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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. . . . as they write all that around the guest star of the week.
  2. Does anyone get the feeling that Seth McFarlane is sorta "rubbing it" in Fox's face now that they came back to him for more episodes after cancelling his show? The new shows seem to have taken it up several notches where "inappropriate material" is concerned. I mean, watching the reruns over the last couple years, I always thought: "I can't believe they did that." But now, watching the new ones, I'm just blown away by how far they go. jsarclight, I know exactly what you mean. If The Simpsons suddenly started going back to their roots (they used to have a lot of rapid-fire obscure references and quirky/bizarre humor, especially around when Conan O'Brien was involved), they probably would indeed be accused of copying FG. But, I don't think that the earlier era(s) of The Simpsons get enough credit for being nearly as quick and funny in their day as FG is now. I'd put "Who Shot Mr. Burns" up against nearly any episode of FG any day. But it's been a long time since The Simpsons has been anywhere near that quality. Though, admittedly, I skipped this last season entirely. And I take bsu's word for it that it showed improvement recently.
  3. I would like to continue this argument. But since I agree with everything you just wrote, that would be difficult.
  4. EDIT: Just to let you know, I saw that you supplied the link to that article. I just don't get why you think BSU's reply is all about you. I didn't read any SW threads but agree 100% with him (not anything relating to you for all I know). 314790[/snapback] I don't get it. . . I merely responded to BSU's criticizm of the article and its author. Since I posted the article and also expressed some agreement with it, I'm somewhat mystified here.
  5. Yes, yes, I got it. All criticizm is lame and those who engage in it are always too high-strung. I learned that during the Star Wars threads. BSU, you said you essentially agreed with the premise that the The Simpsons had taken a downward turn. Well, this guy merely put some thought into why. . . so I guess he therefore deserves ridicule and to be called "obsessed". . . Yes, there are "guy x is ruining show y" or "show y isn't nearly as good as it once was" trends that can be annoying. . . and they even sometimes descends into people calling for the accelerated demise of a once-loved franchise. However, you can either see this as a phenomenon of people being annoying whiners. . . or a phenomenon of all good things eventually falling apart. I think it's largely the latter, which encourages the latent tendencies of the former. Personally though, I also find knee-jerk defenses of obviously declined properties to be equally annoying. Some people are overly critical. And some people aren't very discriminating. I find both annoying (even though I'm probably guilty of both).
  6. IMHO, anyone who doesn't get King of the Hill hasn't seen enough of them (or has been watching the crappier new one). Once you start appreciating the subtleties of the characters, it's friggin' priceless. Hank Hill: "Look, if Ronald Reagan dyed his hair --and I'm NOT saying he did-- he only did it to intimidate the Communists." Of course, that's 10 times funnier in Hank Hill's voice. My gf hated King of the Hill until she caught a few good ones, now she can't get enough. H
  7. Bah. I haven't watched The Simpsons in about four years now unless you count the DVDs that are available of some of the "Golden Years" which, IMHO, are seasons 4-8. Here's a good (but old) article that sums up pretty well how a lot of people feel about The Simpsons since about the turn of the millenium.
  8. Was just talking about that particular scene. Meg isn't in it. Oh, and, though she only appears at the very end, he doesn't do Lois's voice either. H He's also doing the voice of Meg? I thought that was Mila Kunis. OR am I thinking of Luanne from King Of The Hill. 314604[/snapback]
  9. Not that all Family Guy fans don't already know this, but what always makes these scenes funnier to me is when I belatedly realize that there's only one guy doing all the voices (except Chris). H
  10. Regarding Lynn Kyle joining the army. Yes, it seems lame, and I'm not an RT fan. But, in the real world, some of the most strident right-wing conservatives were once left-wing socialists and communists. So, it's not unheard of for people to completely switch teams. Please note that I'm using no proper names and not putting any value judgments to any of those terms. So, this isn't political. Nor is it intended to start a political debate. I am merely pointing out that in over the last three or four decades this trend has been apparent in America and therefore there is historical precedent for a pacifist going over to the other side. There are many reason why RT is lame. Lynn Kyle's joining the military seems like a pretty minor one in the grand scheme of things. H
  11. He is just really liberal. Anybody who doesn't hand out free lunches to losers is a traitor in the eyes of the California Liberal. 312701[/snapback] Reagan aided and abeted, as well as making monetary deals with, groups who were openly anti-american and had an agenda involving overthrowing legitimate governments in favor of right-wing juntas. Bush circumvented American democracy, has committed numerous human rights and international law regulations, and has repeatedly ignored the US constitution in the pursuit of power and of an illegal war. Furthermore, he's obviously implicated in what's most likely the most corrupt government of all time. Arnie, well, Arnie's a cool guy, but a very mediocre governer, and a total sell-out to the right-wing lobby. 312815[/snapback] If there is one clear rule on MW, it's this: NO F'ING POLITICS. Why? Because people like you will post inane sh*t like that. . . and then people like me feel compelled to address it. . . and next thing you know, we're off to the races, tempers flare, and nobody gets along anymore. But, instead of addressing what you said, and perpetuating, I will bite my tongue and merely say: STFU. No politics on MW. Injecting trite political rants into a thread about a Star Trek actors dying. . . you gotta be f'ing kidding me. Morons, all of you.
