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Everything posted by Hurin

  1. Yep, I'll be posting both of these soon. My monitor died at home. So I need to do it from work. But I didn't bring it in today. H
  2. You're thinking of someone else. . . 342971[/snapback] No, it was Vader... It ruined hte movie for you, allong with all that other crappieness like the word "WAR" in the opening. 342977[/snapback] MAJESTIC! AgentONE is looking for you! *wanders off*
  3. You're thinking of someone else. . .
  4. Uncle Own and Aunt Beru also appear to age about 30 years between the end of RotS and ANH. But, well, since Luke is born by then, it can't be more than 16-18 years between the films. I guess Tatooine is just harsh on the skin. Twice as many suns = twice as many wrinkles. H
  5. I once performed an operation to remove this gap. The gap is caused by the top of the landing gear rubbing up against the floor of the cockpit when extended. It is this friction that helps keep the landing gear locked down when rolling it or when being displayed more awkwardly (with more weight) with FAST Packs. You can shave down a bit off the top of the gear to remove the gap, but your landing gear becomes quite a bit more loose. My landing gear still holds the valk up and it doesn't collapse while holding up the FAST Packs, but, all-in-all, I don't recommend the procedure. H
  6. Well, I can tell you that your spelling, once again, sucks. But really, other than Star Wars, I don't really know where this originates. I've even stuck up for Yamato against the haters when people get pissy about their QC. I've even stuck up for dubbing SDF Macross when I don't even prefer dubs. In this very thread, I didn't even list worst actors, but instead praised a few. Given that my antipathy towards Star Wars (except ANH and ESB) is dwarfed by your profanity-and-personal attack-laden abhorrence for M7, I find your constant attempts to portray me as some type of "hater" amusing. I LOVE YOU DAD! H
  7. As others have said. 2nd edition virtually guarantees "straight skulls" on the tail fins (rear stabilizers). I really haven't noticed any overall paint job quality differences between my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd edition Roys. Still haven't gotten a 4th though. Probably won't. H
  8. Yeah, I've been a Civ junky since the original. This one is incredible. My brother's computer doesn't play it well at all though with a P4 2.0GHz and 256MB (I built it with 512, but one DIMM died and he's too lazy to ship it to me for warranty replacement). He says that, by the endgame, it takes five minutes just for the AI to complete its actions at the end of every turn. Sadly, it's so addictive, he still played several turns like that. It runs great on the uber-system that I just built though.
  9. He had children. Just after Empire and Raiders of the Lost Ark and before Jedi and Temple of Doom, he both adopted a child and divorced his wife. Now, this is just a lame theory of mine and some might find it offensive that I am psychoanalyzing this guy from afar, but the result of these life events was Short Round and Ewoks. And it's a long, ever accelerating downward slide of pratfalls, fart jokes, and pandering to pre-teen children ever since. . . H
  10. Rocky I and Rocky II. See 'em.
  11. Speaking of Jason Lee. I find his acting pretty terrible, and yet it's almost a Shatner or Walken-esque sorta strangeness that actually makes me like him and want to watch more. So, while he's not believable, he's enjoyable and I like him as an actor. How odd is that? BTW, I don't consider Shatner a terrible actor. I would have liked to see how well most television actors would have done back in that era when they were handed those Star Trek scripts. H
  12. I know that you know this, and it was just a mental hiccup on your part. But for those who may not know, I think you meant that the game is set between EpIV and V. H
  13. Vader's tiny hands have been covered.
  14. Quiet you! Don't you get it!?! If you don't like the prequels, then you are obviously a huge --and probably socially mal-adjusted-- fan of Star Wars. You are, in a word, a "fanboy." You must love them and reflexively defend them at all times. All unflattering comparison to earlier films must be derided and the differences between the films blurred. Otherwise, you, my friend, must be a fat nerdy fanboy. Send me your home address. I'll send you your anti-fanboy training kit. The first installment consists of the "New Jedi Order" novels. Those are pretty much required reading. And, by the end of the month, you'll be required to write a five-page essay on why midichlorians really don't make the Force any less cool. Ironically, for your first few years in the anti-fanboy program, you will be referred to as a youngling. *shrug* Edit: Spelling. Puncuation. Total lack of coherence.
