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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. A high-resolution scan of that box art would be sweet though! H
  2. Why here!?! That's EXO and Togo going at it in this thread. And really, that animation gives the impression that it's an even match. H
  3. I'm sorry that it angered you when I used your name, however obliquely and inconsequentially. You had referred to me several times over these past several months (and not always flatteringly. . . even repeating that you still wanted to do me bodily harm. . . though I did not respond), so I thought just using each other's names wasn't a terrible offense any longer during our recent harmonious period. Again, I apologize that it angered you. I also apologize that I did not realize that I insult everyone every time I make a point. I was under the mistaken impression that I had been baited in some recent threads. Some people had even told me that I was being baited, and I foolishly believed them. I'm sorry. And I also apologize that I took people at their word when they complimented me just two weeks ago in those threads on remaining cordial even though I was obviously being antagonized. I concede now that they probably didn't mean that and that you are indeed correct. I am indeed trying to see things from your point of view. You are obviously upset. And I apologize that I upset you. I must also apologize because I did not realize that MW had been completely peaceful while my wrist was broken. I did not realize that there was a golden age of hugs and love during my convalescence. I feel terrible that I ruined it. And I likewise regret that you had said nice things about me to your many friends and that they must now be disappointed in me. Please express my regret to them. I also apologize that I always try to get the last word. I was mistaken in that I thought that when someone posted after me, they were trying to get the last word. So, I thought it would be okay if I then posted too. . . since they were doing so as well. I did not realize that I alone am not entitled to post the "last word." From now on, I will always let whomever I am disagreeing with post the last word, because they are entitled to do so and I am not. I am sorry that my continuing to address what people write to me constituted "getting the last word" for you and angered you. And finally, I'm sorry that you feel that I would pursue you to other discussion boards. Rest assured that will not. Indeed, I wish you would not leave MW since I have now grown to finally understand you and your point of view. Best Regards, Hurin
  4. I'm sorry that you feel that way. We had been getting along fine. A few days ago, despite our being told to be careful around each other, you posted a few times that you thought I was ruining a thread and being annoying. At first, I tried to be cordial about it. But, when you persisted, I (as politely as possible) pointed out that you too could be considered to be acting in an annoying manner. At that point, you became very angry. I'm sorry that I angered you. In this thread, I was merely trying to disassociate myself from some posts that you made where you were, once again, very angry. I tried to do so without enraging you. Yet, I seem to have made you very angry. I apologize for making you very angry again. You have now changed several posts in that referenced thread to "HURIN IS A FAG." Now, I could be very angry in turn because I don't believe my sexual preference is something that should be discussed here. But instead, I am apologizing because I don't want you to be angry. I'm sorry that you consider me a troll. But I don't think that angering you is the sole criteria for being one. However, I wish I had not angered you. And I apologize for doing so. Best Regards, H
  5. Nice try buddy. You know it's over.
  6. don't lump me together with that idiot, not even jokingly. HURIN, your post is exactly why i think you're a FAG! i think i'm going to go back and change every single post i've ever made on MW into, "Hurin is a FAG". then you can provide all the links you want to. what a fockin loser. you say you ain't a troll yet you're doing what a troll does. Here is what I said: I just provided the links to the incidents of which >EXO< stated he had a hazy memory. I did this because I was dismayed that your behavior was being attributed to me. Yet I did not comment any further than that. I provided nothing but information to clear things up. I'm sorry that you have a problem with that. But I think you are overreacting. H
  7. Hehe. The thing is. . . he's not really arguing this. He's just trying to piss me off and carrying on a grudge from waaaaay back when. But I find amusement in pointing out how poorly he is doing so while also refuting his "arguments." I mean, if he were trying to make a cogent argument here, that would be embarassing for him and I'd just have to write him off as being at least functionally retarded. But he's not really trying, so he's probably not retarded. He's just trying to see how far he can take this, and how much he can piss me off. But, he just doesn't understand that I don't mind. . . So, while he is indeed getting his "@ss handed to him". . . it's not in the way that is most obvious, or in the way that he thinks. But thank you for posting that. I can stop now. H P.S. AgentONE should be dropping by any moment now to say: "Your insight is wonderful Duke Togo. I agree with everything you said." In an attempt to get things rolling again.
  8. We know. That's what makes it even better.
  9. Um, how is that, exactly? Here. And don't miss the link at the end for more. Enjoy!
  10. Human pilots argue against being replaced by AI fighters. AI turns on creators. Human pilots take down AI fighter. People "see the light" and opt for human-piloted fighters again. Something like that. There have been other comparisons, like how the AI's "eye" looks like Sharon Apple's, how the human fighters have similarities to the YF-19, etc. And someone answered!
