
  18. As I'm sure you're aware, that in no way answers the question. Sure it does... What do you want? Let me refresh your memory as to the actual question
  19. As I'm sure you're aware, that in no way answers the question.
  20. And, those Jedi children stood for. . . what? What is it exactly about the Jedi Order that makes them so deserving of annihilation that you didn't hear directly from Darth Sidious's mouth? Why did they deserve to die? Because they were members of an Order that wouldn't sanction Anakin's desire for ultimate power? Again, Anakin has a point of view. He might indeed have believed at some point that what he was doing was justified or even "right." But, as I said above, that's irrelevant. Not all points of view are equally right or good. Just because I can rationalize something doesn't make it the right thing to do. Or, to put it in terms you'll understand: What if a gang of Muslim Extremists invade a pre-school in suburban Chicago? And they murder all the kids because otherwise they would surely grow up to be capitalist christians or atheists that would continue to defile Islamic lands. That is a point of view. And it is widely held in certain parts of the world. Don't you need to give it equal credence to your own? You seem to place such high importance on the internal justifications that a perpatrator conjures. . . why isn't what they would do just as objectively right or good as what you say you would do in a room full of children raised by Islamic Fundamentalists (chilling and disturbing as that may be). H
  21. Yet it still wasn't enough. He wanted to be a Jedi Master. He wanted to be the youngest one ever appointed to the council. And he wanted this even before the name of Darth Plagueis was even mentioned. And, indeed, the title of Master and a seat on the Council are all the motivation Lucas provides in the movie. The title of Master being a means to saving Padme isn't even mentioned in the film. He had a problem with a lot more than that. . . things like obeying your Jedi Master's instructions. . . not murdering whole villages of Tusken Raiders. Not killing a defenseless prisoner. . . etc.
  22. Yes, but this was well after AotC. We only see this in the latest movie. He was b1tching and moaning well before he had ever done anything of account. Who had a problem with that? I'm not sure who you're arguing with here. Nobody ever said Anakin should have done nothing. We're merely saying that there are limits. . . as you yourself say here: Well. . . yeah! Anakin felt he was being used as a tool. And Sidious encouraged him to feel that way. Yet he wasn't being used any more than any other Jedi. He just resented following the Jedi code and not being given personal power and glory. Which is very un-Jedi-like. The Jedi made a mistake in taking him in at such an old age. Even though, in the very end (RotJ), it was the right decision because Vader kills Palpatine. But the cost is staggering. And I'm not sure the Jedi cared much for the trade-off of being able to "use" Anakin. . . when they all friggin died.
  23. "You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith! Not join them!" H
  24. Meh! This poll is skewed! If the Dagobah Cave Duel were included, it would totally p0wn this poll! H P.S. It's also missing that Sidious vs Two Dead Jedi Dudes Other than Mace Windu. That was 2.5 seconds of whoop-ass!
  25. This poll is a travesty! Where's "Luke vs Vader in the Cave on Dagobah" dammit!?! Twenty-seven seconds of sheer excitment!
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