  15. Perhaps. But giving him the benefit of the doubt, "younglings" may in fact be the "title" for children that have become members of the Jedi order. So, you start as a "Youngling" and work your way up to "Padawan". . . "Knight". . . "Master". . . etc.
  16. Well, in my foolish youth, I would have disagreed. But all the pratfalls, fart-jokes, and pandering to pre-teen children clearly brings the PT up to the level of the OT. Thankfully, the PT are indeed masterpieces! And, despite the stark differences and contrasts in tone and intended audience, they're all the same and the friggin' fanboys need to accept that they are all wonderful in the Star Warsy goodness. H
  17. I was never able to get into Star Wars Galaxies. The only MMORPG I have ever been able to get sucked into was Ultima Online and that was a long time ago. But, it looks like Sony is going to try the impossible and revamp a live MMORPG almost completely. The downside, lots of pissed off current players. The upside, the game might actually be fun now. I've always wondered what technical limitations keep someone from melding the compelling, persistent online worlds of MMORPGs (UO, Everquest), with the fast-paced skill-oriented "twitch" style combat games (Quake, Call of Duty). Apparently, there aren't any (at least, anymore), because Sony is yanking the guts out of SWG and putting in "real" combat where you actually need to, ya know, aim. . . and stuff. Test code is expected shortly, but adding "collision detection" for all the junk in the game (so that you don't just walk through other people, etc.) will take a while. The scoop. The Official Word. (not quite so direct) So, will this change anyone's mind about the game? I know I'll probably give it a try again if only to shoot some stormtroopers and then retire to my Tatooine estate. H
  18. There's actually a book that covers it here. Though, I couldn't even get ten pages into this authors last SW book (Labyrinth of Evil). He seems dry to me. Couldn't agree more with your criticizms of Vader's development. Lucas's Rolling Stone interview really explains his thinking on it, though to my mind, his thinking only makes it worse. He wanted Vader to be an idiot, a dupe, and a pathetic henchman who's just been bamboozled. I could rant again about how this represents a complete change to probably even how Lucas viewed the character twenty years ago, but then BSU would probably send A1 over to my house again for another session of punching and anal bleeding. H
  19. You've probably already considered this, but I'd definitely create a seperate profile for your kid that does not have administrative permissions. Then, I'd password protect your own profile. Windows XP actually has a nice "Welcome Screen" that makes multiple user home environments pretty hassle-free. You might want to consider it. H
  20. Animeigo's subs were nearly perfect. First-rate. The remastering was also top-notch. You can't find Macross looking any better. H
  21. And I was just about to say something along the lines of: "I hope we can all treat Mr. Yun with respect despite our feelings towards what has happened to Macross at the hands of HG." But, then I thought, nah, we have a track record of respecting Mr. Yun here and there is very little personal ill will towards those who run the RT.com site. No such post is really needed since I'm sure everyone will be courteous. Apparently, I was wrong.
  22. First, what kind of a nut-job do you have to be to think that everyone hates "titties and profanity?" Have you not seen our culture lately? And, since you just keep repeating your "lazy" argument regarding subtitles, I'll just repeat myself as well:
  23. I believe "stunned silence" is the appropriate term for what this thread is collectively experiencing now.
  24. Crazy Canuck had a site with just about every canon color scheme applied to each valkyrie in just about every mode. Sadly, however, that site no longer exists. I asked him about the images a while back (privately) and he said that they were on a computer somewhere across the country. I haven't heard anything since. Best, H
  25. Well, I sorta disagree (with myself!) now. Having considered Roy's point, I no longer think that "Do You Remember Love" would be a good choice. But thanks for your support anyways!
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