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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. Is that the first word of a release date? Source?
  2. What trips me out is that the original poster (SaveRobotech) is from Japan according to his profile, yet he wants to "save Robotech" instead of Macross.
  3. Oh, I see, someone mentions "shadow" once and suddenly everything is connected. And it must be the Masters? In another thread regarding DYRL, someone says that a character states (in M+): "So, you remembered" and that not only constitutes a definite reference to Macross: Do You Remember Love?, but also firmly establishes the "movie within the continuity" nature of DYRL. These leaps of "logic" are always fun. H
  4. Roycommi has responded to my PM. I should have an email from him with these two PDFs shortly. If he agrees to allow it, I'll post them on my site. Thanks! H
  5. Anyone who is offended by your handle should get off the net. Even though I think Robotech is an abomination now that I've seen what it was before it was bastardized. I'd say the holy grail is the Gold Book. It's a book, by the way.
  6. 2031 February Space War I made into a movie, "Do You Remember Love?" Premiere of this movie which portrays the Battle with Golg Boddole Zer and the love of Lynn Minmay. It becomes a big hit, and the Minmay boom rekindles. http://macross.anime.net/story/chronology/2013/index.html Silly or not, it actually WAS retconned into the official continuity. 337752[/snapback] Ouch! Nice. I love it when someone calls a pretty firmly established fact "silly."
  7. If so, let me know and I'll host 'em. H
  8. That link is dead. Did anyone keep a copy of these PDFs? Thanks! H
  9. Could you go back and edit your quote to make sure you get everything from the whole thread in your quote. I think you missed a line or two.
  10. Didn't you banish yourself over Stealth of all things? Link. H
  11. I'm just speechless at this point. To compare Macross dialogue unfavorably to West Wing and Fight Club. . . wtf? You do realize that nobody actually talks that way in real life, right? Aaron Sorkin has made a career out of these "rapid fire" snippy dialog shows. Did you ever watch Sportsnight? It was the same thing. Yes, it's fast-paced. Yes, it makes the people sound very bright as they trade barbs and information at nearly MACH 1. The problem is that after about four episodes of that, you realize that they are only sounding so bright and witty because they are actors reciting prepared lines. . . and that nobody really works or talks like that. Much less an entire "West Wing" or television production crew. And, after a while, it gets tired and old. Which, by the way, explains why West Wing largely abandoned the style (except brief homages for a few seconds every episode, usually with Josh and Donna involved. . . before they split). Now, I like West Wing, Sportsnight, and Fight Club, but to hold them up as how to write good, natural dialog is just silly. That's the most un-natural dialog in recent memory. Yes, the dialog in Macross is a bit campy. But, to say that it should be paced like conversations from West Wing. . . wow. Just. . . wow. Edit: Sorry if the above came off overly harsh. We just rented the Sportsnight series on DVD. . . and hearing/seeing the West Wing-ish dialogue in its infancy (pre-WW) really got annoying after a while. It just seemed so contrived and unnatural. . . even my fiancee turned to me after a while and said: "Oh crap, here they go." And then I caught an old re-run of WW and there it was again to my recently re-tuned eyes/ears. It was terrible. But, as a political junkie, I still watch it. Especially now that they're essentially teaching an American civics lesson for the C-SPAN addicted every week this (and last) season, it's actually quite interesting again. . . and the dialoge doesn't go too overboard anymore. H
  12. Well, after several years, my first double-post. And I'm clueless as to how it happened.
  13. Every time I see someone put the "?" at the end of the acronym for Do You Remember Love?, it trips me up. I guess I'm like Ron Burgundy from Anchroman. "Stay classy San Diego. I'm Ron Burgundy?" "Dammit! Who put the question mark on the teleprompter!?!" I see DYRL? and almost always think it's an abrupt and inquisitive end to a sentence. H
  14. Who's getting uppity? A1's always like that. He just hates M7. Other than that, everyone's being calm and helpful. H
  15. Good point. He's probably more confused than he realizes.
  16. Or, to put it more succinctly without the totally extraneous mention (and bashing) of M7. The SDF-1 is the ship in both the TV series and DYRL. DYRL is a re-telling or "re-imagining" of the events that took place in the TV Series. Some explain this by saying that the movie (DYRL) is actually a movie produced within the world of the TV series to relate the events of Space War 1. A lot of people also state that it's official that, while the story of the TV series is canonical and takes precedence over the movie, the ship and character designs from the movie take precedence over the ship and character designs of the TV series. Now, all of that is just the basic consensus. Some will say that Kawamori has said this or that to back it up. Others will doubt the legitimacy of much of it. For, me I really don't care, because what's above makes the most sense to me and resolves most of the confusion once it's digested. Long story short: It's the SDF-1 in both. What happened in the TV series is what "really" happened. Though, everyone and everything's appearance was like what we saw in the movie. Best, H P.S. Okay, so that wasn't any more succinct than A1's.