  12. I read Shatner's autobio a long time ago. My undestanding is that Nimoy and him actually got along quite well (not just based on Shatner's bio). But Nimoy also understood the grumblings of the 2nd tier. They all seem to get along quite well now, though I don't think Doohan acutally ever actually buried the hatchet with him before his illness. It's interesting that he visited Shatner at his house a few times. Anyways, can we keep the petty crap out of this thread? I realize nobody reads it but us. . . but it's pretty tacky to bring the standard MW squabbles into this thread. H
  13. Much like Reagan, however, it is a sort of blessing that he has been released and that his family can now say goodbye and begin the grieving process. Doohan had Alzheimer's Disease. And yes, he loathed Shatner. I believe most of the 2nd tier cast did. But they all laugh about it now. Anyone see that Futurama episode with the entire cast (except, sadly, Doohan who was incapacitated by his illness)? H
  14. Hey, assuming these boxes are identical to the 3rd edition boxes, I'll help someone allay the costs of their Roy purchase by buying their 1/48 Roy box from them. I need a nice one for the mangled one I just received. $20 for the box and I'll pay shipping as well (of course). All I need is the box, which can be shipped flat. I don't need the plastic inserts. If any of you pick one up, don't need/want the box, and want to recoup some money, let me know! H
  15. Well, let's hope they have started paying attention to how well the seats are aligned. My last three valks have all had crooked seats (Max, Milia, Roy 3rd edition). Not a big deal, but it'd be nice if it stopped happening. H
  16. I guess you didn't see the "my guess" portion of my initial post? So $149.99 + shipping = about $150+ right? Maybe even $160 if you buy it early and get it shipped from HK... 312224[/snapback] Hey! I know! Why don't you both get pissy and argue over ten-to-twenty dollars!
  17. Heh. I knew this would happen because I just bought a VF-1S Roy from the Philippines for $170 (+ expensive shipping!). Ah well, more power to y'all who still need one. I may pick one up for myself as well and just pretend that the Philippines fiasco never happened. The box is in terrible shape too! Yamato comes through again! (apparently) H
  18. Hurin


    I'm pretty sure that he's just going by the conventional wisdom date of August, and then adding in the cross-pacific transit time. But just guessing. H
  19. We need the LOL icon where we're pounding the floor from Animepunch forums!
  20. I don't know if this helps, but there is a lo-fi version.
  21. Howdy, You might also want to check out this post. Above and below it are some great pictures of a 1/48 VF-1 (toy, not model) that shows the techniques in action. H
  22. Hey, this may seem like a longshot, but I notice the Roy VF-1S standing next to the GBP-equipped VF-1J in that image above. Is there any wording there that might give us hope for yet another release (fourth) of the Roy 1S? Or, (most likely) is it just there to look pretty and show a non-armored valk for comparison? I don't need one. But it sure would be nice if they released it yet again for those who just love the Roy 1S. H
  23. Hehe. . . and contributions like this help so very much. H
  24. And how are you not "butting in" here? Or (especially) in the related threadhere. I didn't realize you were the ultimate arbiter of who should and shouldn't take part in a conversation.
  25. I have. Repeatedly. I gave up when I realized that people I respect and don't wish to annoy weren't really following the arguments or noticing who "started it" or who was "right" or "wrong". . . they just wanted the arguing to stop. And I got tired of being accused of "ruining threads" or otherwise just being lumped in with the behavior I was attempting to decry. Throw in the fact that Togo is one of the "untouchables" around here. . . and it's pretty pointless to try to take him on. You'll just end up being aggravated, baited, and then told to shut the hell up even by people who dislike him as much as you do.
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