  11. Yes, I agree that he's not a perfect Jedi. But as I said in my last post, Luke does do exactly what you said he should do here: Here's Luke: The only thing he did differently from what you say is that he and his friends blew up the sail barge and killed more people than was probably absolutely necessary. But, then again, it was five or six of them against an entire army of Jabba's henchmen and flunkies. The easiest way to stop the battle and ensure victory was to just blow it up. And, I believe that Luke was justified in killing Jabba. Had he not done so, they would have just been back to square one with Han --and now all of them-- being on the run from Jabba for the rest of their lives. Not to mention that Jabba was the most vile ganster in the Galaxy (picture our worst Sopranos/Goodfellas/Scarface type gangster multiplied by a thousand). Anyways, it's a shame you posted before Togo. You gave him the cover he needed to just give one of his one sentence replies that has already been refuted. It helps him avoid coming to terms with the fact that he has gotten his butt kicked.
  12. I think you are referring to this thread where you and haterist exchanged some harsh words. But, you might also mean this one. But either way, it worries me that you could think that was me. I think it's finally time to ban Graham. H
  13. How is Stealth a rip-off of M+? This is new to me. H
  14. I've seen the first line in the post, toolbag. Money or death is not the Jedi way. Wow. . . I don't believe it. You actually made an attempt at finally answering the question. Of course, it's not really an intellectually honest attempt since you know already that you've just managed to swerve into a whole host of other problems. So, your words: "money or death". . . so you concede that Jabba is being given a choice. And, even though I, Max, jsARCLIGHT, and Mr. March have all pointed out that he is practicing classic Jedi "aggressive negotiations" with a vile gangster (and must therefore be direct and not show signs of weakness). . . you just ignore this and, after stone-walling for a while, move on to your next irrelevant or previously invalidated point. But, you know what? Thinking about it now, I just may have to agree with you. Hmmmm, I think it may just be un-Jedi-like to begin a negotiation like that. He can't just barge in there unannounced and say: How arrogant! He'd only be justified in behaving like that if Jabba had rudely rebuffed him or refused to even meet with him! If I were Luke, I'd probably send a message first. You know, it's always polite to call first! Then, in that message, I'd flatter Jabba a bit. I'd also make it clear that I understand that Jabba is upset and has a point of view. Then I'd offer to negotiate with Jabba openly while praising his wisdom. It would also be a nice touch to subtley tie a compliment of Jabba's wisdom to a peaceful negotiated outcome. Finally, I think I'd close the message by offering a very nice gift. That would be a text-book diplomatic invitation to negotiate! Oh wait. . . that's what Luke did! Man. You're screwed! Oh, and don't forget this post with another twenty-four (I gave you partial credit for the one you attempted to answer above) points like that one that you conveniently choose to ignore.
  15. Oh, and how about "Enemy of MW" for ZD's title?
  16. I don't recall ever having a falling out with you other than you dropping into threads where I'm arguing with someone to point out that you're annoyed by the arguing. Anyways, I think we should ban Roy Foker. And possibly Shawn.
  17. Please see first line in this post. It contains a question that your little tirade there does nothing to address (I ask how a death threat is being made if Luke is offering money to Jaba for Solo. . . you answer that Jedi only kill in self defense. . . which, even if it answered the question --it doesn't--, doesn't hold water because Luke is acting in defense of his friend (Solo) and they are further on the "defensive" when Jabba refuses to negotiate --as expected-- and attempts to execute them all.). In that thread, you'll also find links to about twenty-five other questions and/or counterpoints that you can't address because they demonstrate that your position is untenable.
  18. Saw it. It was very enjoyable for the first half. But after the house blows up (not a major plot point, so it's not a spoiler), I thought it really went off the rails. The whole highway scene seemed just sorta lame with the contrived one-liners. H
  19. I believe I just did above. Please see first line in this post. Oh, and the other twenty-five questions. What does that have to do with me backing up what I say or not. I clearly did above. Please see first line in this post. It contains a question. One you can't/won't answer. Among links to about twenty-five other questions and/or counterpoints that you can't address because they demonstrate that your position is untenable.