  17. I'll give this (and only this) to RT, "Invid" sounds a lot more menacing that "Inbit."
  18. Hey! Now that's a good question! He really does seem to be one of the brighter bulbs around here. It would be a shame if he's been lost. H
  19. U.N. Headquarters -- Paris, France Smurf refugees continue to flood into neighboring Gummy Bear land as U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan continued to demand that Unicef donations across the globe be increased dramatically. "We don't want to have to do to the Snorks what we did to the Smurfs. Please donate now or other peoples will suffer the same fate as the Smurfs," said Annan. "We do have submarines thanks to the support of China, and we can obliterate all those Snorks in less than an hour. They're too much like Smurfs anyways. Donate now!" Fearing that the U.N.'s controversial method of soliciting donations could eventually affect them as well, the Thundercats and Transformers are considering the introduction of a vote of "No Confidence" in the U.N. Secretary's leadership. More alarmingly, G.I. JOE has apparently entered a state of high alert as they prepare to possibly intervene should the U.N. decide to carpet bomb any more childhood memories. However, in the United States, anti-war protesters congregated in Washington D.C., San Francisco, and around the Justice League's Hall of Justice. Their message: "No blood for blue." They argue that the U.N.'s actions against the Smurfs were completely justified and legal due to the Security Council's vote authorizing the bombing of Smurf Village nearly a year ago. That vote --the first carried out since the United States abandoned the U.N.-- was seen as a watershed event and signaled a more aggressive stance for the U.N. in attaining its goals of equality and prosperity among all nations. The vote was carried eight to one. Britain was the only dissenting vote. Many credit the aggressive diplomatic initiatives of China, France, and C.O.B.R.A. for the measure's nearly unanimous passage.
  20. Someone should really tell MGREXX that he doesn't need to post everything he sees on Gamespot over here.
  21. Try CD Japan. That's not a bad price either! Yep, yesasia lists the DVD as being out of print. Is this new or has it already been out of print for a long time? H
  22. Unless it's just a re-labeled rip of the fx DVD, unfortunately, it almost certainly will not work. H
  23. Well, you can take some credit too. It was your enthusiasm that rubbed off on me and motivated me to make these fixes and sorta "resurrect" the fx subtitle project. You helped me to conclude that there are just too many fx users out there and it would be a shame if they were stuck with the inferior set of subtitle timings (and the incorrect ranks issue). So, now we're one big happy family again as the R2 and fx DVDs have essentially the same timings and subtitle text. Though, I can't promise that I'll continue to fix the fx DVD subtitles in the future should I ever update the R2 subs again. I can't tell you how much of a burn-out inducing hassle it is to get all done with hours and hours of work on the R2 DVD, and be all happy about a job well done. . . and then realize that I now have to do it all over again for the fx DVD. Best, H
  24. Hurin

    Yamato 1/48 stickers

    You might also consider using a set of smaller-sized scissors to cut out the round emblems. I find that with a little patience and care, I can get 'em perfect and it's easier to cut one continuous circle with scissors than it is with a hobby (xacto) blade. H
  25. Burned a DVD of this new version. Everything seems to be A-OK. Whew! Quick note for anyone who trys to go on their own and regenerate the subtitle streams themselves, the first subtitle stream should be set to 22pt Arial while the the second subtitle stream should be set to 18pt Arial. Anything larger than 18pts for the 2nd subtitle stream causes them to fall off the edge of the screen. Whereas, the 22pts is possible in the first stream because it's the optimized for widescreen stream that has more room because, well, it's widescreen. Of course, 99.9% of y'all can ignore this. If you're using the files as-is, you don't need any of this info. This is just for the tweakers that aren't happy with the font or wording, or something like that and want to strike out on their own and change the provided subtitles. H
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