  20. I believe I just did above. Please see first line in this post. Oh, and the other twenty-five questions.
  21. This would be the ideal proof. But, unfortunately, it's a small matter to visit a proxy first that would then mask your IP address when you post. But, then again, the use of such a known "anonymizer" might be seen as circumstantial evidence that at least someone had posted here that already had an account. I think MGREXX is merely kept around as our token "see, we are tolerant moderators" guy. As long as he's here, we can't ever accuse the mods of being heavy-handed!
  22. Yes, they are still there. I downloaded it just now. And, yes, DVD Decrypter can burn your DVDs to an ISO which you can then either store or burn to another (same-size) DVD. Download DVD Decrypter while you still can! P.S. Thanks!
  23. How should he have negotiated with the most vile gangster in the galaxy? That's not the point. The point is, Jedi don't do that. Say all you want, it doesn't change that. Sixth time: Doesn't offering money in any way negate the "death threat". . . it's not a death threat if you offer a fair alternative. Ineed, it's not even "fair" from Luke's point of view since he's essentially paying ransom. You don't like answering questions because you can rarely back up what you say. When you do answer them, you like to deceptively chop the quote up and then answer a question that was never really asked. So. . . just so we're clear: You're saying that Luke is your vaunted "Sith/Jedi" hybrid that maintains Balance in the Force after all other Jedi and Sith have died by the end of RotJ. You base this upon Luke "Force choking" (though not to death) a couple guards, his using a "death threat" (that isn't one, since he's offering Jabba money and attempting to negotiate a ransom for Han's return), and that he wears black (even though Anakin wears all-black as a Jedi Knight prior to going over to the Dark Side). Now, you claim that this is all evidence that Luke represents the teachings of Qui-Gonn Jinn. That Luke is a Sith/Jedi Hybrid (even though you can't point to any instance of Qui-Gonn embracing the Dark Side or encouraging anyone to dabble in its use). Yet, the entire soul of Return of the Jedi is wrapped around whether Luke will embrace the Dark Side. . . and its climax (and the entire point) is when Luke utterly rejects the Dark Side and embraces his title of "Jedi Knight" (hence the title of the movie, dontchyaknow). Now, you point out these foibles in Luke's behavior (wearing black, death threats, etc.) as your evidence. And they are easily explained away. . .yet even if they weren't, has it not occurred to you that Lucas may not have had as clear an idea how Jedi should act in his world when he wrote RotJ? Indeed, it seems safe to assume that he gave it a lot more thought only when he had to sit down and write three movies where Jedi Knights were commonplace and we would finally get to see how they all behaved at their height. But the funniest part is how you don't seem to take any of this into account, but instead want to twist it all to fit your pet theory. . . even though you yourself have said that Lucas didn't subscribe to this theory until after EpI. And, what makes it even funnier is that Lucas has contradicted this theory recently, publically and repeatedly. But, so much of this I covered in the other thread. I say I instead of we because you've never really addressed any points that detract from your little theory. When pressed, you just restate it, or try to misdirect things by heading off in a different direction, rather than addressing what was said. Indeed, in addition to the five or six points brought up here in this thread that you choose to ignore, there's still the matter of the seventeen counter-points that you conveniently choose to ignore because they essentially destroy your argument. I really don't think there's anything left to say to you beyond that. I'm well over my word quota. And the most you'll do is pick one sentence out of this, find a nonsensical quote with wich to respond, and count on my anal-retentiveness to compell me to point out that you aren't making any sense. Instead, I'll just point back to this post. Unless, of course, you actually say something substantive and address an appreciable portion of the counter-arguments and points arrayed against you. But, just so you know: "I saw it yesterday" isn't an argument. But, your goal has never been to prove (or even make) your point. It's just been to annoy and carry on a grudge. Been fun though! H
  24. How should he have negotiated with the most vile gangster in the galaxy? What other options were there? Again, he offered to pay Jabba for Han. It's only the fifth time or so that I've asked you address this. . . still waiting. Doesn't the offer of money for Han sorta remove the "threat" portion? Luke was merely pointing out the options. . . and doing so confidently. . . in the same way Obi-Wan did in EpIII. In the only way a ruthless mob boss would understand. According to. . . ? It's not like he killed them. He just pushed them back by the throat using the Force. You might as well say that all the Force Pushing seen throughout prequels are not the Jedi way. It's a way of non-lethally stopping someone. I'm at my word limit. Sorry. Can't enlighten you any further. . .
  25. Please address how it was stated above that this is not a "death threat." Where do you find it lacking and unconvincing? You have repeatedly refused to do so and merely restate your assertion. For convenience, here it is again: P.S. Hey, this is fun! You can be exposed as a troll or a moron (your choice) in much shorter time than I thought!
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